Processing Reservations
  • 16 Apr 2024
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Processing Reservations

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Article summary

When the reservations have been generated, automatically or manually, you can process the reservations.

In the reservation you can print report “110 - Picklist”.

When the picklist is printed, you can click “Yes” to change the Logistic Status in to “PickinginProgress”

It is also possible to print several reports at once via the menu.

Start -> Sale orders

Click on “110 - Picklist” in the “Reservation reports” section.

Select on the left side the reservations you want to have the report printed and click on “Print selected reservations” at the bottom.

I have selected 2 reservations. You can also see that in the top and you can scroll through it.

When the picklist is printed correct, you can click “Yes” to change the Logistic Status in to “PickinginProgress”.

When the picking process has been finished. You need to change the Logistics Status manually. 

Click on the “Edit” symbol in the reservation and change the Logistics Status in to “PickingComplete”.

Reservations customer report via reservations

In the reservation you can print the reservations customer report.

After printing this report you can confirm that the reservation is printed correctly.

 Reservation Status has been changed to: “Printed” and the “Printed date, time” is now displayed.

Reservations customer report via the menu

It is also possible to print several reports at once via the menu.

Start -> Sale orders

Click on “100 - Reservations customer” in the “Reservation reports” section.

Select on the left side the reservations you want to have the report printed and click on “Print selected reservations” at the bottom.

I have selected 3 reservations. You can also see that at the top and scroll through it.

After printing this report you can confirm that the reservation is printed correctly.

 Reservation Status has been changed to: “Printed” and the “Printed date, time” is now displayed.

Reservations on the till

Now you can pick up the reservation on the till.

On the reservations customer report you will see the barcode of the reservation. If you scan that barcode. You will automatically pick up the reservation on the till.

This is what you now see on the till:

It is also possible to pick up the reservation manually. This can be used when the reservations customer report is not printed or lost.

Go to the till -> Administration -> Import reservation

Now you can look up or double click on the right reservation.

When you click on the ‘OK’ button the reservation will show in the till.

Now you can finish the payment.

 When the full payment has been taken, the sale order will automatically change into the status “Closed”.

Reservation Status has been changed to: “ClosedByCashSale” and the Logistic Status has been changed to “WaitingForPicking”.

Reservations with invoices via the reservation

On the left side of the reservation you can click on “To invoicesale”. The payment then will be processed through invoice.

Click on “Export reservation”

The invoice can be found in:

Start -> Invoices -> Invoice sale maintenance

Here you can see the invoice sale and process this invoice sale further.

In the reservation the status has been changed into: ClosedByInvoiceSale

Reservations with invoices via the menu

Start -> Sale orders -> Generate invoice sales from reservations

Select the reservations which you want to invoice and click on “Generate invoice sales”.

When the invoice sale has been printed correctly, you can click on “Yes”.

These invoices can be found in:

Start -> Invoices -> Invoice sale maintenance

Here you can see the invoice sales and process these invoice sales further. 

In the reservation the status has been changed into: ClosedByInvoiceSale

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