Release notes RetailVista ERP autumn 2022 update version 22.18
  • 03 Jul 2024
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Release notes RetailVista ERP autumn 2022 update version 22.18

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Article summary

<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>(Version 22.10.8174.27844) Task 20462 - Enable resending failed outgoing files

In the outgoing files screen, it is now possible to resend failed files through the left taskbar. 


(Version 22.15.8287.27636) Task 20463 - Send outgoing emails via own email server

From now on, it is possible to have emails sent through a custom/other SMTP server instead of the default setting of RetailVista.

A new screen 'Outgoing emails' has been created. Currently, gift card emails are placed in this screen, but in future updates of RetailVista, all outgoing emails will go through this route. To ensure successful sending, it is necessary to specify an 'SMTP server' definition. This can be done through the new 'SMTP servers' screen.

Another major advantage of this new sending method is that an SMTP sending log is created for each outgoing message. This log can be found behind each outgoing email. The log can be small when using default settings, or much larger when, for example, using 'debug' log settings. This way, it is easier to determine what happened if a recipient claims not to have received an email.

(Version 22.13.8231.27448) Task 18584 - ESL integration is not stable

The entire integration between RetailVista and Pricer electronic shelf labels has been rewritten.

A connection is now being established with the Pricer API environment in the cloud. In this new setup, it is no longer necessary to work with a local server environment from Pricer. The only things needed in the store are the LED access points and, of course, the shelf labels themselves. All software is located in the cloud at Pricer. This new environment appears to be much more stable and reliable than the old API connection.

Product Maintenance

(Version 22.14.8280.17464) Task 20526 - Ability to click on article number in related articles

In the article card for related articles, it is now possible to click through to the corresponding related articles, and back. The stock, free stock, and forecast stock of the related articles are also now displayed as grid columns.

(Version 22.13.8231.27448) Task 20524 - Remove standard picking location

The default (warehouse) picking location for an article no longer exists. This field has been removed. The functionality has been largely replaced by the new order picking module.

(Version 22.16.8306.21809) Task 20466 - Book sales on related articles without reducing quantity on main article

There used to be a somewhat vague option for related is product type to book sales on the underlying related is products without reducing the number of units sold of the 'main' related product. This setting no longer exists, and where it was still chosen in the old situation, it has been converted to the setting where the quantity is also written off on the main product. This limits the number of choices and makes it easier to understand how related products work. It is clear that even though the quantity will now be written off on the main related product, the sales on that same product will remain at 0 euros. After all, the sales are distributed proportionally among the underlying products.

(Version 22.16.8306.21809) Task 20422 - Indication in case of gross selling price that there is still a selling price mutation in Exchange present

If a product is listed in Exchange with a deviating gross selling price compared to the current gross selling price, this will now be indicated on the product card.

(Version 22.16.8306.21809) Task 20421 - Displaying purchase price from recommended price in product maintenance

If a recommended price changes, the date since when this price has been mutated will now also be displayed.

(Version 22.16.8306.21809) Task 20426 - Link with PriceTweakers, Internet selling price

From this version of RetailVista, an integration with PriceTweakers has been established. This software is capable of scanning internet prices of products and coming up with a recommended selling price. This price information ends up in a separate file 'External prices' and can be transferred to product maintenance from there. This can be done automatically through a task schedule. This calculated price (PriceTweakers calls it 'Dynamic Pricing') eventually ends up in the new field 'Internet price' in the product card. In the same product card, a new price field 'Gross price source' has been added. This makes it possible to set that the product's gross selling price may follow the internet price. If the internet price is then changed (for example, due to a mutation from PriceTweakers), the price of the product in the store will also be adjusted. It is advisable to use electronic shelf labels for such products. A cheaper alternative is to use the print queue, where a price change automatically ends up in that print queue. That queue must then be printed and emptied on a regular basis.


(Version 22.14.8280. Task 20420 - Enable automatic transfer of recommended prices from Exchange

It is now possible to create a separate task schedule to transfer recommended prices from Exchange automatically and independently from other data.

Exchange Excel import

(Version 22.16.8306.21809) Task 20423 - Import only sales prices via Excel in Exchange

It is now possible to import only a sales price (combined with a barcode) into Exchange. For this purpose, a separate Excel import function has been created in the left taskbar in Exchange. All other information (such as article description, etc.) that is normally required for an Excel Exchange import does not need to be provided for this import, and this required information is automatically taken from the article card in Exchange.

