Release notes RetailVista autumn 2020 update version 20.17
  • 30 Jun 2024
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Release notes RetailVista autumn 2020 update version 20.17

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<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>General / miscellaneous

(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19704 - Never delete reservations with a logistic status >= when reopening a sales order

When reopening a sales order, it can be indicated that outstanding reservations may be deleted. From now on, this will only happen for reservations whose logistic status is not yet in or after the picking process. For reservations that are being picked (or have already been picked), the warehouse must decide what to do with such reservations.

(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19703 - Please authorize the function of reopening a sales order

The reopening of a sales order can now be authorized with the authorization function.

(Version 20.11.7472.28236) Task 19429 - Implement environment support

With the new environments table, a user can easily select which 'Environment' they are active in. An environment can refer to departments where a user is located. In that department or near that department, there are certain printers that can be used. The printer to be used can be pre-set for each environment. The active environment can be chosen in the left column of the RetailVista start page and is saved per user. In the new version of RetailVista Mobile (RetailVista Mobile X), the choice of an environment is also supported.

The environment with bridge printers is currently supported in the sales order module. Sales order reports can be automatically printed to these new type of printers. This allows sales orders created in RetailVista Mobile to be automatically printed to A4 printers.

In the coming period, the entire reporting environment of RetailVista will be converted to bridge printers, taking into account the selected active environment. Therefore, it will no longer be necessary to first display the printout on the screen and then choose the Windows printer using a trick: reports can be printed directly to a bridge printer without any further intervention. The bridge printer is actually the successor to RetailVista Local Services, which not only supports thermal printers, but also A4/page printers.

Starting from this version, strict control is carried out to check if the API integration license is present. Previously, this check did not exist and it was found that many parties were using our API functionality without a license. From this version onwards, this is no longer possible and active checks are made during API communication to verify the presence of the corresponding license.

Product Lists

(Version 20.13.7534.25412) Task 19101 - Ability to convert product list to invoice delivery

The conversion of a product list to an invoice delivery has been improved in terms of user interface. Now, only the selected lines can be transferred and the transfer screen has been redesigned.

Purchase Invoice Control

(Version 20.13.7534.25412) Task 19438 - Please display EDI message in formatted manner

In the purchase invoice control, the message in the 'EDI' tab will now be displayed in a formatted manner. This means that a new line will be started on the screen for each EDI line.

There were suppliers who did not provide a message with those line endings, RetailVista will now reformat such messages.

Cash accountability

(Version 20.12.7485.21011) Task 19531 - In sales journal payment line, not only mention deposit number but also webshop order reference, sales order number to which the deposit belongs, followed by original deposit number

Due to reconciliation in the accounting, it is essential that the individual deposit journal entries contain more information in the description field than just the deposit number. From now on, more information will be displayed in the description field in the journal of that deposit.


(Version 20.12.7485.21011) Task 19523 - Do not add underlying items of set item to sales order when converting quotation to sales order

When copying a quotation to a sales order, the underlying items of a set item will no longer be included. The sales order environment already adds those items itself, and this adjustment prevents such items from being duplicated in a sales order.


(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19696 - When generating reservations from receipts, record the receipt document with the reservation

In the 'Advanced' tab of reservations, it is now indicated what the receipt document is that caused the reservation to be created. This is filled in when generating reservations with a specified receipt document. At that moment, only the products from that specific receipt are considered, and it is calculated whether there are products for customers among them. Such reservations are assigned that receipt document, and the intention is that those reservations are immediately picked from the product receipt before the products go into the store.

By automatically printing pick lists, reservations resulting from product receipt can be printed on specific printers. This makes it possible, for example, to choose a printer with a different color paper. Like this, it is clear that these kind of pick lists need to be taken immediately, otherwise the products will already be in the store.

