Basic Stock Control
  • 19 Apr 2024
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Basic Stock Control

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Article summary

This article describes the basics of stock control.

Free stock settings

Free stock can be set on sales orders or on reservations. You can choose in the settings how the Free Stock in RetailVista will be determined. Depending on this setting the future stock will change.

Extra -> Settings -> Section: Stock -> Tab “General”

Select after “FreeStockDetermination”.

Select “BasedOnSaleOrders” when you want the Future Stock to be dependent on Sale orders. Then the stock will change after a sale order has been entered into RetailVista.

Select “BasedOnReservations”, when you want the Future Stock to be dependent on Reservations. Then the stock will change after the order has been picked.

Stock changes through sales and received products/goods-in.

We use examples to explain stock. For the examples we use product 1024401 – Porcelain Square Bowls 6x11.5x11.5cm.

In this screen shot you can see the stock amount is 191 pcs.

Stock change with sales on the till

Through the till we sell 4 pcs of this product.

After finishing the payment you now see the stock has changed into 187 Pcs. Sales through the till will automatically reduce stock. Stock amount 191 – 4 = 187 pcs.

On the opposite, when goods are returned through the till this will automatically increase stock. 

Through the till we return 3 pcs of this product.

Now we see the amount has changed from 187 pcs to 190 pcs. Stock amount 187 + 3 = 190 pcs.

Stock change with sale orders through the till

In the same way it works with sale orders.

We have added a sale order with an amount of 5 for this product.

Now we see that the stock is still 190 pcs, and has not changed. The difference with sale through the till is that customers take the stock out of your shop through the till. So the stock is immediately gone. With a sale order the stock will not be immediately leave the shop. Sometimes the sale is not a stock item and has to be purchased or the product still needs to be picked. So the product will leave the shop through a reservation that goes via the till.

You can see that the free stock and Future stock has been changed from 190 pcs to 185 pcs.

Free stock: In our example we have set the setting of free stock on “BasedOnSaleOrders”. The free stock is therefore dependent on sale orders. The product is not free to pick for other customers, because it is reserved for this customer.
Future stock: the product will be delivered in the future, so in the future this stock will not exist anymore.

When the reservation has been paid through the till, by scanning the reservation or importing the reservation on the till, the stock will be 185 pcs.

Stock change with sale orders through delivery by invoice sale

At the moment when the reservation has been turned into invoice sale, the stock will change.

We have added a sale order with an amount of 2 for this product.

When we look at the stock at this moment we will see that the stock is still 185 pcs.

We can see that the free stock and Future stock has been changed from 185 pcs to 183 pcs. Free stock: the product is not free to pick for other customers, because it is reserved for this customer.

Future stock: the product will be picked in the future, so in the future this stock will not exist anymore.

At the moment we turn this reservation to invoicesale the stock will change.

Now we see the stock has been changed in from 185 to 183 pcs.

Stock changes with Inventory

Please see the guide Process stock records – procedure.

Stock changes with Change stock

In product maintenance it is possible to change stock. Normally you adjust stock in a structured way, but if you only want to change the stock of one product, you can adjust the stock in this way.

On the left side you click on ‘Change stock’.

We set the stock to 177 pcs.

After clicking on the “save” symbol, the stock has been changed in to 177 pcs.

Change stock with received products/goods-in

When you receive products from a supplier, you can use “Received Products”.

See also guide Booking goods-in without a purchase order or Booking goods-in with a purchase order.

The stock will change when you add products manually to received products or when a purchase order row has been added to received products.

Statistics and stock

Start -> Statistics -> Statistics

There are several statistics reports available to see the stock by product, supplier and cashregistergroup.

Report 400, 401, 402, 404 and 411 will group the stock and give totals for the chosen report.

See also guides Stock reports, How to Check a Pending Stock Take and Check for negative values in stock i.e. STOCK = ‘-1'. 

Start -> Statistics -> Product statistics

Here you can compare statistics of a product in a certain period. When you discover that the stock is much higher or lower than you expect, you can sort out what the cause is. Than you can look into the sale orders, purchase orders and stock modifications for what causes this stock difference.

In the tabs you can see among other things, Sales, Purchase orders, Sale orders, reservations, Stock modifications and goods-in from that selected period.

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