Release notes RetailVista 15.37
  • 03 Jul 2024
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Release notes RetailVista 15.37

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Article summary




Various adjustments have been made to the structure of receipts and thermal printers in RetailVista. A significant number of changes are technical and not visible to users. What is visible is that the settings now indicate what the default line printer and thermal printer should be for RetailEverywhere. In addition, it is possible to set a different default line printer and thermal printer per scanner. It is also possible to set a different default printer within each module per scanner.

As can be seen from the above, the name 'Receipt printer' has been replaced by 'Line printer driver'. The reason for this is that the receipt printers were not actually receipt printers, but only a collection of control codes to control a line printer. This naming has been implemented throughout RetailVista wherever a receipt printer was requested.

Product lists


When converting a product list to discounts, the specified location was not transferred. This made it difficult to easily create discounts for a specific location in bulk. This has been adjusted.


The following columns have been added to the product list rules to make it easier to check orders:

- Min/max stock

- Order status

- Order method

- Current stock

- Forecast stock

- Available stock

In the templates, it can be indicated whether these fields should be displayed (either in a tooltip or not)


When importing a product list from an Excel document, all Excel settings can now be saved in a profile.

This makes it easier to reuse the same profile again in a subsequent import.


When importing a product list from an Excel document, it is now possible to indicate that a line should be skipped if a specified column is empty. This makes it easier to import more complex Excel sheets with various formatting. Often, a column such as barcode or product description is empty in header and footer sections. By not importing the lines where that column is empty, many error messages in the import report are prevented. Similar functionality already existed within the Excel Exchange import.


When importing a product list from Excel and no quantity column is specified, the import will now always use '1' as the quantity.


The speed of converting a product list to the webshop has been improved. Previously, a timeout error could occur, but this no longer happens.

Product maintenance


RetailVista now supports calculations. Based on a combination of preferred supplier and product category, a calculation factor can be set. Then, products that meet this condition can automatically be assigned a new selling price. The purchase price is multiplied by the found factor and then rounded to a consumer-friendly selling price. This functionality is also built into Exchange, where the new selling price is automatically calculated and filled in when filling Exchange if a factor is found for the supplier and product category. The recalculation is also applied when importing Excel files.


In the product feed subscription maintenance, various settings can now be made regarding the processing of product data.

So it is now possible to indicate whether all data of a product should be registered under 1 fixed supplier, or whether the supplier is taken from the source. Furthermore, it can be indicated what should happen with the preferred supplier.


For products, it is now possible to link custom fields. This replaces the traditional character custom fields 1-10, numeric 1-4, etc. Custom fields work through custom tables, so the first step is to create a custom table record, for example 'Tent properties'. Then, the custom fields that exist for a tent can be defined. After that, it can be indicated which custom table belongs to a product. By doing this, the custom fields of the selected table will be visible afterwards. In the example of 'Tent properties', the custom fields will be available for a tent. This setup ensures that relevant custom fields are always requested and displayed. For example, it makes no sense to ask for a tent color when selling a barbecue.


Starting from this RetailVista version, purchase collection information is now also sent to offline RetailVista users (independent hosting).


In mixedmatch rule maintenance, it is now possible to import a list of products. Especially for larger quantities of mixedmatch rules, this import function can save a lot of time.


In the purchase detail information screen, the percentage between gross and net prices is now also displayed next to the gross/net prices fields. This was already the case in POS4All and is now also available in RetailVista.


In the product search screen, it is now possible to search for a part of a barcode. By entering, for example, 871234*, all products with a barcode that starts with 871234 will be displayed.


In the purchase tab in product maintenance, the fields telephone, fax, and email have been removed. This information can still be viewed by opening the purchase data and hovering the mouse over the balloon icon behind the supplier number.


The values in the product copy screen for 'Automatically generate barcode', 'Copy purchase, tiers, and related products' will now be saved in RetailVista so they do not have to be selected again each time. These settings are saved for the active user.


