Release notes RetailVista spring 2019 update
  • 03 Jul 2024
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Release notes RetailVista spring 2019 update

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Article summary

<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>General / miscellaneous

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18605 - Blocked users can still be assigned to sales orders

A blocked user was previously no longer shown in the listbox of available users when assigning a salesperson to a sales order, for example. This has been changed, blocked users will still be shown from now on. Only users who are no longer approved will not be shown. If users have permanently left, remove the approval from their user account to prevent them from being shown.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18572 - Outgoing files should have a number

From a support perspective, it has been decided to give all outgoing files a unique sequence number. In the outgoing files screen, it is now possible to search for the file number. This makes it easier to communicate with the support desk and indicate which file a question is about.

(Version 19.10.7030.30320) Task 18540 - Do not show incoming files that have already been processed/successfully processed by default

From now on, only files that have not been processed yet will be shown in the received files. In the advanced search filter section, it is possible to choose to show all files or only the files that have been processed or not processed.

(Version 19.5.6985.28728) Task 18453 - Add exchange ID, message ID, and expired indication to received messages

From now on, the columns 'Exchange ID', 'Message ID', and 'Expired Y/N' will be filled in for incoming messages. These columns can be selected in the grid for 'Received files'.

(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Task 18402 - Download of xml file (Realtime WMS outgoing) gives txt as extension when downloading

When downloading an outgoing file, it always saves with the 'txt' extension. This issue has been resolved, the file extension is now correctly preserved during the download.

(Version 18.20.6890.17274) Task 18276 - Paging error with external supplier stock

Browsing through the list of external stock (stock from a supplier) was not functioning correctly, the issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.5.6985.28728) Task 18065 - Ability to specify full name for sender email address

In Settings -> Tasks -> Task Scheduler tab, it is now possible to specify a full name. This will be added as a note to the sender email address. Instead of displaying the email address (, most email applications will show the full name, greatly improving sender recognition. Due to technical reasons, changing the sender email address is not possible.


(Version 19.1.6943.26418) Task 18009 - Enable discount on an arrangement

Discount in percentage or amount can now be applied to sold arrangements in RetailVista POS.

Product Maintenance

(Version 19.7.7002.30087) Task 18456 - Ability to indicate if an article is an ESL (Electronic Shelf Label) article

In product maintenance, the 'ESL' tab now allows choosing to indicate per location that an article has an ESL label. ESL stands for 'Electronic Shelf Label' and consists of a digital price tag. RetailVista has integrated with 'Pricer' electronic shelf labels. Whenever the price of an article changes (or description or other fields, depending on the label layout settings), it will also change on the ESL label within a short time.

A product label can consist of multiple parts, with a different product being displayed on each part. This is especially the case with very small products where the label covers multiple products in width on the shelf.

(Version 19.1.6943.26418) Task 18408 - Do not clear main barcode when entering a text barcode

From now on, when a text barcode is mutated, the main barcode remains unchanged. The main barcode is now only a numeric barcode, text barcodes are not supported as main barcodes. With this adjustment, the last numeric main barcode remains unchanged.

(Version 18.20.6890.17274) Task 18227 - Implement store locations

For the availability of products, a store location can now be specified to where the product can be found in the store. A separate maintenance table for store locations has been added to RetailVista.

(Version 19.3.6970.25591) Task 17958 - Automatically create products from standby products via task scheduler

Products can now be automatically created from standby products via the task scheduler. A practical application of this, is the VBN plants as standby products, where 'real' products are automatically created for each occurring plant. From a (different) overnight processing, the standby products are first updated with new plants, after which this processing automatically creates products from new standby products.

(Version 19.5.6985.28728) Task 17015 - Please create a filter for Image YES/NO when searching for products

When searching for products, a filter can now be activated to only search for products that do or do not have an image. This is a useful addition, especially when preparing a part of the product file for a webshop.

(Version 19.5.6985.28728) Task 16918 - If promotion on product then price in product maintenance with different color and asterisk behind

If a product is on promotion, a balloon icon is now displayed next to the gross selling price of the product. By hovering over it, an overview of all active discounts at that moment will be immediately visible.

Product lists

(Version 19.3.6970.25591) Task 18459 - Remove many products from product list

The speed of removing many products from a product list has been improved.

(Version 19.5.6985.28728) Task 18435 - Ability to indicate warehouse location in product list line

A product store location code can now also be specified for a product list line. This functionality is currently limited because it is not yet possible to indicate that the product can be found at a new store location. It only works for 'existing' product store locations. In the next update of RetailVista, it will also be possible to specify new products at locations.

(Version 18.22.6922.28815) Task 18295 - Allow alphanumeric barcodes to be imported from excel

From now on, alphanumeric barcodes (barcodes with text instead of numbers) can also be imported as products in product list lines.


(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Task 18217 - Speed of retrieving overview (grid) of outgoing messages

This grid was becoming slower, the performance has been improved and it now works fast again.

(Version 19.3.6970.25591) Task 17858 - EDI order did not reach the supplier

In exceptional circumstances, RetailVista could mistakenly determine that an order was successfully sent via EDI, even though it did not reach the supplier. This issue has been resolved.