(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19692 - Ability to choose product type as a column in the receipt lines grid

In the product receipt lines, it is now possible to choose the 'Product type' as a column. This allows you to see which lines are related to 'Custom-made' products. These kind of products need to be manually reserved upon receipt. Automatic reservation of these lines is not possible because stock cannot be kept for custom-made products. These are products that are ordered with various specifications. When it is indicated that there are custom-made products in a receipt (and which lines they are), it is possible to choose to manually reserve them.


(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19697 - Ability to assign a storage location to a reservation

From now on, a storage location can be assigned to a reservation. This is a free text field where any description can be entered.

(Version 20.15.7559.27956) Task 19652 - Ability to filter reservation reports by expired yes/no/all when printing

From now on, when printing reservation reports, it is possible to choose whether or not to include expired reservations. By default, expired reservations are not selected and printed.

(Version 20.13.7534.21011) Task 19535 - When generating reservations, it is now possible to indicate that reservations should also be automatically invoiced if possible

This has been implemented and made possible to ensure that shipping notifications from a WMS environment automatically result in a delivery on account (revenue/sales from the reservation) and thus the closing of the corresponding sales orders. For other customers, this was undesirable because reservations were unintentionally sold immediately and also invoiced on account. For these customers, it is questionable whether a reservation should be sold at all, and if so, whether a customer chooses to do so on account. This is a manual choice for those customers when the reservation is ready. In addition, the reservation is now closed, so customer service cannot see what is still outstanding and needs to be handled. From now on, it is possible to set whether automatically invoicing reservations is desired in the sales order classification. The default behavior does not do this, essentially working as it did before. So if it is desired to automatically create a delivery on account from a reservation, it must be set in the sales order classification.

(Version 20.12.7485.21011) Task 19587 - Generating reservations from the left taskbar when manually reserving should be able to specify a sales order

When generating reservations during manual reservation creation, it is now also possible to specify a sales order. This means that a reservation is only generated for the sales order for which manual reservation rules are being created at that time.

21011) Task 19524 - Add 'Main' product to the first possible reservation

The 'Main' product of a set will no longer be added to a separate reservation, but will now be added to a 'Random' reservation that is created for the same sales order to which the set's main product belongs.

This only applies when reservations are split by departments. A main product does not always have a department and would therefore be added to a reservation without a department in such a case. This issue does not occur when splitting reservations by pickup locations, in which scenario a main product can also be assigned a pickup location and will be automatically added to the correct reservation.

(Version 20.12.7485.21011) Task 18824 - Printing reservations should be able to automatically take place on two printers, adjustable via scenario

From now on, various reports from sales orders and reservations can be automatically printed. This works through the new bridge printer technology. Layouts and printers can be set in the sales order classifications that will be applied when automatically printing reports. In the autumn release, this feature will be officially released, it is currently in the testing phase. RetailVista Mobile will also be able to print in this new way.


(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19700 - In statistic 236, the original sales order reference of a sales line must be made visible

In statistic 236, an additional column 'Order reference' has been added. This column displays the sales order reference when a reservation is sold. This order reference can be used to match it to the original sales order.

Sales orders

(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19713 - Do not delete the linked reservations when closing sales orders

From now on, when closing sales orders, all outstanding reservations will no longer be automatically deleted. This was a faulty design choice from the past: if the remaining part of a sales order is no longer needed, it can be closed. However, this does not necessarily mean that what has already been reserved, does not need to be delivered anymore. Alternatively, the decision can be made to cancel the reserved items and return them to the inventory. By deleting the reservations, they also become untraceable, making it unclear who made those reservations and what their status was, etc. It is up to the warehouse to decide on the remaining outstanding reservations after closing a sales order.

(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19686 - Implement more options for changing addresses from within the sales order itself

Changing a delivery address from within the sales order was already possible. It is now also possible to add a shipping address from within the sales order. For this, the order needs to be modified first (complete reopening is not necessary). By partially reopening the order, a '+' icon appears next to the delivery address to add a new address. The address created in this way is stored as an additional delivery address for the contact.