In the order screen of a product, a warning text now appears if a product is included in one or more collections. The number of collections is then displayed and provides the possibility to order the product in a larger quantity, for example as part of a blister display.


In product maintenance, in the purchase data on the 'Collections' tab, only collections of non-expired purchase data will now be shown by default. Via a Yes/No/All filter, the expired collections can still be requested, of course.


When printing products to a thermal printer, the quantities to be printed were sent with decimals, for example 5.000 for 5 labels. Not all printers liked this. The issue has now been resolved. The number of pieces to be printed is now always sent without decimals.


In the product summary page in product maintenance, the stock is no longer displayed if the stock for the product is disabled at the hierarchical level.


When exporting products, no account was taken of a possible filter on 'Brand'. This issue has now been resolved.


The print queue functionality has been expanded with filtering functionality. In the long term, the print queue will take over a large part of the functionality in the 'Price Changes' filter screen. It is recommended to print product labels from the print queue instead of 'Price Changes'. There may be multiple reasons to print labels, such as shelf plan changes, modified product descriptions, etc. Price Changes returns to its original functionality, namely displaying price changes.


From now on, it is possible to quickly jump to customer maintenance and product maintenance from almost all modules of RetailVista. To jump to product maintenance, a clickable link has been added to the columns 'Barcode', 'Product Number', and 'Product Description' in the product grids. To jump to customers, the column 'Customer number' must be selected as a column in the grid. In customer and product maintenance, a arrow icon appears in the top bar, which can be used to return to the place where the jump was made.



In the settings of RetailVista, it is now possible to set that search results no longer need to be remembered. A search screen will then be automatically closed. This ensures that when searching again, the search fields will be displayed again instead of the search results as before. The setting in question is called 'Return to search fields instead of results'.


The user group names in RetailVista are now multilingual.


Through the left taskbar, a certain user can now also be copied to a newly created user. The great advantage of this function is that the linked security groups are also copied.


From now on, RetailVista maintains a link to the original group when creating a new security group.The advantage of this integration is that if NedFox makes extensions to the rights of the original group, those changes will also be automatically applied to the linked security groups. An example of this is additional rights that are assigned to the 'POS special functions' group, these rights will also be automatically added to all copy user groups originating from 'POS special functions'. An example of this is a new function 'Negative EFT allowed'. If this new function would not be transferred to all copy groups, users may suddenly be unable to make negative payments with the RetailVista POS update.


The various inventory reports now also take into account the hierarchical inventory administration settings. If inventory administration is disabled for a group (for example, a brand), the inventory report will no longer list items from that brand.


In the mutation record history in RetailVista, the IP address from which a mutation took place is now also displayed. This provides additional insight into the location where a given data has been modified, in addition to the user's name.


When logging in as a new user linked to a different branch other than number 1 (i.e., multiple branches under one company), that user was still unable to log in if branch 1 is 'Expired'. Based on the user's restriction link to a specific branch, the expiration of branch 1 should not matter. This issue has been resolved.


Answering positively to the prompt from Internet Explorer asking if it can automatically fill in the username and password in RetailVista resulted in an error message. This has now been resolved.



In the rights of the group 'Cash accountability users', exporting a journal from a cash accountability is now also added as a right. Previously, that menu choice remained grayed out and could not be used, even if the user had the rights to use cash accountability.

Order advice


On an order advice line, there is now a 'Refresh' button that retrieves the current status of that line. By default, order advice is a copy of current data, which may deviate from reality from the moment of creation. Clicking on refresh now updates the latest purchase price and purchase line status from article maintenance.


In the order advice screen, a small icon has been added in the top right corner that allows the entire order advice to be exported to PDF (for printing) or to another format including Excel.


When importing an Excel file into order advice, it is now possible to indicate that lines with an (specified) empty column can be skipped. This makes it possible to import Excel sheets with the necessary formatting without too many warnings. Often, in this type of Excel sheets, a column 'barcode' is empty in places where there is a lot of formatting in the Excel file. If the barcode is located in column 'B', it can be indicated during import that lines can be skipped if column B is empty.


