How to start a POS terminal in PLU admin mode?
  • 04 Jul 2024
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How to start a POS terminal in PLU admin mode?

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Article summary

By starting the register with the parameter /ShowTouchPluCodes, the register is launched in a mode where the PLU codes of buttons are shown instead of the button text. This is especially useful (often in a hospitality setting) to easily link an item to a button. If the PLU number of a specific button is known, that PLU number can be linked to the item in the item maintenance.

If in this PLU mode an asterisk (*) appears behind a PLU code, it means that an item with that PLU number has been found. If there is no asterisk, it means that no item could be found with that PLU number, indicating that the number is still available and the button is not in use.

The addition of the asterisk behind a PLU number is part of POS version 24.5 and higher.

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