Release notes RetailVista autumn 2021 update version 21.15
  • 03 Jul 2024
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Release notes RetailVista autumn 2021 update version 21.15

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Basic - Customer Relationship Management  

Email link on customer email address - Task 20081 (version 21.12.7811.30448)

In customer maintenance, it is now possible to click on the customer's email address. This will automatically start the Windows email client to compose and send an email.

Basic - Product Maintenance

Search by collection barcode and collection identification barcode - Task 20208 (version 21.15.7936.

In the product search screen -> tab "Purchase", it is now possible to search on these two fields. These are respectively the barcode of a collection item and the barcode of the entire collection itself.

Collections not exploding on article receipt - Task 20204 (version 21.16.7947.25966)

In a DC/WMS environment, exploding purchase collection items on article receipt is undesirable. In such environments, people only work with the "Main" collection items when ordering and do not individually pick and deliver the underlying collection components.

At store level, it is now possible to set whether exploding is desired or not. By default, it is set to "On" so that there is no change in behavior after installing this update. In DC/WMS environments, this setting will need to be consciously adjusted to achieve different behavior.

Setting: Tab "Extra" - Section "Structure": Stores - Tab "Advanced".

Collection import via Excel - Task 20203 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

From now on, collection fields can also be imported into Excel via Exchange. In the column mapping, the collection fields are now displayed at the very bottom in a separate block. They are only shown if purchase data can be imported, i.e., if importing purchase data is checked in the preliminary tab.

Task Scheduler: active article assortment - Task 19786 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

From now on, a task can be scheduled in RetailVista to determine the active article assortment. The product search screen can by default take into account the active article assortment by only searching within that assortment. As a result, the default number of search results decreases significantly. The task scheduling automatically calculates the active assortment every day.

Create task planning: Menu "Extra" - Task planner

First, in the "Settings" (Menu: "Extra" - "Settings") it must be indicated that the active assortment should be used. 

Then, in "Settings" - "Labeling" - tab "Queue", the criteria for determining the active product can be set.

Setting in the task planner

Search for product with criterion "Only active in assortment": Tab "Purchase"

Tip: If you use this often, create a Filter template for it. 

Basic - Relationship maintenance

Export relationships by disabling rights - Task 20163 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

The ability to export relationships can now also be disabled through rights. 

Exchange Excel import

Signaling source protection active - Task 20066 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

In the Excel import screen in Exchange, it is now indicated whether source protection is active. 

Possibility of fallback VAT code - Task 18475 (version 21.12.7811.30448)

From now on, when importing a purchase order from an Excel sheet, the specified fallback VAT code for the supplier will be taken into account correctly. 

Purchase orders

Support for purchase price groups when importing Excel purchase order - Task 20091 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

When importing a purchase order from Excel, support for the purchase price group functionality has now been built in. The purchase price group can be indicated during the import, after which RetailVista will try to find and add the corresponding purchase price group purchase data to the purchase order lines.

What are purchase price groups: Purchase price groups can now be used in the purchase data. These groups can be linked to specific purchase data.

The use of purchase price groups allows for the creation of "Separate" purchase data that is ignored by RetailVista by default. An example of this is purchase data for container purchases. Such purchase data should not be used by default. In the product order screen, a purchase price group can now be indicated. If this is done, the purchase data linked to that purchase price group will be used at that time. From that moment on, an open purchase order from that purchase price group will be searched for, and the product to be ordered will be added to it.

Purchase price groups are particularly useful for custom purchase conditions on products. When creating the purchase order, this purchase price group can be chosen. The purchase data linked to this purchase price group will then be used for the purchase price of the purchase order line.

Closing purchase orders without mandatory selection - Task 19932 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

If closing purchase orders is called from a specific purchase order, that purchase order will now be selected immediately. This prevents the old situation where one had to select an order, forgot to do so, and then chose to close, resulting in all open purchase orders being closed.


Country code support for package service link/URL - Task 20106 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

For some time now, PostNL has been including the country code in their links. The parameter {CountryCode} has now been made available as a possible parameter for the package service URL.

Indicating that certain rules do not need to be picked - Task 20025 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

In a reservation, it is now possible to indicate which rules do not need to be picked. Examples of this are the "Main" items of sets (you pick the underlying items with set items, not the main item) and shipping costs.

If these types of products are correctly set as product maintenance type, this field will be correctly filled in by RetailVista.

Shipping costs: "Product maintenance" - product - tab "Sales" - field "Product type"

For a set product, RetailVista knows whether an product is the main product or not and therefore does not need to be picked.

Show order picking rules, in case of guided order picking, in reservation screen - Task 20016 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

In the reservation maintenance screen, there is now a tab available that shows the order picking rules of the reservation. This provides a good insight into the progress of picking a reservation.

Reservation rules

Filter reservation rules on picked/not picked - Task 20015 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

In the reservation maintenance screen, it is now possible to filter the order picking instruction rules based on whether they have been successfully picked or not.

Filter: All incomplete picked rules

Result: During picking, the status of the reservation is: Being picked. Once picking is completed, the status is changed to: Ready for delivery.

