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How does the RetailLink website work?
RetailLink is the point of connection for message traffic between RetailVista and the EDI network. All messages sent from RetailVista to EDI first go to RetailLink. Every 5 minutes, there is a data exchange between RetailLink and EDI, during which the messages that are ready are forwarded to the EDI network by RetailLink. The messages that are ready at the EDI network are also retrieved and prepared for RetailVista. The data exchange is only possible for suppliers that exist in RetailLink and are connected to the EDI network. It is also necessary to indicate in RetailVista that the message traffic is via EDI for these suppliers.
You can track the data exchange via the RetailLink website. The RetailLink website can be accessed at http://admin.retaillink.co.nl.
NedFox has sent you the login details for RetailLink. Your company information differs from your company information in RetailVista.
Username: Enter your RetailLink username followed by a period and the RetailLink branch number. For example: janssen.120
Password: Enter your RetailLink password here.
You can view all messages via the "Administration" menu.
Received messages: Messages originating from suppliers that are forwarded to RetailVista by RetailLink.
Outgoing messages: Messages sent to the supplier via RetailLink.
Received messages:
Here you can see when the messages were received and when they were sent to RetailVista.
Outgoing messages:
Here you can see when the message was processed, the EDI connection number of the supplier, and the purchase order number in RetailVista (Order reference). Statistics are also available in the statistics menu. Please refer to the explanation in RetailLink for more information.
It is for example possible to show statistics of unknown products. These are products without a description.