POS Authorisation - Set-up
  • 06 Apr 2024
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POS Authorisation - Set-up

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Article summary

This document describes how to set-up and configure authorization on RetailVista POS. RetailVista POS is developed in such a way that you can assign POS users to 'security groups'. You can specify and assign rights (permissions) to each created group. RetailVista provides basic security groups by default (58)

Security groups

On request NedFox will create 2 default Security Groups 'PointOfSale - Default' and 'PointOfSale - Restricted'.

The creating of these security groups is explained below as well.

The 'PointOfSale - Default' is the group where all rights regarding POS are enabled for the user(s) which is/are assigned to it.
The 'PointOfSale - Restricted' is the group which will be restriced on functions, for instance: not able to handle returns, not able to open the cash drawer manually etc.

Also groups for the backoffice use can be set-up in a security group. See guide: BO Authorisation - Set-up

Security roles

A security role can contain one or more security groups.

For users who are allowed to login to the backoffice of RetailVista and to the till multiple security groups can be set-up. These groups can be assigned to a security role.

Example: 1 security group with restricted POS rights + 1 security group with restricted Backoffice rights. Both assigned to 1 security role.

Enable POS authorisation

-> Extra -> Settings -> authorisation

Enable the setting 'IsEnablePosAuthorisation'.

Setup and configure security groups

By default +/- 60 security groups are available in RetailVista.

-> Extra -> Security Groups

Create a new security group
In the description field fill in: 'PointOfSale - Default'.
Enable 'default group'.
In the 'copy permissions from 'Kassa speciale functies' or 'POS Special functions'.
(this is a translation issue which will be fixed)
Save the record.

Now create a new security group for 'PointOfSale - Restricted'.

Copy the permissions from  'PointOfSale - Default'.

The rights are now equal between both security groups.
Open the newly created security group 'PointOfSale - Restricted'.
Open tab 'Permissions'.
In this tab (all) the permissions and rights are displayed regarding the till.
When a certain permission has 'deny = no', it means that the right is enabled/allowed.
When a certain permission has 'deny = yes', it means a user assigned with this security group isn't allowed to run that function within the till.

Important settings to disallow refunds, for example:

Disable Negative Amounts - Set PosAllowsNegativeArticles to "Deny = Yes" and save.

Disbale Refunds without Authorisation - Set PosPerformRefund to "Deny = Yes" and save.

Setup and configure security roles

The next step is to assign the security group to a security role.

-> Extra -> Security roles

Create a new Security role.
Fill in an empty code.
At description fill in 'PointOfSale - Restricted'.
Save the record.

Now open the newly created security role.
Open tab 'Security groups'.
Assign the security group 'PointOfSale - Restricted'.

Assigning users to the Security role

-> Extra -> Users

Open the user you want to assign to the newly created security role.
Select tab 'Security'.
Edit the record, and assign the security role 'PointOfSale - Restricted' to the user.

You can add the column 'SecurityRoleDescription' to the header of the user-grid. This will show you easily what security role a user has been assigned too, as you can see in the image below.


Please make changes to these security roles carefully. Make a test user which is allowed to login to the till, assign the security group (restricted) as described above. Adjust the parameters in the security group until you are completely satisfied what this test-user can do and can't do in the till. After that has been finalised you can assign this security group to other users.
Good to know is that within the security group (i.e. 'PointOfSale - Restricted' in our example), you are able to see which users are assigned this role.

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