From order advice maintenance, lines can be converted to another supplier. From now on, it is possible to indicate that this can only happen if the new supplier actually supplies the product (this is the case if purchase information is available).


From now on, it is possible to only show those lines in an order advice where the quantity to be ordered is greater than 0.

There will be another adjustment through a different task so that all lines of a purchase advice that are not displayed on the screen can be removed. The combination of these 2 adjustments has made it very easy to compile a final purchase advice that only contains what will be ordered.


Removing lines from a purchase advice took about 1 second per line. This is not very long, but if you have to remove 100 lines in this way, it is still slow. The removal has been modified and now happens almost instantly.



It is now possible to indicate for the debtor that the EPL (electronic packing list) can only be sent when invoiced. In the previous situation, an electronic packing list was already sent when a delivery on account was finalized. With this adjustment, that moment can now be shifted to when the invoice is finalized. This is especially useful for interbranch deliveries where items are prepared throughout the day (which result in deliveries on account) and a total invoice is generated at the end of the day. At that moment, the EPL is automatically sent to the corresponding interbranch location.


When converting the settings per debtor or whether an EPL EDI packing list can only be sent when generating an invoice, there is a risk that an EPL will be sent for an invoice that includes deliveries for which a separate EPL has already been sent. At that moment, there is overlap in packing lists, which is not desired. With this adjustment, only lines that have not been sent before are sent when converting those settings.



When importing an article list from a scanner, new articles were given a price of 0 euros (articles that had not yet been derived or had a local status). This error has been fixed.

Exchange general


If a collection barcode and/or quantity field was used at headquarters for certain purchase data, it was not transferred when filling in Exchange. This issue has been resolved.

Exchange Excel import


In the Exchange Excel import, packaging/dimension can now be imported for both sales and purchases. By using these columns, RetailVista will determine whether the value in that column represents packaging or dimension. It is therefore not necessary to separately import Excel sheets for used packaging and dimension codes, they can be used interchangeably (for example, pieces and KG).



From RetailVista, invoice journals can now also be automatically processed to Twinfield. A separate QA is available with all relevant information to establish a successful integration.


In the invoice journal export screen, the number of exported journals is now correctly displayed.


The Exact FMuta export has been slightly modified, as some columns contained invalid information. In addition, the settings for the financial application 'Multivers via Fmuta' have been added. Multivers appears to have a few minor deviations from the FMuta standard. By choosing Multivers via Fmuta, Fmuta can also be successfully used to provide Multivers with journal data.


From now on, all invoice payments can be requested directly from the 'Billing' homepage in one go. Previously, invoice payments could only be made per invoice. The desired invoice had to be looked up first, and then a payment could be linked to it. From this version of RetailVista, it is possible to process invoice payments all at once, without having to look up each individual invoice first.

It also provides the ability to retrieve all payments over a period, the total maintenance is now available.


Deleting an invoice created via RetailVista POS resulted in an error message. This has been resolved.


The unlinking of an invoice from a delivery on account has been slightly modified, the number of the selected delivery on account is now suggested in advance.


When deleting an invoice, all linked deliveries on account will now be automatically unlinked. As a result, they will automatically reappear in a subsequent invoice. If not only the invoice needs to be deleted, but also the deliveries on account, it is necessary to first remove the deliveries and then the invoice itself.

Purchase invoice control


When linking a purchase invoice line, only the previously entered warehouse count was taken into account. The number of pieces registered as defective should have been subtracted from this. This has now been adjusted.

Purchase orders


In purchase order maintenance, purchase order lines can now be deleted all at once based on a number of criteria, including a maximum desired purchase order amount, but also based on remaining inventory. It is possible to delete based on both inventory and desired order amount, but it is also possible to delete rules separately based on a specified minimum inventory or a specified maximum order amount.


