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Famous Banksys malfunctions and solutions.
Error codes and solutions Yomani terminals
Tampered state
Pin needs to be replaced
Pin gets stuck on a white screen during startup
Pin needs to be replaced
Error code 5001: Technical problem
Solution is likely an EMV reset
Error code 5010: communication problem (No communication with the internet)
The customer will need to investigate this themselves
Error code 105
When selecting PIN on the cash register and inserting the card into the terminal, the terminal displays "Please wait" and then "Transaction cancelled, remove card"
The cash register displays the message Code 105 command cannot be sent.
Cause: No communication between cash register and terminal.
This could be a firewall setting (check with ML)
Error code 5002: (means payment refused by the host)
This could be a "cold message", performing an EMV reset should be sufficient)
Error code 5009: rejection by the terminal
?? Solution not yet known ??
If you want to contact Worldline, it is always important to perform 3 tests; CTMP, Parameterization, and Keyloading (this checks if the terminal is connecting externally and connecting to the Acquirer)
Record the result for each test.
After the tests, always try to perform an EMV reset. Then have the customer perform a test transaction.
If the test transaction fails, call Worldline.