Release information RetailVista 16.4
  • 09 Jul 2024
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Release information RetailVista 16.4

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<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>



An important change has been made in LocalServices. This had to do with the use of so-called diacritical characters. These special characters were not printed correctly on a thermal printer. Certain package service labels also had this issue, causing certain first and last names to not be displayed correctly on labels. In order to use this new functionality, it is necessary to update the LocalServices client. This currently needs to be done somewhat manually by first stopping the Windows Service of RetailVista LocalServices, and then uninstalling the old software. As part of this change, LiveUpdate functionality has also been added to LocalServices. By installing this update, LocalServices will now provide notifications when an update is available. The update process for LocalServices has thus been greatly simplified. It is still necessary to install the LocalServices update 'manually' once.


Answering positively to the question from Internet Explorer whether it may automatically fill in the username and password in RetailVista resulted in an error message. This has now been resolved.


From now on, departments can also be created in RetailVista. This works through the 'Administration' menu. Departments can then be linked to product categories. In the next release of RetailVista, it will be possible to create a statistic per department.


In anticipation of a database adjustment in RetailVista, it is now possible to indicate the time zone per location. The default time zone in the Netherlands is +1. By setting a different time zone, the issue will be resolved in a future release where a store in the UK, for example, opens at 9 am local time, but RetailVista considers the opening time as 10:00 am in local NL time. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the time zone per location once, if it needs to be different than +1.


The maintenance of a ledger definition has been modified, the 'Credit' field of a ledger used to be lost sometimes.


In the maintenance of thermal printers, TCP can now also be specified as a destination. There is a separate installation document available on how to set up printing to a TCP printer. Printing to TCP ensures that LocalServices is not used. Printing to TCP is still experimental and is currently only built-in for printing product list labels.

Product Maintenance


From now on, a product category group can be linked to each product category. The purpose of product category groups is to bundle different product categories into groups. It can then be indicated per group whether this group is VAT mandatory. An example of such a group is 'Hospitality'. Often, no VAT deduction can take place for VAT-exempt debtors when consuming hospitality products in a store. In addition, these debtors appreciate it when the VAT specification is also expanded with a separate mention of the 'Hospitality' group and the VAT within it. As part of this adjustment, the VAT specification on the luxury purchase invoice has been modified and from now on, the VAT per product category group is mentioned. If no groups have been created, or if no group is linked to one or more product categories, the VAT of the products without a product category group will be mentioned.



After retrieving EDI messages via the left taskbar, the overview of received messages is now immediately refreshed. Previously, the screen had to be exited or the 'Refresh' button had to be clicked.


The EDI processing in RetailVista has been rewritten. The new functionality is based on the principle that rules or fields that RetailVista does not recognize will now simply be ignored. Previously, RetailVista could crash hard on a single field or rule with incorrect information. Furthermore, RetailVista now tests all EDI rules first and displays a status 'Ok', 'Warning', or 'Error' for each rule in the processing report. Rules with warnings do not result in rejection of the message, while rules with 'Error' do. Warnings and errors are accompanied by a clear explanation of what is incorrect, including a reference number to the GS1 Edifact documentation.

In the settings of RetailVista, the EDI usage can be set between version 1 (old) and version 2 (new). This setting is temporary and is intended to quickly switch back to the EDI behavior in previous versions of RetailVista if the new approach does not function properly somewhere. In the next release of RetailVista, the old functionality will be completely discontinued (if the new functionality proves to work correctly). In the rollout of RetailVista, everyone will still initially work with the old behavior, and NedFox will activate version 2 over time.



When assigning invoice numbers to invoices, the branch of the invoice is now taken into account. Previously, only the active branch at the time of assigning invoice numbers was considered, but this caused issues when there were invoices for multiple branches. With this adjustment, the numbering will always increase correctly per branch.


For an individual product, a revenue ledger can be specified, which marks the sale of that product as a special sale in the cash reconciliation.This results in the cash accountability journal showing a turnover on that specific general ledger. Examples of this are the sale of gift cards, where the turnover (balance entry) for each type of gift card must be registered on a separate general ledger code. This functionality was missing in invoicing and has now also been implemented in the invoice journals in the same way.


In the Exact FMuta export, the code of the payment condition is now exported in the 'Payment condition' field. Previously, the number of days of the payment condition was mentioned here, but it turned out that this was not intended.


Just like with purchase orders, deliveries on account can now also be marked as 'Automatic'. This type of delivery on account can be automatically created from RetailVista POS, for example for the delivery of items to other locations. It is then possible to sell items on account to another location throughout the day, with each item being set aside separately and added to the same delivery on account. At the end of the day, that delivery on account can be printed (possibly from RetailVista POS) and from that moment on, the status changes from 'New' to another status (for example, 'Printed'). At that moment, an EDI packing slip message can be automatically sent to the other location, and when items are set aside again, a new automatic delivery on account will be created. In the search screen for deliveries on account, it is now also possible to search for automatic deliveries on account.