Display drop-off location in reservation tooltip - Task 19906 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

The reservation tooltip from a sales order now also displays the drop-off location specified in the reservation. This allows for quickly identifying where a reservation can be found.

Country code from WICS now appears in RetailVista for a correct track & trace link - Task 19737 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

From now on, the country code is also taken from the WICS shipment notification and transferred to RetailVista.

As a result, a correct track & trace link can ultimately be compiled to obtain information from the package service. 

Sales orders 

Specify the shipping method in the transport type - Task 20140 (version 21.14.7853.27920)

In anticipation of future adjustments in RetailVista, it is now possible to indicate whether a transport is for delivery or pickup in the "Transport types" section. In the future, we will use this information for further checks on, for example, certain fields in the sales order classifications in case of delivery versus pickup. It is advisable to adjust/fill the content of this type of field with the correct value after this update.

Setup: Menu "Administration" - block "Relations": Transport types

Search for maintenance payments based on content of remark field - Task 20120 (version 21.13.7836.28381)

In the maintenance payments screen, it is now possible to search based on the content of the "Remark" field. This makes it much easier to search for, for example, bank payments.

Menu: Sales orders - Payments. Click "Search" on the right in the overview 

Delivery address not always required when converting a quote to a sales order - Task 20087 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

The conversion of a quote to a sales order has been further revised and expanded with regard to the address. If the sales order classification is "Delivery", providing a delivery address is mandatory. If the classification is "Pickup", the address does not need to be provided.

 Modified payment reference sales order in invoice journal - Task 20071 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

The reference of a payment for a sales order in the invoice journal will now be compiled differently. This was necessary because the reconciliation in the accounting system could not be executed correctly otherwise.

Reopening sales order partially possible without reopening rights - Task 20039 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

From now on, it is possible to reopen sales orders even if you do not have the right to do so. The condition is that there are no reservations linked to the sales order or that the existing reservations still have the status "New". In fact, reopening is now allowed as long as it does not cause any problems.

Rights to close sales order - Task 19969 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

From now on, a new right is available to regulate which users are allowed to close a sales order. This concerns the routine "Close sales orders".

Menu "Extra" - block "Security": Rights

If you want to work with authorizations/rights in RetailVista, please contact us (+31(0)527-249900 or Setting up authorization is a project that we will go through together. Support will discuss with you which rights (groups) employees have and how this should be set up. You will first receive a quote so that you have an indication of the project's costs. 

Behavior regarding changing and adding a delivery address within the sales order improved - Task 19910 (version 21.13.7836.28381)

Maintaining a delivery address in the sales order has been slightly improved in terms of user-friendliness, especially regarding refreshing customized data. 

Inventory (reporting)

Report "Allocated inventory" - Task 20105 (version 21.14.7853.27920)

From now on, there is a report, 207 - Allocated inventory positions, available to print the allocated inventory.

Allocated inventory: This is inventory that is still physically present but not immediately available for sale. Think, for example, of showroom inventory. This is present in the normal stock quantity of items, and therefore also counts towards the total stock value. 

Webshop integration

Retrieving items from the webshop via an item list - Task 20083 (version 21.13.7836.28381)

When converting an item list to the webshop, it is now possible to indicate whether the items from the item list should be used to add or remove items from the webshop. Previously, this conversion could only be used to add items to the webshop, but bulk removal was not possible. 

Payment field in webshop order message can be empty - Task 20030 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

It is now possible to not mention any payments in a webshop order message. Of course, a different handling will have to be chosen for fulfillment, in most cases a delivery on account.

VAT exempt webshop orders - Task 19917 (version 21.15.7936.24399)

In the webshop XML order message, it is now also possible to indicate that an order is VAT exempt.

In development / Longer term developments

In addition to the above release points, our development department is also working on modules or components that require more time. We are currently working on the following components:

Delivery administration   

Reservations that arise from the Sales Orders Plus module are eventually registered in the delivery administration. Reservations can be scheduled for delivery via a dashboard. This can be delivery with our own vehicles, but also registration with SendCloud.

The reservations are then scheduled in "Routes".

Once a route is finalized, the routes can optionally be registered with SendCloud and labels can be printed. Customers receive emails about the delivery schedule, track & trace codes, etc. via Garden Connect / CMS.

Delivery planning dashboard - Task 19981 (version 21.15.7936.24399) 

The last part of the delivery planning is the planning dashboard. This allows for quickly creating a plan. On one side, there are the available delivery tasks, on the other side, there are the available vehicles. The dashboard provides the ability to visualize and easily modify this information.

Loyalty Plus 

Loyalty Plus is an extension of the Loyalty Card module.

Through Loyalty Plus, initially, products are sold with a discount by deducting a certain number of loyalty card points.

The analysis of which types of discounts need to be developed is done with multiple parties.

Loyalty Plus functionality is reconciled based on transactions.

Spaaza integration 

Spaaza is a platform for setting up (personalized) loyalty programs. A integration is being realized from RetailVista.

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