How to use PLU codes in a touchscreen layout?
  • 04 Jul 2024
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How to use PLU codes in a touchscreen layout?

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Article summary

PLU stands for 'Price LookUp' and is essentially an alternative to an item number. A PLU code is always numeric. In the item maintenance of RetailVista, each item can be assigned a PLU code, usually a four-digit number. PLU numbers are unique, just like item numbers, and a PLU code can therefore be assigned to only one item at a time.

The main advantage of using PLU codes is that they can easily replace the familiar 'scan sheets.' These are folders with photos and barcodes often found at tills, used for items that are frequently given out after checkout, such as potting soil, fertilizer, stones, etc. We recommend creating separate layers in the touchscreen designer with a series of buttons, each linked to a fixed PLU code. Each layer contains the maximum possible number of buttons based on the available screen space, and each button is pre-assigned a PLU code. For example, layer 2 could contain forty buttons where button 1 has PLU number 2001, button 2 has PLU number 2002, button 3 has PLU number 2003, etc. Layer 3 can have another forty buttons with PLU codes 3001, 3002, 3003, etc. By leaving the 'Text' field empty, RetailVista POS will automatically take the item description as the button text. Below is an image from the touchscreen designer showing the properties of a sales item button. In it, PLU code 9001 is assigned, and the button text (Text) is left blank.

Now, a PLU code can be linked to an item in item maintenance. By assigning a PLU code of 9001 to a product in this example, the product description will automatically be used as the button text. Designing a layout this way eliminates the need to use the touchscreen designer frequently.

Which PLU code is linked to which button?

Since RetailVista POS uses the product description as the button text, it is not always visible afterward which PLU code a button has. By starting RetailVista POS in a special PLU display mode, the product descriptions are not shown, and the PLU codes appear in the button text instead, as shown in the example screen below. The asterisk (*) behind a PLU code indicates that RetailVista POS has found a product with PLU code 9000. No items were found for 9001 and 9002, meaning those PLU codes and buttons are not in use.

Product number or barcode

Using a product number or barcode instead of a PLU code is also allowed. The only downside is that these codes are not shown in the aforementioned PLU display mode.

Two PLU codes

We hope that as part of the January 2025 update of RetailVista ERP, it will become possible to link a second PLU code to a product in product maintenance. This would allow a series of PLU codes to be pre-placed on the main screen for frequently sold items. Such items are often already on a separate page, but some are also desired on the main page. However, since it is not yet possible to give a product two PLU codes, a fixed series of PLU codes cannot be used on the main page. As a result, maintaining products on the main page still requires the use of the touchscreen designer.

Restarting the POS terminal

Changes in the POS layout do not automatically appear on the POS terminal itself. Therefore, do not forget to select the new layout in the POS terminal group. Synchronize the POS terminal if necessary (or wait long enough for automatic synchronization) and then restart the POS terminal. From that moment on, the layout changes should be visible. This also applies to products with a PLU code change; such product changes must also be synchronized with RetailVista POS, and a restart is necessary to rebuild the layout.

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