How do I install a bridge printer server?
  • 28 Jun 2024
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How do I install a bridge printer server?

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<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>This document describes the one-time installation of the Bridge Server. This is specifically about the server version, not the bridge client with the traffic light in the system toolbar.

The Bridge Technology is currently still in RC (Release Candidate) status and does not yet include a setup.exe. Alongside the spring 2021 update of RetailVista, the Bridge Technology will be officially released and then be the official successor to LocalServices. From that moment on, all label printers can also be controlled by Bridge technology and the LocalServices environment will no longer need to be used. The LocalServices environment will continue to function for a number of years, but from that moment on, it is better to install a Bridge Client instead of a LocalServices client on the client side.

At the moment, there is no setup.exe available for the Bridge Server, but a ZIP file with files that need to be extracted. The latest ZIP installation version (including configuration files!) can be downloaded from

It is preferable to install this on a server in the path C:\Program Files (x86)\NedFox\Bridge Printer Server\. Extract the ZIP file into this folder. 

Afterwards, modify both .Config files, namely NedFox.Bridge.Server.Console.Config and NedFox.Bridge.Server.WinService.Config, with Notepad.

In these two files there are two identical sections 'baseAddresses' and 'AppSettings'. The values within them must be kept the same.

Specify the host name and TCP number under which the bridge server can be reached in 'BaseAddresses'. The TCP address is the IP address of the server where the Bridge Server is installed. Often this will be a private IP address, but localhost is also fine, then the bridge server binds to


            <add baseAddress="net.tcp://localhost:8000/v1"/>


The TCP port number is set to 8000 by default for self-installation. In an environment with multiple instances, each Bridge Server must have its own TCP port number, you can never use a TCP port multiple times. Consult with system administration in an environment with multiple instances to determine which TCP port number should be used. It is also important to open this TCP port in the server's firewall.

In the AppSettings, the hostname of the Retail3000 backoffice environment must be indicated. This can vary per environment. At the NedFox colocation, it has been chosen to work with followed by the name of the instance. But on your own servers, this can of course be set up very differently.


      <add key="Retail3000BoUrl" value=""/>

      <add key="InstanceName" value="<Name>"/>

      <add key="Debug" value="1"/>


In the above AppSettings, there is an 'InstanceName'. This setting must be given a value.

If there are no multiple instances but a 'local' installation, use 'Default' as the instance name. Ultimately, this name is used to create a path for logging data from the Bridge Server. This logging can be found in the path:

C:\ProgramData\NedFox\BridgeServer\<Instance Name>\

Finally, there is a line 'Debug' in the AppSettings. During the installation of this release candidate, it is best to keep it at 1. This will result in intensive logging to the log folder, which is useful in this phase.

Registration of Windows Service

The Bridge Software essentially functions as a Windows Server. For this reason, the winService executable must be registered once. QA714 describes the one-time installation of a windows service executable.

Testing Bridge environment

In order to test, the Bridge Server Windows service must be started, or alternatively, the Console.exe variant must be started. The latter does exactly the same as the Windows service, but it is visually visible what is happening.

Now, test first on the server itself or on the previously specified IP address and TCP port number. This can be done using: Telnet 8000 (assuming an installation on the localhost address on TCP port 8000). If everything is correct, an empty black screen will appear. If the Bridge Server is not working, a message will appear stating that no connection can be made.

Now test from a client PC with the same instruction if the Bridge Server on the server is accessible. Now, instead of using, use the IP address of the server. If no connection can be made, check if the firewall is open for the chosen TCP port number.

If the client now also displays an empty black screen, the connection is likely working. Now install a bridge client (QA740) and start the client. In the log directory on the server, it is possible to see what is happening and what is not.

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