Release notes RetailVista ERP update autumn 2018 version 18.17
  • 02 Jul 2024
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Release notes RetailVista ERP update autumn 2018 version 18.17

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Article summary


(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17855 - Security roles can be marked as 'Expired'

Security roles can now be marked as 'Expired', so they will no longer be shown as possible security roles for new users.

General / miscellaneous

(Version 18.5.6764.26121) Task 18085 - Add checkbox for exporting entire product file in EDI export subscribers

In the EDI subscriber screen, a checkbox can now be placed next to 'Export all products regardless of supplier'. This will send sales and/or inventory data to that party for everything that has been sold, regardless of whether it is intended for that supplier or not. Previously, information was only sent to a supplier about the products for which that supplier was set as the preferred supplier. With this expansion, it is possible to provide an external party with all sales and inventory data, regardless of a specific supplier.

(Version 18.5.6764.26121) Task 18065 - Ability to specify full name for sender email address

In Settings ->Tasks -> tab 'Task Scheduler', a full name can now be specified. This will be added as a note to the sender email address. Instead of the email address (, most email applications will display the full name, greatly improving sender recognition. For technical reasons, changing the sender email address is not possible.

(Version 18.5.6764.26121) Task 18064 - Branch is not mutable in edi export subscribers

From now on, the branch can be mutated for EDI subscribers. This will only provide information from that specific branch, or if left empty, information from all branches will be sent.

(Version 18.4.30122) Task 17804 - Implement pagination for incoming and outgoing files

On the incoming and outgoing files (via Administration menu), pages are now supported. This means that not all data is retrieved at once, but only the number of items shown on one page in a grid. This greatly improves performance.

(Version 18.12.6842.30122) Task 17700 - Expand sales data export to suppliers with barcode text (continuation of task 17698)

In the SLSRPT (Sales, sales) export file, a 2D barcode is now also exported, provided it was part of the original sales line.

(Version 18.2.6659.20487) Task 17697 - Adjust licensing for RV Mobile

The applications that can be displayed on a scanner have been moved from the scanner to the security role. This means that the applications are no longer tied to the physical device, but to the logged-in users. The link to the user is done through the security role, but this was only done to avoid selecting applications per user. It is important to specify the correct security role for each user.

As part of the update installation, the applications are converted to the security role to which a user is linked, if possible. This only applies to scanners where a fixed user was set. For all scanners without a user, it is not known to which user the set applications should be converted. For this reason, it has been chosen to activate 'all' applications by default for all other security roles. Therefore, after installing the update, it is necessary to go through the security roles once and activate the correct applications per role. If this is not done, it may happen that too many applications are active when logging in and that the license is ultimately insufficient.

(Version 18.2.6659.20487) Task 17682 - In product search screen, search can be done on barcode text

From now on, in product search, a search can also be done on barcode text. Previously, only numeric barcodes were supported.

Product maintenance

(Version 18.9.6824.29453) Task 17930 - Please import FloriCode data via daily task

In the task scheduler, 'FloriCode import' can be scheduled. This will import the most recent FloriCode VBN product information on an interval basis. Please note that a 'Standby products' license is required to perform this task.

(Version 18.2.6659.20487) Task 17721 - Ability to set key field for export of product number or external code

In the settings per location for export to Wics and SlimStock, it is now possible to set whether the product number or the external code should be used as the 'key' field. By default, the product number is used (and recommended), but it is possible to use the external code of the products instead. The same setting will automatically apply to all files that are returned from SlimStock and Wics. If the external code is not specified for a product, that product will be ignored in the export.

(Version 18.5.6764.26121) Task 17410 - Realize barcode application ID table

RetailVista has been expanded with a table 'Barcode application Identifications'. With this table, barcodes can be scanned that contain multiple data. In fact, such a barcode consists of 'fields', each field preceded by an identifier (AI). An example of a field is, for example, a recommended gross selling price. RetailVista currently supports a limited number of fields. The 'field type' can be modified via the maintenance screen to indicate the meaning of a field.This type of barcodes is often printed as 2-dimensional barcodes, but in some cases an Ean128 barcode is also used in combination with 'application identifiers'.

In the next release of RetailVista, it will be possible to print 2-dimensional barcodes from product maintenance and received products. This functionality is a precursor to the implementation of coding for live goods for the garden center season 2018.

Product lists

(Version 18.2.6659.20487) Task 16435 - When transferring a product list to a quote, prompt for a customer if not specified in the list

When converting a product list to a quote, a customer will now be prompted if no customer is specified in the product list. Product lists can work without customers, but quotes cannot.


