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"Modify and add EDI address / X400 address supplier"
Generate a password via eSocrates (via Tools > generate retaillink daily password)
- Now hover over administration and then choose suppliers
- You can search for the supplier using the connection number or search through the name list
- Now choose to modify
- Now update your X400 address and save it
Add EDI supplier for a customer
- If a customer requests to add an EDI supplier, they must pay for it (cost €100.80 article number 2949) (so please send a quote first, unless the customer is familiar with the procedure)
- Go to the website http://admin.retaillink.co.nl/Login/tabid/73/language/nl-NL/Default.aspx?returnurl=%2f
- Log in here with username: globaladministrator.1 and generate a password via eSocrates (via Tools > generate retaillink daily password)
- Now hover over administration and then choose suppliers
- You can search for the supplier using the connection number or search through the name list
- Now choose to modify
- Now update your X400 address and save it
1. Generate a password via eSocrates (via Tools > generate retail link daily password)
- Now hover over administration with your mouse and then choose suppliers
- Check if the supplier already exists using the connection number (this applies to the supplier of the organization NedFox)
- If it does not exist, you will add a new supplier
- The customer must always provide a connection number/GLN number plus X400 address details of the supplier
- An X400 address always starts with "/" and ends with "@xgateprod.400net.nl (you can always check with an existing supplier)
- Choose add supplier and select organization NedFox
- Enter the connection number, name, and email address of the supplier
- Enter the X400 address and close it with "@xgateprod.400net.nl
- In address status, indicate: new
- Now choose update
- You have now added the supplier. Inform the customer and create a delivery on account