Transferring lines from one purchase order to another now results in a recalculation of the total purchase order amounts.


It is now possible to indicate on a purchase order that it is an urgent purchase order. In that case, the urgency indication becomes active in the EDI message. It is up to the receiving party (supplier) whether they actually do something with this information. When ordering a product from product maintenance and from RetailEverywhere, it is now possible to indicate that it is an urgent purchase order. When searching for 'Automatic' purchase orders, it will now also search for urgent automatic purchase orders.

In the purchase order search screen, it is possible to search for urgent purchase orders and there is a new column 'Urgent purchase order' available.


From now on, changing the number of consumer units in a purchase order will immediately lead to the recalculation of the total line amount, and thus the total of the entire purchase order. As a result, the franco order display is now correct as well.



The classifications in the classification 1 listbox are now sorted alphabetically if no sequence number is specified. If a sequence number is specified, it will always be sorted by sequence number and not alphabetically.

Purchase orders


In the import of Excel for purchase orders, the number of lines is now limited to 50,000 pieces. In the past, sometimes (actually corrupt) Excel sheets were imported with hundreds of thousands of lines, which led to significant processing problems.


Through the left taskbar in a purchase order, it is now possible to choose to recalculate the purchase prices from the purchase order. In this process, the purchase order is updated with the latest prices from product maintenance.


The 'Minimum order quantity' specified at the supplier in the 'Advanced' tab was not correctly applied to items that also had a manually specified maximum number of units in the inventory settings. It would always order up to the specified manual maximum inventory instead of the minimum order quantity specified by the supplier. This issue has been resolved.

Cash accountability


In the settings of the financial export, it is now possible to indicate in the 'Application' tab whether the financial administration works with 4-week periods or months. In case of weekly periods, it can also be indicated which week is determined as the first week of the year and what the first day of a week is.


In cash accountability maintenance, an additional tab 'Journal' has been created, which now shows all lines of that journal, provided that the cash accountability has been journaled. This makes it easier to establish a link and control between the cash accountability and the corresponding financial journal.


In the RetailVista configuration, it is now possible to specify that a fixed starting cash must be used in the cash accountability. A value of 0.00 indicates that an empty cash is started every day. This means that an opening deposit will have to take place from/in RetailVista POS every day. The specified fixed starting cash value results in an automatic calculation of a deposit to the safe for each cash accountability attribute, after the cash count.


RetailVista cash accountability journals can now also be set per month.


In branch maintenance, in the 'General' tab, a cost center can now also be specified for a branch. This is used in certain financial exports where cost centers are desired. This is especially relevant in interbranch situations.


From now on, it is also possible to mutate general ledgers at the organizational level.


From now on, it is no longer possible to delete payments from a cash accountability that is marked as complete. Nothing can be mutated from a complete cash accountability, including deleting data.


The sealbag option no longer exists in RetailVista. This option was incomplete and had little to no added value in the actual sealbag handling towards the bank.


Many financial administrations only need turnover per VAT rate. Until now, RetailVista assumed that turnover is provided per cash register group. From now on, it is possible to indicate in the settings that the export is not per cash register group, but per VAT rate. In most cases, it is sufficient to create 3 turnover general ledgers: high turnover, low turnover, and zero turnover. The function 'Initialize cash accountability' takes this into account; if this setting is active, no more general ledgers are created per cash register group, but only general ledgers per VAT rate.


A selection on cash accountability when printing report 61 was ignored. This has been resolved.


From now on, it is no longer possible to generate a cash accountability if there are still rejected POS transactions in the specified period. Previously, this was possible, but it caused many problems if it turned out afterwards that there were rejected transactions. This is no longer possible, the rejected transactions must be resolved first, and then the cash accountability can be continued.


The 'Miscellaneous' tab has been removed from the cash accountability. Entering amounts in this tab did not work correctly because there is no corresponding account. This leads to imbalances in journals and exports. In hindsight, the 'Miscellaneous' tab was not well thought out and something like this is not possible at all.


