Add a supplier in bulk via Exchange
  • 24 Mar 2024
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Add a supplier in bulk via Exchange

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Article summary

Adding a supplier to your products in bulk, can be done easily via Exchange.

To be able to add the specific supplier, first you need to add the supplier in RetailVista Backoffice. Please see guide Adding Suppliers

When you already have a Excel sheet with the specific products you can use this sheet in Exchange. It can be helpful when a supplier will send you an excel file of their products, so you can use their excel file to import in Exchange. For existing products in RetailVista, you can also make an export of the products from RetailVista. See also guide Export products to Excel form a specific Supplier. Here you can also use other filters to export the specific products in Excel.

In the excel sheet there must be a column with the supplier you want to add for each line, you can also add a column for the price and the package, to make it complete.

-> Start -> Exchange

Click on "Exchange Excel import" on the left side of the screen.

Excel file: Click on "Choose File" to choose the specific excel file.

Import profile: When you use Exchange often, you can set profiles. Then you don't need to link the columns everytime you want to import an excel file in to exchange. All columns must be always in the same place in the Excel file.

Click on "Next" to continue.

Excelsheet details

Data sheet to import: When there is more than 1 sheet in the excel file, you just can select the sheet you want to import. The name of the sheet is the same name you have given in the Excel file.

First row to read: This is the line when the data starts in your excel file. Mostly the first line are lines with the headers.

Optional when unknown

When there is no data in the line or Excel file of these parts, you can enter what the standard must be. This to avoid skipping lines, when there is no data of this kind.

Import purchase: Check this box, because we are going to import purchase information

Allow multiple purchase rows: Check this box, because you want to add a new supplier to RetailVista. When checking this box you can have more than 1 suppliers per product.

Purchase price type: Select the purchase price type
Purchase unit: Select the purchase unit
Purchase content unit: Select the purchase content unit

Click on "Next" to continue.

Barcode details

When it concerns new products with no barcode, you can choose if you want RetailVista to Generate the barcode and write it back to Excel. When you have an Excel file with barcodes per product, you can link them later.

Scheduled prices

When the excel file contains prices that are scheduled and are not immediately current, you can set the date. This makes it possible to process exchange in advance.

Free fields

When you are using free fields and these fields are in the excel file, you can select to import the free fields and the free table.

Click on "Next" to continue.

Now you can link the Excel file lines by selecting which column contains what kind of information. When there are headers in the excelfile, you can set "Show row" on the line of the headers to make this work a lot more easily.

At least one of the following properties should be provided:

  • Barcode or Productnumber. We advise you to use the barcode if this is available in your excel file
  • Description
  • Classification level1
  • VatCode

Click "Next" to continue.

Click on "Yes" to run a test import. You can scroll down in the report for the results or download the test report.

If the test is ok. You can click on "Previous" to continue. When you click on "Finish" you are closing the screen and then you need to start over again.

Click on "Next" to continue.

Now we need to click on "No" to run the actual import.

Now we can use "Finish" to close the screen.

Now the excel lines have been imported in Exchange.

Click on "Next" to see the lines. When you want to use filters you can check the filter and then click on "Next".

Here you can find the products from the Excel file.

If you don't want the current grossprice to change, check the lines and click on "Keep grossprice".

When you want to delete lines from exchange, check the lines and click on "Delete exchangeproduct".

When you double click on the row you can see the differences.



Here you can choose which items will be processed. We advise you to select 1 item and process this record. If you check the record and the adjustments are okay, you can process the rest. This is a way to avoid mistakes within Exchange, which can have a direct impact.

Click on "Next" to continue.

Select if you want to:

  • Only process the selected records
  • Only process the not selected records
  • Process all records from selected filters

If you want to make changes in the selected records, you can click on "Previous" to go back.

Click on "Process".

When the process has been finished, you can download the report by clicking "Download report file". You can see if the process was successful and whether a few products have been skipped.

Click on "Close" to close this screen.

When you look up the product via -> Start -> Products -> Product maintenance, we can click on the 'Record History" icon or use the keyboard combination Alt+Y. 

We now see this product has been changed by Exchange. Also the name of the excel file is mentioned.

Now you can change the preferred supplier for example. See also guide Bulk change preferred supplier

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