Loyalty / Loyalty- savings

(Version 22.14.8280.17464) Task 20304 - Automatically expire loyalty points and cards

Loyalty points can now expire automatically after a configurable period. This prevents an unlimited accumulation of balance. For the loyalty card type, the period after which earned points expire can be set. Furthermore, a task schedule needs to be created that runs every night and calculates which loyalty points expire. A contra-entry is made on the loyalty card points transactions to show the depreciations.


(Version 22.15.8287.27636) Task 20536 - Add a sequence field at location level 1

A sequence field has been added at location level 1. This allows giving certain warehouses higher priority in the order picking environment.

This field is also used to indicate the picking location on order picking reports, using the first warehouse with priority that also has stock.


(Version 22.10.8174. 27636) Task 18624 - POS terminal group maintenance slows down with a large number of layouts

The maintenance of the POS terminal groups has been improved in terms of speed.

Product &  discounts / Promotions & discounts

(Version 22.15.8287.27636) Task 20700 - Implement RFM functionality in RetailVista and POS

RetailVista has received a very nice new functionality with this update, namely RFM. RFM stands for Recency, Frequency, Money and is a globally accepted method for calculating in which customer segments they fall. In the standard RFM setup, customers are divided into 10 segments, ranging from customers you need to be most careful with, to customers you have already lost. In relation maintenance, the calculated RFM segment is visible for each customer. RFM segments can be linked to all known promotional systems of RetailVista. This has been made possible by assigning RFM segments to a discount agreement. In the various relationship exports, it is now also possible to filter on RFM segment, and the RFM segment assigned to the customer is also exported as a column.

Relationship maintenance / Relation Management

(Version 22.14.8280.17464) Task 20500 - Merging customers does not always work

Several errors have been fixed, so merging customers now works correctly.


(Version 22.11.8188.31168) Task 20520 - Please also include the products in the shipment with SendCloud integration

From now on, the products from a reservation will also be sent to SendCloud for non-multi colli shipments. This allows a consumer to know which products to expect in a shipment. In addition, SendCloud's return process is integrated, making it easier for a consumer to register a return shipment.

(Version 22.15.8287.27636) Task 20484 - Do not print order picking reports for credit sales orders

No order picking reports are printed for credit sales orders.

Task Scheduler

(Version 22.14.8280.17464) Task 20661 - Marking task scheduling as expired

Task scheduling can now be marked as expired. This has become necessary because task scheduling is now also automatically created by RetailVista. If such an automatically created task scheduling is deleted, it will be automatically recreated. By marking this task scheduling as expired, it will not be created (and started) again, but the existing task scheduling will remain. When it is marked as expired, the task scheduling will of course not be executed.

(Version 22.11.8188.31168) Task 20510 - Converting number of process tasks to task scheduler execution

A number of bulk tasks were still executed through an outdated system. One visible disadvantage of this was that only 1 bulk task could take place at a time. That entire outdated system no longer exists, all bulk processes now run through the task environment. The great advantage is that the results of this are also clearly visible. Moreover, multiple tasks can now be started, the notification that there is still a task pending no longer exists.

Sales Orders

(Version 22.10.8174.27844) Task 20485 - Making VAT calculation of delivery costs mandatory in sales order classification

From now on, it is possible to set the VAT calculation of the sales order delivery costs in the sales order classification. By default, the VAT rate of the specified transport article was always used. However, legislation in some countries requires that the highest VAT rate of items in the order be used as the VAT rate for the transport costs. For example, if all items are only 9%, the VAT for transport costs can also be calculated as 9%.It appears that this rule also applies in the Netherlands, but for that we advise you to contact your accountant. The behavior of RetailVista will not be changed with this update. If the new/modified VAT calculation is desired, it must be manually set in the corresponding sales order classifications.

(Version 22.10.8174.27844) Task 20483 - Deposits, refunds extended in sales order

RetailVista did not provide sufficient support for credit sales orders. Several changes have been implemented.

- From now on, it is possible to create a deposit of the action type 'Refund Request' for credit sales orders.

This must be linked to a deposit of the action type 'Deposit' in the original sales order, which ensures that the refund request is legitimate and also identifies the payment references used for the original deposit. This allows for automatic refunds to be executed by RetailVista through, for example, Buckaroo.