In the invoice journal export screen, the number of exported journals is now correctly displayed.


In the invoice payment screen, the user who administratively processed the payment will now also be displayed (for example, the cashier if an invoice is paid via the cash register) and the receipt number if the invoice is paid via the cash register.

Product Card


The licensing model for gift cards has been changed from the brand code of a gift card to the number of types of gift cards that exist. For RetailVista users, this is a favorable change because two different brands of gift cards that were handled by the same provider (1 type of gift card definition) still required 2 licenses. In the new situation, 1 license is sufficient.

Purchase Orders


In the 'Purchase Orders' tab in product statistics, the preferred supplier of the product was displayed. A column has now been added with the supplier of the purchase order.


In purchase order maintenance, purchase order lines can now be deleted all at once based on remaining inventory and/or maximum purchase order value. By specifying a free inventory quantity, all lines from the order will be completely removed if at least the specified quantity is available as free inventory.

By specifying a maximum order value, lines will be deleted or the ordered quantities will be reduced for purchase order lines to achieve the desired total purchase order amount. By default, a line is completely removed, but it is possible to specify a percentage by which lines should be reduced. For example, specifying 50% will reduce the quantity of a line by half. To specify what RetailVista should look at for reducing or removing lines, it must be specified. The options include the lowest sales value or the lowest number of units sold.RetailVista will then remove purchase order rules that have sold the least or have the lowest turnover value, and will continue to remove rules until the desired purchase order amount is reached.


The license model behind gift cards has been converted from the brand code of a gift card to the number of types of gift cards that exist. For RetailVista users, this is a favorable change because two different brands of gift cards that were handled by the same provider (1 type of gift card definition) still required 2 licenses. In the new situation, 1 license is sufficient.

Purchase Orders


After saving and finalizing a purchase order, an hourglass now appears if the purchase order can be automatically sent via EDI. This clearly indicates to the user that RetailVista is still processing an operation.


When importing an Excel file as a purchase order, supplier conditions are now applied, ensuring that items such as total discount, performance discount, etc. are filled in correctly.

Cash Accountability


In Settings -> Financial section -> 'Application' tab, it is now possible to set the maximum number of characters that a journal line description can be. Some financial applications do not accept descriptions that are too long and will stop the import process. By default, RetailVista does not truncate, but with this setting, a line length can now be reduced to, for example, 30 characters.


The general ledger linkage table now also supports deviations in the specified revenue and VAT accounts. The headquarters can now place a basic linkage, but individual stores can deviate from this. This is especially advantageous when stores deviate from a standard chart of accounts.

Customer Counter


Starting from this release of RetailVista, it will be counted whether the number of customer counters is not higher than the number of counters present in the license. The count is about 'Electronic' customer counters. Fictitious customer counters used to manually enter counts are not included in this license count.



In the POS transaction advanced search screen, only the POS terminals of the selected branch above will now be displayed. Previously, all terminals were displayed regardless of the branch.


The purchase confirmation email has been expanded with new fields and now includes the original receipt text. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to reproduce the receipt, forwarding the original receipt text from the XML data could be sufficient.


In RetailVista, 'POS FastExecute' now allows choosing 'Create Sales Order' and 'Load Count'. This gives RetailVista Scan POS users the ability to create sales orders and start load counts with a shortened code.


RetailVista is able to send a purchase confirmation ("Thank you for your purchase.") email message. This currently only works for relationships with a known email address. As a result of this task, RetailVista POS will now ask for an email address when closing a transaction.This only happens if 'Sending a purchase confirmation' is enabled in 'Store maintenance'. There is a known relationship in the transaction. If it is indicated for that relationship that sending a purchase confirmation is desired. If no email address is known for the relationship

In the general tab of a relationship, it can be indicated whether sending an email is desired, and if so, what email address should be used for that.


If a user does not have sufficient rights to reprocess a rejected POS transaction, a proper notification will now be displayed instead of an error message.


With the help of the latest touchscreen designer, a button 'Repeat' can now be placed on a touchscreen layout. By adding a function button and choosing the value 'RepeatLastProduct' for 'FunctionType', the repeat key will work correctly.


The luxury purchase invoice and/or the transportation declaration are now sent as PDF attachments with the purchase confirmation.


If a user does not have sufficient rights to reprocess a rejected POS transaction, a proper notification will now be displayed instead of an error message.

