Procedure: User Maintenance
  • 09 Jul 2024
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Procedure: User Maintenance

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<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>When you start with RetailVista, you will receive a username and password for the Administrator account from NedFox. This is an administrator account. With this account, you can log in to RetailVista. With this account, you have access to all functionalities of RetailVista, the cash register, and the scanner.

A user with administrator rights, for example, the administrator account, can create and maintain user accounts. You can find the Users section in the Extras menu.

When you have started this section, you will see an overview of all existing user accounts. When you click on a user with the mouse, you will see more information about this user at the bottom of the screen.

At the top of the screen, you will see 'Filtered overview'. By default, only active users are shown. To show, for example, a blocked user, the search field 'Show permanently blocked user' can be set to 'Yes'.

To create a new user, click on the icon for adding or use the keyboard shortcut Alt + N. Now the pop-up for creating a new user will appear.

The important data fields:

• Restrict access to branch: with this field, you indicate whether this user has access to all branches of your company or only to a specific branch.

If an employee only has rights to a certain branch, it may happen that a notification appears when logging in to RetailVista that he does not have rights to that (main) branch. Now go to Extra -> Branches and find the branch number of the branch for which this user only has rights, for example 'branch number 8'.
Now the user can log in to RetailVista by specifying as user:
Company: x  (Company number)
Login name: piet|8  (username piet with branch number 8)
Password: password.
• Email: in this field, you enter the user's email address. RetailVista uses this email address to send a password as soon as the account is created or when the user forgets his password and requests a new one.

• Username: in the username field, you enter the name with which the user will log in to RetailVista and the cash register.

• New password: in the new password field, you enter the password for the user. RetailVista has certain requirements for passwords. They must be at least 6 characters long and contain at least 2 numbers and 2 letters. By clicking on the icon, RetailVista will generate a password that meets these requirements.

• Deviating POS password: if you find the RetailVista password too long to quickly log in to the cash register, there is the possibility for cash register users to use a shorter password specifically for the cash register. NedFox advises using a four-digit 'Pin' code here, as this password must also be used on the mobile hand scanners. These scanners only have a numeric keypad, making it difficult to enter a password with letters.

•On the Security tab, you provide specific information about the permissions that this user should have.
Administrator rights: you can indicate whether this user has administrator rights. This allows the user to maintain the user accounts of other users.
Permanently blocked: when you check the 'permanently blocked' field, you indicate that the employee should no longer have access to your company data, for example, after termination of employment. RetailVista automatically checks this field if a user enters an incorrect password more than 6 times. This is done for security reasons. By unchecking the box, you give the user access to RetailVista again.
Website user: checking the 'website user' field indicates that the user should have access to the RetailVista website.
POS user: checking the 'POS user' field indicates that the user should have access to the cash register.
Scanner user: by checking this box, you indicate that the user is allowed to use RetailEverywhere on mobile handheld scanners.
Force password change: by checking this field, the user must immediately change their password to a self-chosen password the first time they log in, so that they are the only one who knows this password.

With these settings, you can distinguish between users who are allowed to operate the cash register or work with RetailVista and those who are not. These settings are sufficient to grant users access to the different applications. If you want to make a more detailed distinction in what users are allowed to do, you can do this through authorization. On the group tab, you can define exactly what a user is allowed to do. Authorization is disabled when you start working with RetailVista, so you can do it later if you want.

When you create a new user, RetailVista sends an email to the user containing the company number, login name, and password that the user can use to log in. If you do not want the login details to be sent by email, leave the user's email address empty. You must then write down the password and provide it to the new user yourself.

After logging in, the user will be taken to the Start menu. RetailVista remembers various user preferences. One of them is the language in which RetailVista is displayed, but there is more.

Every system change is attributed to the user who performed it. Various settings and preferences are also kept for each user, such as column selections (templates). Since the cash register is logged in, it is also possible to include the name of the cashier on the receipt. This mention can be displayed in various ways, such as first name, last name, full name, or just the username. This makes it easy to see who assisted which customer, in case the customer has any further questions later on.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.