(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17927 - Rights for PriCat classifications cannot be set

Table rights can now be set for PriCat classifications.

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17852 - Number of users is not displayed in the security roles grid

The number of linked users assigned to a security role is now displayed as a column in the security roles grid. This counter always remained at 0, but this issue has now been resolved.

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 16717 - Please sort the security role selection for users alphabetically, it currently seems to be in creation order.

The listbox with security roles in user maintenance will now be displayed in alphabetical order.


(Version 18.10.6830.30824) Task 18041 - Incorrect display of EDI INVOIC and DESADV messages in RetailLink

In the RetailLink administration website, messages will now be displayed with formatting as much as possible. Some parties deliver without CRLF (carriage return, linefeed), causing the content of the message to be one long line. This is technically allowed, but of course, it is difficult to read. From now on, RetailLink will insert line breaks, making the readability good.

Exchange general

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17906 - Do not save external code from purchase info if it is delivered empty from Exchange

If an external code column is delivered as 'Empty' in an Exchange import, that column will be truly emptied in article maintenance after posting.


(Version 18.5.6764.26121) Task 18066 - Apply specified invoice reporting layout to debtor for email invoicing

From now on, a different invoice layout can be specified for the debtor. However, this layout information is only used when sending digital invoices.

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17897 - Task scheduler sometimes loses connection to the database, causing notifications to stop coming in

As a result of this error, not all digital invoices were sent sometimes. They would be sent in the next run, but that was not desired. This error has been fixed by forcing the processing of any remaining data every fifteen minutes.

Purchase orders

(Version 18.3.6722.Task 17942 - Closing purchase order closes everything even if items are unchecked

When collectively closing a series of purchase orders, there was an issue if all purchase orders were marked first and then a few lines were unchecked. In that case, all purchase orders were still marked as expired. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17912 - Purchase order report 87 expanded with inventory columns

In report 87, additional columns have been added for the current inventory of the location and the total inventory of all other locations. Both inventory levels are split into inventory, free inventory, and forecast inventory.

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17853 - Full name of purchase order user not displayed in purchase order grid column

An 'Owner' is automatically assigned to each purchase order. This can also be modified afterwards. The login name of this user is displayed as the purchase order user, but the full name column remained empty. This has now been resolved.


(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17894 - Specify article in settings to be used by POS as a temporary article if no real article exists for standby

In settings -> Article section -> 'Default' tab, it is now possible to specify the article that RetailVista POS can use temporarily when a ViridiCode is used with a standby article number for which no real article exists yet. The transaction line is then initially recorded on this temporary article, after which a definitive article is created during transaction processing. The sale is ultimately recorded on that article number.


(Version 18.4.6746.38240) Task 17992 - Improve Email Validation

The validation of a provided email address has been improved. Previously, an email address with an underscore before the '@' character was rejected as a valid email address. This validation has now been improved.


(Version 18.9.6824.29453) Task 17845 - Create price barcode when gross selling price is specified in receipt line and 2D barcode is present

If a different gross selling price is specified in a receipt line (during creation or modification) and a 2D barcode is present, RetailVista POS should apply the adjusted selling price when scanning that price barcode. From now on, a 2D price barcode will be created for this purpose, which will be visible on the product as a barcode. When importing a delivery note, no price barcode will be created if the gross selling price is equal to the price from the 2D barcode. This saves unnecessary records.

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17701 - Ability to import XML delivery note message with 2D barcodes

From now on, it is possible to import a NedFox XML Desadv delivery note message via RetailVista. This format contains a richer delivery note message in which, among other things, 2D barcodes can be recorded.


(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17854 - Printing exception reporting filter by user now correctly filters users

When printing exception report 150, the filter on 'User' now works correctly. Previously, all exceptions were printed regardless of the specified user.

(Version 18.2.6659.20487) Task 17782 - Ability to set a product ready for a specific relationship via Retail3000 API call

A new method AdQueueBustingProduct has been added to the Retail3000 API. This allows a specific product to be set up as a 'pre-scanning' rule.30824) Taak 17875 - New filter for purchases according to specified article list in mailing export

In relations, mailing export, a new filter type based on an article list can now be added. By adding that filter, only relations that have purchased articles from the articles of that article list will be selected.

(Version 18.5.6764.30824)26121) Task 17790 - Mark debtor as expired

A debtor can now be marked as 'expired'. This will prevent RetailVista POS from allowing any further credit sales to that debtor.


