How do I connect a PaymentSense terminal to RetailVista POS?
  • 10 Jun 2024
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How do I connect a PaymentSense terminal to RetailVista POS?

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Article summary


To start with the PaymentSense integration, some data is required:

- PaymentSense Connect Cloud URL

- PaymentSense Connect Cloud API Key

These data are unique per merchant and can be set in RetailVista under:

Start -> Settings -> Point Of Sale Section -> EFT Tab (not visible by default).

For the PaymentSense integration, one payment terminal record is created. Only the value 'Payment terminal type' is relevant and must be set to 'PaymentSenseIngenicoPDQ':

In addition to the merchant properties, each PaymentSense EFT terminal has its own identifier (TID) that must be specified at the POS terminal to which the device belongs. The TID is a kind of address, which is why it has been chosen to specify it as an IP address (this field should be renamed to address in the future).

A POS terminal data is properly configured as a payment terminal if a description (to the right of the payment terminal field) and a TID (EFT IP address) are specified.

NOTE: The Terminal ID (TID) can ONLY be obtained by performing a test transaction from the respective PIN terminal. The TID is printed on the receipt.
So you CANNOT randomly use it from the PaymentSense list (like I did :)).

The last thing that needs to be done is a local configuration adjustment on the machine running POS. Because different versions of a 3rd party module are used, we need to specifically indicate which version we want to use in RetailVista POS.

Unfortunately, this cannot be centrally controlled because it is specifically required for the PaymentSense integration (at this moment).

Add the following to the *.config of the respective UI executable:


    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">


        <assemblyIdentity name="Newtonsoft.Json" publicKeyToken="30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" culture="neutral" />

        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />




NOTE: this should be placed: at the end of the file BEFORE </configuration> (so between the last and second to last line!

The *.config files are located in the installation folder of RetailVista POS (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\NedFox\RetailVistaPosV2)

NOTE: If POS throws an 'unhandled exception' after you seem to have everything set up correctly, it may be because you first set up the back office terminal and accidentally performed a sync....and then updated the POS terminal.

just remove the Paymentsense settings from that terminal, save, and restore the paymentsense terminal settings + then sync....problem solved.

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