(Version 19.6.6997.22634) Task 18494 - Possibility to print the week number as, for example, JWW (201J and WW=Week number) on Thermal Label Rataplan

On thermal labels, a variant of the current year and week number can now be printed. For this purpose, the fields <year1_x>, <year2_x>, and <week_x> have been added.

The field <year1_x> returns the last digit of the year, in this case 9 from 2019. The field <year2_x> returns the last 2 digits of the year, in this case 19. The field <week_x> indicates the week number with 2 digits, with a leading 0 for the first 9 weeks of the year. The determination of the week number is based on the settings in RetailVista.

(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Task 18429 - Issue with printing thermal labels via print queue

When printing labels from the print queue, the number of labels always printed as '1' when 'Number of items in stock' was selected. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.1.6943.26418) Task 18396 - ViridiCode standby article search does not always work correctly

An error occurred when reading an EDI XML packing slip message containing an unknown VBN plant number with a ViridiCode. This has been fixed.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18371 - Windows (Local Services) printer can be linked to label classification

When maintaining 'Printers', an optional label classification can now be set for a printer. Then, in a label layout, it must be indicated which label classification belongs to it. In the print screen of thermal labels, a label layout must be selected. By doing so, the list of available printers is adjusted, showing only printers that support the chosen label classification. This adjustment reduces the chance of selecting the wrong printer.

(Version 19.3.6970.25591) Task 18000 - Number of prints with arrangements goes wrong, number does not come along correctly

When printing arrangement stickers/labels, a number can be specified. However, this number did not pass correctly to the printer, causing only one label to be printed each time. This issue has now been resolved.

(Version 19.5.6985.28728) Task 16149 - From/to price on label, even with percentage discount

The final product price on a label (after deducting the discount) is now also calculated and filled in for percentage promotions. Previously, this field remained empty, preventing the discounted price from being printed on labels.

Exchange general

(Version 19.1.6943.26418) Task 18391 - Pricat export incorrectly exports products without barcode

From now on, products without a barcode will no longer be exported if they do not have a (numeric) barcode. The Pricat message requires the presence of a barcode.

(Version 19.3.6970.25591) Task 17741 - Book scheduled prices through exchange instead of directly on product file

In the Setting -> Articles section ->  Changes tab, it is now possible to set 'Agenda to Exchange' to always execute scheduled price changes through Exchange. By activating this, when implementing price scheduling, these changes will be recorded as product mutations in Exchange, instead of directly mutating the prices of the products. It is still essential to process Exchange, but it has the advantage that field security is active, for example. Moreover, there is more control over what will be mutated after processing Exchange.

If it was previously chosen not to automatically process scheduling (because it could not be done via Exchange), it is recommended to activate this setting and re-enable automatic processing of scheduling.Otherwise, the agenda files will continue to increase in size.

Exchange Excel import

(Version 19.7.7002.30087) Task 18455 - Excel import gives error message when barcode is empty

As a result of the introduction of text barcodes, the Excel import failed when empty numeric barcodes were subsequently provided. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.4.6974.31233) Task 17865 - Unable to import 'Own purchase price' within the purchase data of a product

From now on, the own purchase price can also be imported as a column in the Excel import in Exchange.


(Version 19.6.6997.22634) Task 18186 - Ability to specify a project for invoice delivery

For invoice deliveries, it is now possible to link a project to the delivery. This can be useful for later retrieving all associated deliveries from a project and calculating, for example, the total invoiced amount per project.

Financial exports

(Version 19.1.6943.26418) Task 18406 - Not all cash journals appear on FTP server

As a result of overwriting the file name of cash accountability journals, some journal exports could be lost. This occurred sporadically and has been resolved.

(Version 19.13.7080.20618) Task 18323 - Integration with Afas

From now on, RetailVista can also integrate with Afas as a financial administration system. There is a separate Q&A available on how to set up this integration. Journals are exported for cash accountability, sales invoices, inventory, and purchase invoices.

(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Task 17802 - Can journal lines with zero euros occur or be excluded?

Financial journal lines with a value of 0 in the cash accountability journal will no longer be exported to the accounting system from now on. It is meaningless and some accounting applications also struggle with it.

Product Card

(Version 18.22.6922.28815) Task 18324 - Allow larger product card numbers

The product card numbers have been widened from an Int32 type to an Int64 type. This allows for storing larger product card numbers, such as 2 billion.

(Version 18.21.6901.27299) Task 18308 - Customer wants to issue product cards with a value greater than 150 euros

There seems to be no identifiable legal basis to limit the maximum value of product cards to 150 euros. For this reason, the maximum has now been increased by 999 euros.

Purchase Orders

(Version 19.8.7009.29837) Task 18477 - Purchase order Excel import does not process alphanumeric barcodes

From now on, alphanumeric barcodes can be imported in the Excel import for purchase orders, not just numeric ones.