Promotions, discounts


A discount agreement marked as expired is no longer visible in product maintenance as an active discount agreement.


The use of package items has been simplified. Previously, it was necessary to first create a package table in the 'Administration' menu, but now it is sufficient to indicate in the 'Advanced' tab of a product that the type of related product is 'Package'. From that moment on, one or more package items can be added to the product after saving this change. By selling this product now as a package product, the linked related products will automatically be added to the sale (invisibly). The sales price of the base package product (for example €25) will then be proportionally distributed among the linked package products. This ensures that the inventory is updated correctly and that it is clear in the statistics how the revenue was actually generated. The VAT calculation of, for example, plant combinations (combined high and low VAT) is also processed perfectly in this way.

Relationship maintenance


For a relationship, a language can now also be indicated in which communication with the relationship takes place. The consequence of this setting will become increasingly visible in emails that are automatically sent to customers.

Returns administration


In the returns administration of RetailVista, an A4 pro forma delivery note can now also be printed. This can, for example, be sent to a supplier by fax to indicate what is ready to be picked up.


The field 'IBAN' number has been expanded to 35 characters, allowing new IBAN account numbers to be stored correctly in RetailVista.


In anticipation of task 15504, it is now possible to record an email address for a debtor for future digital invoicing. With this functionality, customers can already make preparations for the moment when digital invoicing is actually released in the course of 2016.

In addition to the email address, one or more CC or BCC email addresses can now also be specified to which a copy of an invoice is sent.


In the 'Marketing' tab of relationship maintenance, it is now possible to indicate to which alternative email address a sales confirmation should be sent by email. Normally, the 'standard' marked email address of the relation is used, but with this extension it is now possible to select a different email address. So it is not necessary to fill in this email address by default, only in case of deviations.


The field 'Giro' has been removed from the debtor card in debtor maintenance.

Return administration


In the return administration of RetailVista, an A4 proforma packing slip can now also be printed. This can, for example, be sent to a supplier by fax to indicate what is ready to be picked up.



Statistics 602 now also shows the purchase price per piece as a separate column, just like statistics 402.


From now on, it is possible to make statistical templates available at the organization level as well. A statistical template can be converted into an organization level template. This is only possible for the company indicated in the configuration of RetailVista.

Sales orders


The mechanism to search for an existing relation based on postal code and house number has been improved. This greatly improves the chances of finding the correct relation.


In the sales order maintenance screen, it is now possible to indicate on which date a sales order was exported. In the sales order search screen, you can now search for exported or non-exported sales orders using the 'Advanced' tab.


In courier service maintenance, it is now possible to indicate the composition of the 'Click-through' URL per courier service. This URL is displayed in a reservation track & Trace link, allowing you to click through to the carrier's website. In the URL, the code {0} can be used to indicate where the postal code should be entered, and the code {1} can be used to indicate where the Track & Trace code should appear. As far as the information is currently known, these are the URLs of Post NL for Dutch and international packages respectively:

NL:{1}&postalcode={0}&Foreign=false# DE:{1}/DE/{0}


It has been found that Post NL sometimes works with different barcode ranges depending on the destination and type of package. For example, there is a situation where the range suddenly had to be 2 characters shorter for shipments to Germany.

From now on, a range can be specified in the advanced settings of courier services. It is also now possible to specify the type of barcode that should be generated. By default, a 3S code will continue to be used, but it would be appreciated if this could be adjustable.If an institution does not exist, the behavior of RetailVista will remain as it was.

In advanced settings, you can specify via key/value pair:






It then only depends on the type of parcel service whether something is done with these settings. For example, a DHL integration will not do anything with this information, it is really a specific Post NL setting. Conversely, similar settings could also arise for DHL.



In the 'Inventory mutations' tab in the product statistics card, zero resets are now displayed more clearly as type 'Zero reset'. Previously, a zero reset was visible under the type 'Inventory mutation', but other actions were also listed there. With this adjustment, the inventory flow should become even more transparent.



A product image that is deleted from RetailVista will now also result in a deletion command to the ShopServer.


Deleting data from RetailVista did not always lead to the deletion of data from the ShopServer. That problem has now been solved. Deleted data is communicated to the webshop party as a 'DeletedItem' record. It is then up to the webshop builder to actually delete that information from the webshop.


The RetailVista image upload software now also supports uploading multiple images per product. The software has been made 'smarter' and can now distinguish whether the same photo is being supplied again or whether it is a new photo. The same photo is overwritten, while a new photo is added to the product.


The search for webshop products in webshop maintenance has been improved, especially the search by description.



In the ePlato sales export file, the GS1Number field is now correctly filled. This happens from the v11 sales XSD.

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