- From now on, it is possible to create a deposit of the action type 'refund' for credit sales orders.

This must be linked to a refund request. This ensures that actual refunds only take place if a refund request has been recorded. If the new PSP integration functionality is used (currently only Buckaroo), RetailVista can automatically execute the refund.

- From now on, it is possible to create a deposit of the type 'refund' for normal sales orders.

This must be linked to a deposit of the action type 'deposit'. Here too, RetailVista can automatically execute PSP-linked deposits. The refund on normal sales orders will only apply to a (partial) cancellation of the order. The order has not yet been delivered. If that were the case, a credit order must be created.

(Version 22.10.8174.27844) Task 20479 - Expand deposit lookup with sales order number and action

From now on, it is possible to search for sales orders and deposit status in deposits. This makes it much easier to trace, for example, return payments.

(Version 22.14.8280.17464) Task 20355 - Discount applied to product list does not appear in sales order

There was an error in converting the discount from a product list to a sales order. As a result, no total discount could be given later in the sales order, it simply was not applied. This error has been fixed.

(Version 22.15.8287.27636) Task 20319 - Printing order picking reports also adjustable per webshop and location

RetailVista is able to automatically print order picking reports via a task scheduler. However, printing was only possible when using pickup locations. Even for delivery orders, pickup locations had to be used. This choice turned out to be illogical upon further consideration and has now been revised. The functionality of printing per pickup location still exists, but it is no longer mandatory to work that way. The basis for printing order picking reports is now set at the corresponding location. It is now also possible to deviate from this per webshop.

The order is as follows:

Pickup locations > Webshops > Locations

If, for example, nothing is set on pickup locations (or pickup locations are not used), the order picking settings from the webshop will be used.

If they are not specified, or if the sales order is not a webshop order, the order picking settings per location will be used.

Inventory / Stock control

(Version 22.16.8306.21809) Task 20578 - Setting up and guiding the user more in the wizard for resetting stock to zero

The screen for resetting stock to zero has been improved and simplified.

(Version 22.14.8280.17464) Task 20488 - Drop shipment sales order lines should not affect the available stock

A drop shipment sales order line will no longer affect the reduction of available stock. After all, the item will not be delivered from the own stock, so it does not make sense to reduce the own stock with a reservation on the available stock.

(Version 22.10.8174.27844) Task 20486 - Remove adjustability of available stock calculation from RetailVista

From now on, the available stock is a fixed calculation, consisting of the stock minus open sales orders minus allocated stock. The old alternative calculation where available stock was determined by stock minus reservations is no longer possible. Due to this adjustment, the column 'Available stock' in the 'StoreProducts' entity is now usable as a reliable value of the available stock for API developers. The performance has also improved due to this change.


(Version 22.16.8306.21809) Task 20730 - Forced retrieval of an order from a webshop

When forcibly/manually retrieving webshop orders from a webshop integration, an order reference can now optionally be specified. In that case, that order will be retrieved 'hard', without filters or checking if that order has already been retrieved before. Due to this adjustment, it is now possible, for example, to retrieve an order that has already been received and has been mutated in the webshop. Or a situation where the order has already been retrieved and rejected due to problems. After a correction in the CMS, the order can be retrieved again.

Note: If the order already exists as a sales order in RetailVista, it will not be created again. RetailVista has security measures in place (which can be disabled) that create the order as an additional incoming message, but not as a sales order.

Currently, this functionality has only been implemented for the integration. In the future, it will be made functional for every webshop integration.

(Version 22.16.8306.21809) Task 20726 - Implement webshop import orders from Magento2

From now on, RetailVista is able to import orders from a Magento2 environment. In the spring 2023 update of RetailVista ERP, prices and stock will also be updated in Magento2, making the integration bidirectional. However, with this adjustment, it is possible to handle the entire order fulfillment process in RetailVista.

(Version 22.15.8287.27636) Task 20713 - Communicate prices and stock to

From this release onwards, prices and available stock can be automatically communicated to There is a separate QA that further describes how this works.

(Version 22.14.8280.17464) Task 20566 - Optionally take over article descriptions from webshop

From now on, it is configurable whether the description of a webshop article order can be taken over from the order. By default, this is the case. There may be situations where the webshop description is not desired in the order fulfillment process. In that case, the default article description from article maintenance will be used.

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