How do I set up the DHL integration (so that reservations are automatically pre-registered)?
  • 23 Jun 2024
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How do I set up the DHL integration (so that reservations are automatically pre-registered)?

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<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>This document describes the settings to be made in RetailVista in order to print DHL package labels.

In order to use the DHL integration, a license is required for package services. A separate license is required for each individual package service (CAL).

An important difference between the DHL and Post NL integration is that there is no electronic contact with DHL. Therefore, DHL does not know that shipments are ready to be picked up. DHL chooses to drive by customers with regular shipments on a daily basis. Customers who send packages less frequently will need to contact DHL themselves to inform them that a shipment is ready. In any case, these are custom/contractual agreements between a store and DHL.

Because there is no electronic contact, testing the DHL labeling is easier. There is no risk of packages ending up in DHL's electronic systems and billing. The DHL label that is printed contains a 2-dimensional barcode. This barcode contains a complete EDI IftMin message (logistics transport message) encrypted. This barcode is read by DHL scanners and used for the shipment of the package.

By creating a new package service of type 'DHL', RetailVista will be able to print DHL labels. The DHL customer number obtained from DHL must be entered in the customer number and customer code fields.

When choosing a delivery product number, one of the following codes can be selected:

  • DFY (DHL For You)
  • FRT (EuroPlus Benelux)
  • FRTINT (EuroPlus Pallet International)
  • EPA (Europack)
  • ECE (EuroConnect)

It is up to the store to determine the contract with DHL and therefore the article number to be used.

DHL requires some specific settings that need to be provided in RetailVista under 'Advanced settings' for the package service.

  • AnsiDataIdentifier=J (This is the code of the Ansi Data Identifier, provided by DHL, in this example it is J)
  • AgencyCode=VGL (This is the code of the issuing agency, provided by DHL, in this example it is VGL)
  • TransportProductCode= (This will appear in the EDI message in the TSR section in field 4219, possible menu codes are described in Appendix C). Example for DHL Europlus = 01.
  • ProductFeatureCode1= <Enter the code of the first product feature to be used, for example code 21 (Not delivered at neighbors)>. This code will then appear in the TOD (Terms Of Delivery) EDI message line. See Appendix C for available product features.
  • ProductFeatureCode2= <Optional second product feature code to be used>
  • FromOrigin= <Optional origin location code to be used. Not used in practice>
  • FeatureText=<Optional text to be printed in the Feature section>. See paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, example is HANDT for required signature, NBB for not delivering to neighbors. Multiple features can be printed separated by - or , characters.
  • DeliveryOnDay=<Optional text to be printed under the 'Day' heading>. Sometimes the text S is printed for 'Saturday' deliveries. Goes together with the TransportProductCode and ProductFeatureCode 1 and 2 settings.
  • DeliveryOnTime=<Optional text to be printed under the 'Time' heading>.Sometimes the text EVE is printed as an example for 'Evening' deliveries. Goes together with the TransportProductCode and ProductFeatureCode1 and 2 settings.

If all information is filled in correctly, the QA can be followed for the automatic registration of reservations with parcel services. This will ultimately result in a thermal label being automatically printed on a thermal printer after handling a reservation message in RetailVista POS. For printing DHL labels, only a Zebra GK420 printer can be used. Unlike Post NL, DHL only supports this printer with a number of shipping sticker layouts.

The DHL label documentation can be found in the attachment of this Q&A.

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