(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19684 - Expand search control with additional search option

When creating a sales order line, there is a search system that allows searching for an article in various ways. Usually, this is based on barcode or article number, but there are also other selectable methods. An additional method has been added to the various methods, allowing direct searching based on the description of an article. The search method is 'external code, article number, barcode, description'. The default search method to use can be adjusted in the settings of RetailVista.

(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19679 - House number 0 exists, is not processed

If a webshop order message now provides a house number '0', RetailVista will consider that house number as 'empty' during processing and write it as such in the address information. Previously, such a message would be rejected (rightfully so) because RetailVista does not accept house numbers with a 0.

(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19676 - Notify if insufficient stock to immediately reserve the number of units in a sales order line

In the sales order classification, it can be indicated that when adding a sales order line, a check is performed to see if there is sufficient available stock for the requested number of units. If not, a notification can now be displayed on the screen, which the user must confirm first. This functionality is a change in behavior of RetailVista and must therefore be explicitly enabled in the sales order classification.

(Version 20.15.7559.27956) Task 19646 - Ability to modify the 'main' set product sales price in a sales order

An important change has been made to sales orders regarding 'set' products . The existing functionality is that when a set product is added, all underlying products of that set are automatically added. What has been modified is that from now on, it is possible to modify the number of units and the price of the main products. It is no longer possible to modify the price and quantity of the underlying set products. The price and quantity of the main product will be adjusted accordingly for the underlying set products, in terms of quantity and price. The price will be evenly distributed among the underlying products. And if the number, for example, doubles, then the quantities of the underlying products are also automatically doubled. It is also no longer possible to remove an underlying set of products: the set is one whole and is ordered as such, or one must order individual parts.

(Version 20.14.7545.23961) Task 19613 - Maintaining the link between sales orders and purchase orders

From now on, a link is kept between sales orders and purchase orders. There has been a desire among multiple users for some time to see in which purchase order(s) a sales order line was processed. As is known, sales order lines are 'Counted', so multiple sales order lines can result in one purchase order line. But it is still useful to know from, for example, that purchase order line, which sales order lines are all included. That is now visible. From the sales order line, a grid is available that shows the purchase order lines to which the sales order line belongs, and vice versa, from the purchase order line, a grid is visible that shows which sales order lines have led to that purchase order line.

It is also possible for a sales order line to end up in multiple purchase orders. That chance is currently very small from a technical point of view, but in a future update of RetailVista, sales orders will be automatically reordered if the sales order line is still open and no longer appears in a purchase order. The idea behind this is that many suppliers do not deal with backorders. Previously, a sales order was only converted into a purchase order once. But with this adjustment, we can automatically reorder a sales order in a future update.

(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19586 - Expanding date fields in sales order with earliest delivery date and desired delivery date

Until now, the customer could never indicate what the desired delivery date was. Instead, the field 'Planned delivery date' was often misused as the desired delivery date.

There was also no possibility for a customer to indicate that they did not want to receive products before a certain date. With the introduction of the 'Earliest delivery date', this problem is also solved. The earliest delivery date is now technically not used (just like the latest delivery date).

(Version 20.12.7485.21011) Task 19545 - Automatically mark all lines as expired when a sales order is expired

When a sales order was marked as expired, all lines were automatically canceled. This was not the desired behavior, especially because, when restoring the expired indication, it was unknown which lines should be restored. After all, there may be lines that were genuinely marked as expired in consultation with the customer. But if everything is automatically marked as expired, it is no longer clear which lines were originally affected. From now on, the sales order lines will no longer be marked as expired when a sales order is declared expired. External systems that use the expired indications at line level must take this behavior change into account and pay particular attention to the expired indication of the sales order itself.