(Version 18.5.6764.26121) Task 18095 - Expand statistics reports 230 and 236 with weight information

Reports 230 and 236 in 'Extended Statistics' have been expanded with the columns gross weight, net weight, ISO code, and ISO description of the weight. The weight information used is from the 'Implementation' tab of the product. With this information, it is possible to calculate the weight of the sold products according to the specified criteria in the statistics. In the recycling industry, this is used to compile a mass balance report.


(Version 18.9.6824.29453) Task 17154 - Ability to import SLSRPT and INVRPT messages

From now on, it is possible to import EDI sales and inventory into RetailVista. In Extra, Settings, EDI section, the necessary settings can be made in the 'Sales' and 'Inventory' tabs.

Sales: The sales message is used in practice to import sales that occur in another system into RetailVista, where it becomes part of the statistics. The sales are imported in the form of cash sales. For this reason, a POS terminal and a revenue type are required. If an unknown barcode appears in the message, this sales line will be booked on a specified product in these settings.

Inventory: The inventory message is used in practice to synchronize with the inventory of an external system.Especially when replenishment is done in RetailVista (for example in combination with SlimStock), it is desired that RetailVista knows the inventory of all locations. The inventory import is processed as inventory corrections. Note: This import affects the current inventory! It is recommended to import inventory messages into a separate fictitious location.

Task Scheduler

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17716 - Settings for cleaning up transport declarations on own tab

The settings for the task scheduler have been moved from a separate tab in the 'General' section to their own 'Tasks' section.

(Version 18.4.6746.38240) Task 17712 - Code in task scheduling is vague field

The 'Code' field has been removed from the task scheduling. This field had no meaning and served no purpose.

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17599 - Task scheduler description field made unique

When creating a task schedule, a unique description must now be provided.

(Version 18.3.6722.27295) Task 17562 - Task properties can be specified, minimum time interval

An interval must be specified for each task schedule. From now on, the minimum interval time is defined per task type. When creating a task schedule, a notification will appear if the specified interval in the task schedule falls below the task's interval time. For existing task schedules prior to this update, the minimum allowed interval time will be used if the task schedule interval is set too quickly. When correcting the existing task schedule, the check will be performed on the minimum interval time.

(Version 18.5.6764.26121) Task 17282 - Tasks can be viewed outside of task scheduler

In the 'Extras' menu, you can now also choose 'Tasks'. This shows an overview of all tasks performed by different task schedules.With this new screen, it is clearly visible which tasks have been performed and what the status of all those tasks has been. Previously, each planning had to be opened via the task scheduler in order to see the tasks of that specific planning.

Sales orders

(Version 18.5.6764.26121) Task 18080 - Ability to display an image on sales order reports

On the sales order report, it is desired to be able to display a (thumbnail) image on an article line. From now on, a new field 'ThumbnailImage' is available in the dataset of this report. This can be added to the final layout upon request.

(Version 18.4.6746.38240) Task 18043 - Screen for generating purchase orders also shows expired sales orders

In the 'Generate purchase orders' screen from the sales order homepage, expired sales orders are also displayed. From now on, this is no longer the case.

(Version 18.5.6764.26121) Task 17998 - In sales order approval page, ability to display order code instead of article number or barcode

From now on, in settings -> sales orders section -> GUI tab, "Sales order product identification column" can be specified whether the article number, barcode, or external code is displayed as article identification.

(Version 18.12.6842.30122) Task 17849 - Articles that do not appear in article maintenance should still be able to be ordered for customers

An article can now be set as a 'Collective article' in the 'Article type' field. This indicates that this article can be used to order articles that do not appear in the article file from suppliers. It is recommended to create such an article for each supplier. The reason for this is that purchase orders are created from sales orders, and this is done per supplier.A collection product is not 'merged' into a purchase order, but the supplier of the product is still taken into account to determine in which purchase order the product should be placed. In the sales order maintenance screen, the 'Rules' tab now allows for the addition of a collection product. This will display a slightly different dialog box where much less information can be provided compared to ordering a known product. However, this screen does include a multi-line text field where a description of the product to be ordered can be entered.

When converting a sales order to a purchase order, this product will therefore remain as a separate line, and the full free text will be transferred to the purchase order.


(Version 18.2.6659.20487) Task 17155 - Ability to import inventory levels from external suppliers

Through inventory, supplier inventory, the external inventory of products from suppliers can now be viewed. The inventory is also displayed in the product statistics tab.

Through the EDI message INVRPT (Inventory report), inventory can be provided by external parties to RetailVista.


(Version 18.10.6830.30824) Task 17380 - Webshop message expanded with planned delivery date

From now on, a desired delivery date can also be specified in a webshop order message. This information will then be included in the sales order message. See QA340 for more information about this new field in the webshop order message.

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