Datawedge settings Zebra TC 52 scanner (Android 11)
  • 28 Jun 2024
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Datawedge settings Zebra TC 52 scanner (Android 11)

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The new top steps use INTENT output, this is another way to send scanned data that is strongly preferred due to changes in Android that make the regular (legacy) scan behavior unreliable. 

Starting from RetailVista Mobile version 2.1 build 2106, support for 'intents' has been built-in. Intents in Android actually mean 'events' and this modification is about replacing the datawedge keystroke barcode functionality with reading these barcode scan events. This has proven to be a much more reliable mechanism than keystrokes, especially since the introduction of Android version 10. To use this, the barcode keystroke datawedge (as described above) must be turned off and the intent functionality must be turned on.

Starting from RetailVista Mobile version 2.2 build 2213, the following profiles are automatically imported on Zebra and Newland scanners when the app starts, the actions below are no longer necessary.

Intents are not exclusive to Zebra scanners, every Android OS has this capability. To activate intents, the following settings need to be adjusted:

Keystroke output: Disabled
Intent output: Enabled
Intent action: com.dwexample.ACTION (case-sensitive)
Intent delivery: Broadcast intent (instead of Send via StartService)

For Newland scanners, the following intent action name can be specified:
- "nfnewland" or "nlscan.action.SCANNER_RESULT"

For Datalogic scanners, the following intent action name can be specified:
- "com.datalogic.decodewedge.decode_action"

Old configuration via KeyEvent (no longer use!):

This document describes the settings for correctly scanning a barcode.

Open "DataWedge Profiles" (this is an application).

Select "profile (default)"

Find the option "Key event options" (in the keystroke output section) and select this option.

Key event options > Set "Key event delay" to 0 ms.

Key event options > Set "Send characters as events" to Off.

Key event options > Set "Send enter as string" to Off.

Keystroke output section > Inter character delay: 5 ms

Intent output section > Off

Basic data formatting section > Keystroke output > Send enter key: On

After setting this, it should be tested in RV Mobile whether the product search works correctly with and without focus on the input (without means no focus anywhere and no visible keyboard).

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