A warning from Twinfield about a submitted journal now leads to rejection of the journal and it will not be accepted by Twinfield. An adjustment has been made in the export so that a journal with warnings will now be imported.

It is of course up to the user to take warning emails resulting from a journal processing seriously. The warnings are not there for nothing. Journals with error messages from Twinfield are still not being imported, that remains unchanged. However, warnings are less critical and do not have to result in a rejection of the journal. An example of a warning is a cash account with a negative balance. That is actually not possible (negative money does not exist) and is a clear signal that a booking error has been made in Twinfield.


The general ledger linkage table now also supports variations in the specified revenue and VAT general ledger. The head office can now place a basic linkage, but individual stores can deviate from this. This is especially advantageous when stores deviate from a standard general ledger scheme.


The specification of a revenue type in general ledger linkages is no longer a mandatory field. This makes it possible, for example, to specify a particular cash group and VAT rate to a specified general ledger, regardless of the revenue type. This saves a lot of input work, especially for companies with many revenue types.

Customer counter


From this release of RetailVista, it is counted whether the number of customer counters is not higher than the number of counters present in the license. The count is for 'Electronic' customer counters. Fictitious customer counters used to enter manual counts are not included in this license count.


In the customer count search screen, it is now possible to search using various criteria, including the location, through 'Advanced search'. By default, only the counts of the active location are displayed.



In the loyalty homepage 'Loyalty', it is now possible to search for various selection criteria in the loyalty card info & mutation.

The well-known magnifying glass icon is now available, after which a savings card search screen appears.


On report 116 (savings card report), savings card numbers longer than 8 characters were truncated on the left side. This resulted in unusable card numbers and therefore an unusable report. This issue has been resolved.


When modifying a savings card where a mutation balance of 0 is specified, a clear message now appears stating that a balance must be provided.


In the maintenance of the type of savings cards, the savings percentage can now also be set to 2 decimal places.



Correcting a stock location where the stock was 0 pieces did not work correctly, the correction was not applied. This issue has been resolved.



When booking articles, all article discounts are now displayed in a separate tab. In addition, the cheapest price (highest discount) is also mentioned in the booking screen itself, so it is known at what price the booked article would currently be sold via RetailVista POS.


In the warehouse count search screen, the branch can now be selected. By default, the active branch is suggested (as in all search screens).


When printing labels from received articles, the 'Print label' setting from the article card was not taken into account correctly. This resulted in too many labels being printed. This issue has been resolved.


When creating an product receipt via an EDI purchase order message, the purchasing conditions of the linked purchase order were not transferred. This issue has been resolved.


In the 'Simulation' tab of a 'Received articles' EDI message, the simulation processing is now shown immediately. Previously, a 'Simulation' button had to be tapped, which is no longer necessary.


When transferring a product list to a product receipt, the supplier no longer needs to be specified. RetailVista will determine the supplier based on the preferred supplier of the products in the product list. If multiple preferred suppliers are found in the product list, a product receipt will be created for each supplier with the corresponding products from the product list.


When booking received products on a purchase order (via the 'book complete purchase order' function), any existing displays/sets/collections in the purchase order will now also be taken into account. These receipts per product will be 'exploded' into the corresponding products of such a display. For example, receiving 1 display product could now result in receiving 3 different products that are all included in that display. This error only existed in the 'Book complete purchase order' function.


When importing an Excel document in 'Received products', the created set will now have the status 'New'. This product receipt will therefore be immediately visible in the product receipt search screen.



A diagnostic page has been added to the Help menu of RetailVista. This allows for quickly checking whether a number of basic settings and permissions of RetailVista are correct.


An extensive statistic can no longer be started if no start date and/or end date is specified.


The login process for RetailVista has been accelerated. Especially the first time of the day, it used to take a long time.

