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Beveiliging en beschikbaarheid RetailVista
This document describes certain parts of RetailVista’s security.
Not every security component is mentioned. This way potential hackers or others with bad intentions will not be able to profit from this document.
Each month, NedFox patches all our servers on all locations with the latest updates and fixes from Windows Updates. Through patches from Microsoft, all potential security leaks that are solved in monthly Microsoft updates, are quickly placed on our servers. Because of that, possible problems in the Windows security will not remain for long. Patching is always a consideration of the risk that a patch brings unintended software problems with it, so we do our best to make sure the Windows patches solve more than harm. But NedFox has consciously made the consideration between the risk of patches with potential problems (and negative influence on RetailVista software), versus not patching with the risk of becoming the victim of potential security leaks in Windows.
The complete infrastructure is secured by high-quality data traffic management equipment. This equipment watches over and inspects all data traffic, checks them for viruses, hacking attempts, and more. The virus/hacking/problem recognition images of this equipment are updated daily.
Our infrastructure is separated in a LAN and DMZ environment, where valuable data is stored in the LAN. The LAN is arranged so that it cannot be accessed from the internet.
All incoming e-mails are intensely vetted by an external antispam, which checks e-mails for viruses, invalid links/attachments, etc.
All our software contains high-end Artificial Intelligence (AI) that checks the servers for viruses, malware, etc. Because this software is AI-based, it not only looks for specific recognition patterns but also recognizes new viruses without them having a certain ‘’fingerprint’’.
All our systems are implemented redundantly, where on our secondary location hosting location the most important servers are available redundantly in real-time.
If despite all these security measures a ransomware attack results in corruption of data, we have backups up until the evening before the corruption. Naturally, we do everything we can to prevent the need to use these backups. But it is better to be safe than sorry.
Regarding our database infrastructure, we work with automatic failover with (most) problems. Because our databases are set up redundantly, the loss of data between the primary and secondary environment is impossible.
Each night, backups are made of all your servers and databases and are saved on a fallback location. Because RetailVista is a so-called ‘’multi-tenant’’ environment, backups aren’t available for end-users. After all, the backups contain data of multiple customers in a single system/database.
For customers that want extra security, in addition to the above, it is possible to join the Escrow shell contract, which NedFox closed with Escrow4All. In the case of an unexpected cessation of activities, Escrow can provide a continuation of services.
Closing: the above summary is not complete. More security measures have been taken, and the measures mentioned above are described in a limited fashion. An important factor for hackers is to gain as much information as possible about security measures. Because of that, we give a limited summary.