User maintenance
  • 29 May 2024
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User maintenance

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Article summary

User maintenance concerns users who have access to RetailVista. The application administrator of RetailVista (at the retailer) performs user maintenance themselves. New users who join can be added, but more importantly, closing user accounts of departing employees is crucial. The application administrator of the retailer is responsible for this.

Through 'Extra', you can select 'Users'. In the overview screen of users that appears immediately, users can be added or modified. It is not possible to delete a user because various data is linked to this user that needs to be historically preserved. A user who leaves is modified, and within this modification, such a user is blocked. As a result, that user cannot work with RetailVista anymore.

User maintenance can only be performed by other users marked as 'administrator'. By default, when RetailVista is delivered, there is always an 'administrator' account, but from that account, more users can be created with full administrator rights.

When creating a new user, the following screen appears.

The following data fields are available:

Restrict access to store
By selecting a store, this user can only log in to this storeof RetailVista. It will not be possible for this user to choose a different store on the RetailVista homepage
First nameObvious
InitialsThe initials of a user
Last nameObvious
EmailThe email address of a user. This is not a required field, but if it is not specified it will not be possible to initiate a successful password recovery. After all, it is not known to which email a recovery link can be sent
This language setting controls the language in which email messages are sent to this user
UsernameThis is the unique username of this user. If a user is blocked, it is possible to clear the username. This means that that name can be given to another (possibly new) employee
Current passwordIf a user chooses to change a password by changing his user data, it is mandatory as additional security to provide the current password in addition to the new password. If the current password is not known, a user cannot change his own password and must do so via an application manager
New passwordThis is a user's new password. There are some requirements for the password, such as the use of letters and numbers. When saving a password change, a check is made whether the password meets a reasonable standard for secure passwords
Repeat passwordWhen changing a user's password, we want to ensure that the new password is entered without typos. For this reason, you will be asked to repeat the new password again here. When saving a user mutation with a password change, the repeat password must be the same as the new password
Use a different POS password
This can indicate that a simpler password can be used to log in to POS (and to RetailVista Mobile) than the standard RetailVista ERP password. If a different password is not allowed for POS and Mobile, you must log in to both applications with the same password that also works with RetailVista ERP. More complexity requirements are imposed on that password to make it difficult to guess
Simple password
If a different POS password is allowed to be used, that password can be entered here. We recommend using a PIN code of, for example, 4 or 6 digits. This password is used for both RetailVista POS and RetailVista Mobile
Repeat simple passwordRepeat the simple password again here.

The eServices contact person number concerns the contact person in the central customer database of NedFox. Each contact person at a retailer customer of NedFox is assigned a unique number in our central administration. This contact person number is visible here via an integration with RetailVista.

In the 'security' tab, the following data fields are available:

Security roleA security role can be assigned to each user. This security determines what a user can and cannot do. Security roles are developed and entered by an application administrator
Password format
Always choose MD5 here, this field will no longer exist in one of the next versions
Password expiration days
Specify the number of days after which a user is required to change his/her password. Changing a password regularly ensures better security
RFID password
This field does not have to be specified here, but is intended to record the password of an RFID card from RetailVista POS and link it to a user
If a user is an administrator, this user can do anything. It is then no longer necessary and makes no sense to assign a security role
System user
If a user is a system user, such an account can be used to connect to RetailVista using API integrations. A system user cannot log in to the RetailVista website, it is in fact a 'technical' account, specifically intended for integrations
Once a user account has been approved, it can be used to log in to RetailVista ERP, RetailVista POS and RetailVista Mobile. It is important to revoke this approval for a user who leaves
Permanently blocked
As long as a user account is not permanently blocked (and has been approved), you can use it to log in to RetailVista ERP, RetailVista POS and RetailVista Mobile. If you log in to the RetailVista ERP back office website too often with an incorrect password, the account will be permanently blocked. An application administrator will then have to manually release the account by undoing this permanent blocking
Website user
If a user is a website user, he or she can log in to the RetailVista ERP website
POS user
If a user is a POS user, they can log in to the cash register (POS) application
Scanner userTwo-factor authentication is an extra security for a user's password. With this setting it is possible to remove the obligation to use 2FA for specific users.
Force change password
By activating this option, a user is forced to change his or her password on the next successful login attempt to RetailVista ERP. This option is activated by default when creating a new user account

Once a user is created and reopened, two additional tabs appear. The first of these is the 'Rights' tab. With this tab, additional individual rights can be assigned to a user. This is essentially an addition to the previously selected user role.

The last tab 'Stores' anticipates a future change where the store selection for a user will be removed. This setting has a limitation that it is only possible to link a user to 1 or all stores.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.