Relationship maintenance


From various places in RetailVista where a relationship is displayed, it is now possible to jump to the corresponding relationship in relationship maintenance by clicking on an icon next to that relationship. Also the return journey is arranged, from relationship maintenance a little arrow is located in the top bar of the screen to return to the screen where the user came from.


In supplier maintenance, a financial export code can now also be indicated. This code is used in financial exports as a creditor number so that purchase invoice journals can also be read correctly.


(changes in the POS also depend on the POS version)


RetailVista now offers an exception reporting. This makes the peculiarities / exceptions on cash registers visible. Examples of exceptions are, for example, the deletion of sales rules.


The length of the POS FastExecute field has been extended from 10 to 20 characters. This makes it possible to place, for example, a 13-digit barcode in this field that will lead to a certain POS function.


In the POS transaction detail page, the following tabs have been added: Correction rules, Log. In the correction rules tab, an overview of all corrections made to the transaction can be seen, such as deleting transaction rules, changing quantities, etc. In the log tab, the rules from the transaction's logging can be seen.


In POS transaction details (display screen from POS transaction maintenance), an additional tab 'Log rules' has been created. In this tab, any log rules from the transaction are shown. This may seem redundant, as the log rules also end up in RetailVista after transaction processing. But especially with a transaction that cannot be processed (for whatever reason), it can be useful to be able to consult the log rules in a simple way in advance.


In the touchscreen designer of RetailVista POS, when saving a touchscreen layout, it can now be indicated that the layout is for a specific location.

By default, the layouts are now saved independently of the location, which is a change in behavior from previous versions of the designer. This adjustment allows for easy use of the same layouts in interbranch situations.


In RetailVista, 'POS FastExecute' now offers the options 'Create Sales Order' and 'Load Count'. This allows RetailVista Scan POS users to create sales orders and start load counts with a shortened code.

Promotions, discounts


Copying a discounted product did not correctly set the start and end dates in the background, and the promotion was not copied either. This issue has been resolved.


It is now possible to assign optional locations to price agreements. These price agreements will only apply to transactions at that specific location. This adjustment can be particularly useful when opening a branch in an interbranch situation.


A discount agreement marked as expired will no longer be visible as an active discount agreement in product maintenance.


When creating a promotional price for a product, the summary tab will now be updated immediately with the promotion information.



From now on, the chosen sorting of a report (as seen in the preview screen) will be remembered per user. This ensures that the same sorting will be chosen when printing the same report again.

Customer maintenance


Debtors created at the head office level are now also visible in underlying companies. This allows for invoicing to the same debtor in all underlying stores.


At supplier maintenance, a financial export code can now also be indicated. This code is used in financial exports as a creditor number so that purchase invoice journals can also be read correctly.


The field 'Giro' has been removed from the customer card in customer maintenance.


In the RetailVista back office website, it is now also possible to create a supplier and/or customer directly when creating a relationship. In the creation screen itself, additional options have been added at the bottom to create a supplier and/or customer directly.



In the sales order reservation settings of RetailVista, it is now possible to indicate that only reservations that have been fully paid can be printed. This can prevent reservations from being delivered for which payment still needs to be made. Of course, this way of working only applies if the rule is that reservations are only delivered if they have been fully paid in advance. Situations where payment is made at the door or afterwards (invoice) are not suitable for this way of working.


In the 'Sales Orders' start page, a new menu option 'Reservation Packages' has been added. This new screen provides a total overview of created track & trace barcodes for the (possibly different) parcel services. By default, only the packages from the past month (30-31 days ago) are shown.


When clicking on the Track & Trace barcode, the postcode of the reservation's relationship's postal address was always used. This should have been the postcode of the package, as it can differ from the relationship's postal address. This issue has been resolved.

Shelf Plans


RetailVista ERP now has the ability to work with shelf plans. Mutations of product plans are currently only possible through digital delivery, the user interface of RetailVista does not provide for mutations. To work with product plans, a corresponding license is required.


