Rejected transaction
  • 03 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Rejected transaction

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Article summary

Occasionally the end of day receipts show the message 'rejected transaction(s):'xxx'

This means that, for some reason, the transaction couldn't be processed. The value of the contents of this transaction will be a difference on your end of day receipt.

Our support department can look into it for you, but first you could try the following:

  1. Open RetailVista Backoffice
  2. Open Point of Sale
  3. Open POS transactions
  4. In the left column select 'Reprocess rejected transactions'
  5. Click refresh on the screen

If the rejected transactions remain, please send an email to A support ticket will then be created.

Alternatively you can contact the support department on our UK telephone number:


020 - 369 50 219


00 31 - (0) 527 249 900

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