(Version 20.12.7485.21011) Task 19525 - Decrease amount of unprocessed down payment request when creating or updating a reservation

From now on, a down payment request will automatically be decreased when maintaining a reservation if it turns out that the sales order amount minus the total amount of reservations is lower than the down payment request amount. This can happen if there are still changes in the sales order and/or reservations after the down payment request has been made. What previously went wrong was that the customer in RetailVista POS sometimes had to pay too much in the aforementioned situation, which obviously led to complaints. From now on, it will always be ensured that the deposit request amount will not be too high. If the difference between the sales order value and the total amount of all reservations is 0, the deposit request will be removed.

(Version 20.12.7485.21011) Task 19495 - Expand sales order classification with drop shipment application conditions

In the sales order classification, it is now possible to indicate how to handle the drop shipment suggestion. Drop shipment can always or never be suggested, or according to a certain calculation. The calculation method is also adjustable and can take into account the drop shipment indication at the article level, together with certain inventory levels.

(Version 20.12.7485.21011) Task 19453 - Specify that inventory should be ignored when adding a sales order line for article category

On certain groups of articles, inventory is never tracked, such as plants. By indicating on the plant categories that inventory should be ignored when adding a sales order line, the 'Direct reservation' field will always be filled with the sales order quantity.

(Version 20.13.7534.25412) Task 19037 - Modifiable VAT exempt indication on sales order

When modifying a sales order, the VAT exempt indication can now be adjusted. At that moment, all VAT rates/codes are re-determined for the articles. Of course, the prices are also recalculated. The determination of the VAT rate is based on the fiscal country of the order and the article. If no VAT rate is known for that country and article, the VAT rate of the sales order's branch is used. If that is also not known (very theoretical), then that particular line remains unchanged.

Due to the recalculation, discounts and such will be lost (re-determined), as the gross price changes, making the discounts no longer valid.

(Version 20.12.7485.21011) Task 19025 - Specify fiscal country in sales order

When creating or maintaining a sales order, the fiscal country must now also be specified. This field is typically automatically filled from the relationship of the sales order. With the fiscal country, the turnover per country can be calculated using a BI tool (such as Qlik) or later in a yet to be developed statistic. The fiscal country is already used to determine the correct VAT rate for the products. If there is no specific VAT rate for that fiscal country in the product, RetailVista falls back on the standard VAT rate. This is the VAT rate of the country of the establishment.


(Version 20.16.7570.17932) Task 19610 - Support allocated inventory

From now on, it is possible to work with allocated inventory. This is inventory that is still physically present but not immediately sellable. Think, for example, of showroom inventory. This is present in the normal inventory quantity and therefore also counts towards the total inventory value. However, showroom inventory should not be purchasable through the webshop. That is why it is now possible to mark a certain number of units of a product as allocated inventory. This can be done, among other things, via RetailVista Mobile or via RetailVista ERP through Start, Inventory, Allocated inventory. Placing items in the allocated inventory reduces the available inventory. When placing an item in the allocated inventory, the type of allocated inventory must be indicated. The possible types can be created in RetailVista ERP.

The allocated inventory is also a preparation for arrangements: an arrangement that is created consists of products from the regular inventory. However, those products are no longer individually sellable at that time. Therefore, there has long been a desire to make an exception in the inventory for arrangements. With the introduction of allocated inventory, preparations have been made to be able to set inventory aside. In a future release of RetailVista ERP, arrangements will also make use of this functionality. It is expected that when an arrangement is sold, it will automatically be deducted from the allocated inventory.


(Version 20.10.7452.28636) Task 19419 - Enable the use of multiple printers for package service integration. For example, one printer per POS terminal, etc.

A new environments table has been added. In this table, a default thermal printer and a separate package service thermal printer can be specified. If this is not configured, the default webshop printer from the location will continue to be used.

By selecting a specific RetailVista system account in RetailVista POS and setting the correct 'Environment' thermal printer in that account, the correct printer will be used for printing package service labels when processing the reservation.

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