In the product search screen, it is now possible to search for product plan information. There are 3 new filters:

1 - Search for product plan and local assortment

  This filter returns the products that are classified in a product plan, along with local products (which are often not included in a product plan)

2 - Filter for specific product plan

  This filter returns the products that are assigned to a specific product plan

3 - Filter for products with location code (yes/no/all)

  This filter returns the products that are assigned to a product plan but do not have a location within that product plan.


In the product administration start page, a new option 'Print queue' has been added. It will contain data of products for which new labels should be printed. In the next release of RetailVista, the remaining print functionality from 'Price changes' will be transferred to this new screen and labels will be printed from this screen.



On report 161 (postcode statistics), net turnover is now displayed instead of gross turnover.


An extensive statistic could fail (and give an error message) if incorrect data (from/to) was used. This error has been resolved.


New statistics have been added in extended statistics (140, 141, 142, 143, and 144). It is now possible to create statistics per classification level.


In statistic 236, there is now an additional column 'Webshop' indicating from which webshop the turnover line originates.

If the turnover is not the result of a webshop order, then this column is obviously empty.


In the sales dataset for ePlato BI data warehouse, the article status field and the external article number are now properly filled. In the dataset, these fields are called 'ArticleLevel' and 'ExternalArticleCode'.


In the ePlato sales export file, the GS1Number field is now also correctly filled. This happens from the v11 sales XSD.


In 'Statistiek uitgebreid', a template can now be created from the selection filters of a statistic. For this purpose, buttons are located at the bottom of the screen to create, modify, and delete a statistic template. By saving the filters in a template, they can be quickly retrieved later by choosing that template. When adding a template, it can also be indicated whether the selected statistic (statistic number) will also be part of the template. This allows for templates that only contain statistic filters, but also templates that have been chosen for a specific statistic. For specific statistics, the Excel template is also saved.

In the next version of RetailVista, the statistic-bound templates (i.e., templates that have a statistic number stored) will also be displayed as menu items on the statistic homepage. This allows for quickly starting a specific statistic directly from the homepage, with all filters predefined. Eventually, the templates will also be schedulable, allowing them to result in an email with the statistic results as an attachment, for example, overnight.



A store manager can now perform a check to ensure that products are picked correctly, thereby preventing incorrect articles from being sent to a customer.

In the sales order start page, it is now possible to choose 'Approve reservations'. This will only display reservations with the status 'Picking process completed' by default. By approving a reservation, the status will change to 'Picking process checked'.

Whether or not to approve reservations is a setting. This setting can be found in Settings -> Sales Orders section -> Reservations tab -> 'Require picking approval'. By default, picking approval for an order picking process is not required.

The workflow of a reservation in case of picking approval is as follows:

Open reservation > Printed > In picking process > Picking process completed > Picking process checked > Delivered cash or on account

If picking approval is not used, the workflow is as follows:

Open reservation > Printed > Delivered cash or on account


It is now possible to configure whether inventory administration is active for products in each brand, supplier, and product category group. With this adjustment, for example, it is possible to no longer keep inventory administration for all products of a certain brand, which would prevent the inventory system from producing results.


A new report 'Inventory per VAT rate' has been added to the inventory reports.


When moving a purchase order line to another location, the forecast inventory levels of both locations were not updated correctly. This issue has been resolved.


It is no longer possible to enter a quantity higher than 1000 pieces during a warehouse count. Previously, a higher number could be entered, and sometimes a barcode was accidentally scanned in the quantity field. This caused issues in further processing.

Sales orders


When importing a sales order from the webshop with barcode 9999999999996, it is now possible to indicate the cost center of an order. This cost center will be stored as part of the sales line and can be used to allocate the revenue from webshop orders to specific locations (using a cost center).


In webshop EDI order messages, it is now possible to specify that an order should be delivered to a specific location or delivery address using an NAD+DP2 rule. The ShopServer documentation has been updated accordingly.


In webshop EDI order messages, it is now possible to provide and retrieve free information. The ShopServer documentation has been updated accordingly. Barcode 9999999999995 is used to indicate free text.


From a sales order, it is now possible to navigate to the associated reservation(s). In the 'General' tab of the sales order, the numbers of all available reservations are displayed. Clicking on each reservation number will open that reservation. The linked sales order number is displayed in that reservation, and clicking on that number will take you back to the sales order.


From sales order maintenance, it is now possible to directly enter a down payment. In practice, this will often be a down payment received by bank transfer. Previously, linking a down payment to a sales order was only possible through the 'Payments' menu. With this adjustment, that step is no longer necessary.


A sales order for which a down payment request has been fulfilled can now also be settled on account. The only requirement is that the down payment request must be fulfilled, for example, in cash, EFT, etc.

Example: On a sales order of 1000 euros with a deposit request of 250 euros, 250 euros must be added as payment before the transaction can be handled on account. This prevents the deposit request of 250 euros from being put on account, effectively meaning that no deposit has been made.


From generating reservation rules, it is now also possible to choose to directly generate the delivery(ies) on account. This reduces the number of steps required to go from a sales order to an invoice.


If the setting that a sales order can be made final immediately is active, then it should also work for reports. This used to not be the case, but has been adjusted.


A sales order can no longer be closed if the balance of the deposits is not equal to zero. At that point, the deposits must first be handled (e.g. refunded).


From deposit maintenance, it is now visible which cash receipt belongs to the deposit, along with information such as the transaction number, cash receipt number, and POS terminal. This adjustment allows for quicker identification of the transaction through which a deposit was made.


If a different delivery address is printed on a sales order, the standard sales order report will now also print a second address block. For custom reports, it is necessary to adjust them accordingly. The data is available, but the report will require a design modification.


When printing a receipt for a transaction with a deposit request, the number of the corresponding sales order is now also included.


From now on, it is possible to define the mandatory information for a sales order in RetailVista.Examples of mandatory fields are, for example, the sales order classification, the desired delivery date, etc. Via Extra -> Mandatory fields are currently the fields that can be indicated as mandatory for a sales order. This system is prepared to also set up other tables later, but at the moment the functionality is limited to sales orders. In addition to this adjustment, it is now also possible to set whether the address, phone number, and email address are mandatory when creating a new relationship via settings, section 'Relations', tab 'Default values'.



The field 'Address indication' is now also transferred from the EDI address line to the address in RetailVista.


The field 'Discount allowed' from the article is now also included in the transfer to the ShopServer.


Three new tables have been added to the ShopServer export, namely VAT rates, assortments, and suppliers. This information is now available in the ShopServer and can be requested by external parties.


When transferring a product to the webshop, it used to be possible to enter a gross sales price. However, this information has not been used for a long time since there has been a change that there are no longer separate recommended and gross sales price fields. This field has now been removed from the screen for transferring a product to the webshop.


Until now, it was quite difficult to easily retrieve the turnover of a webshop from RetailVista. From now on, in statistics, an extensive webshop can be selected in the 'Sales' tab to create statistics. It is also possible to choose 'Webshop only' (in case of multiple webshops, for example) so that only turnover linked to a webshop is shown. Reversed, it is also possible to choose 'No' for 'Webshop Only' to get the revenue generated by the store. This new filtering only works for sales orders received in RetailVista after this update. Older webshop sales orders do not fill in this information and therefore cannot be requested in this way.


If a new field is added in the maintenance of the free fields, a language record will now also be automatically created. The language record is used as a title display for that free field. The field name is used as language text / description. Of course, it is possible to still modify the language record afterwards to perhaps provide a clearer field description.


When importing a webshop order, previously (if the setting for matching on email address was active) only the combination of postal code, house number, and email address of the relation was searched for. This has been changed. If no relation is found, then the combination of postal code, house number, and email address of a contact person is also searched.

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