(Version 19.4.6974.31233) Task 18316 - Closing purchase orders does not take selection into account properly, too many are being closed

There was a problem with selecting the purchase orders to be closed (checking) which could lead to closing too many purchase orders in certain situations. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.6.6997.22634) Task 18292 - In purchase order lines, they would like to have a column with the total inventory of all other locations

In the purchase order lines, it is now possible to choose a column with the total inventory of all other locations. The inventory of the current location is not included in this column! This column can be useful for quickly determining whether it is necessary to order the product from the supplier or transfer it between locations.

(Version 19.3.6970.25591) Task 18288 - Importing purchase orders from Slimstock separately manage the frequency compared to MINMAX imports

A new type of task scheduling has been created, the fast Slimstock import.

25591) Task 18249 - Sometimes wrong email address when sending purchase order to suppliers.

If the shipping type on a purchase order was changed (for example, from RetailLink to email), the order would still be sent to RetailLink. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.4.6974.31233) Taak 16137 - Please highlight in red if no order is sent via EDI

If sending a purchase order (or orders) fails in the 'Send purchase orders' screen, it will no longer be displayed in green text that the sending has failed. The text will now appear more clearly in red.


(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Taak 18401 - FTP credentials are mandatory in WMS maintenance for FTP, please make them optional

From now on, the WMS FTP login credentials are no longer mandatory in WMS maintenance when a WMS integration is activated.

Cash accountability

(Version 19.8.7009.29837) Taak 18517 - Add branch cost center to lines of Afas cash accountability journal export

From now on, the cost center will also be exported in the Afas export. A cost center can be specified for the branch (general tab). In Afas, cost centers are referred to as 'Specifications'.

There is a Q&A for setting up and testing journals to Afas.


(Version 19.2.6956.25591) Taak 18249 - Sometimes wrong email address when sending purchase order to suppliers

If the shipping type on a purchase order was changed (for example, from RetailLink to email), the order would still be sent to RetailLink. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.4.6974.31233) Taak 16137 - Please highlight in red if no order is sent via EDI

If sending a purchase order (or orders) fails in the 'Send purchase orders' screen, it will no longer be displayed in green text that the sending has failed. The text will now appear more clearly in red.


(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Taak 18401 - FTP credentials are mandatory in WMS maintenance for FTP, please make them optional

From now on, the WMS FTP login credentials are no longer mandatory in WMS maintenance when a WMS integration is activated.

Cash accountability

(Version 19.8.7009.29837) Taak 18517 - Add branch cost center to lines of Afas cash accountability journal export

From now on, the cost center will also be exported in the Afas export. A cost center can be specified for the branch (general tab). In Afas, cost centers are referred to as 'Specifications'.

There is a Q&A for setting up and testing journals to Afas.


(Version 19.2.6956.25591) Taak 18249 - Sometimes wrong email address when sending purchase order to suppliers

If the shipping type on a purchase order was changed (for example, from RetailLink to email), the order would still be sent to RetailLink. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.4.6974.31233) Taak 16137 - Please highlight in red if no order is sent via EDI

If sending a purchase order (or orders) fails in the 'Send purchase orders' screen, it will no longer be displayed in green text that the sending has failed. The text will now appear more clearly in red.


(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Taak 18401 - FTP credentials are mandatory in WMS maintenance for FTP, please make them optional

From now on, the WMS FTP login credentials are no longer mandatory in WMS maintenance when a WMS integration is activated.

Cash accountability

(Version 19.8.7009.29837) Taak 18517 - Add branch cost center to lines of Afas cash accountability journal export

From now on, the cost center will also be exported in the Afas export. A cost center can be specified for the branch (general tab). In Afas, cost centers are referred to as 'Specifications'.

There is a Q&A for setting up and testing journals to Afas.


(Version 19.2.6956.25591) Taak 18249 - Sometimes wrong email address when sending purchase order to suppliers

If the shipping type on a purchase order was changed (for example, from RetailLink to email), the order would still be sent to RetailLink. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.4.6974.31233) Taak 16137 - Please highlight in red if no order is sent via EDI

If sending a purchase order (or orders) fails in the 'Send purchase orders' screen, it will no longer be displayed in green text that the sending has failed. The text will now appear more clearly in red.


(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Taak 18401 - FTP credentials are mandatory in WMS maintenance for FTP, please make them optional

From now on, the WMS FTP login credentials are no longer mandatory in WMS maintenance when a WMS integration is activated.

Cash accountability

(Version 19.8.7009.29837) Taak 18517 - Add branch cost center to lines of Afas cash accountability journal export

From now on, the cost center will also be exported in the Afas export. A cost center can be specified for the branch (general tab). In Afas, cost centers are referred to as 'Specifications'.

There is a Q&A for setting up and testing journals to Afas.


(Version 19.2.6956.25591) Taak 18249 - Sometimes wrong email address when sending purchase order to suppliers

If the shipping type on a purchase order was changed (for example, from RetailLink to email), the order would still be sent to RetailLink. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.4.6974.31233) Taak 16137 - Please highlight in red if no order is sent via EDI

If sending a purchase order (or orders) fails in the 'Send purchase orders' screen, it will no longer be displayed in green text that the sending has failed. The text will now appear more clearly in red.


(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Taak 18401 - FTP credentials are mandatory in WMS maintenance for FTP, please make them optional

From now on, the WMS FTP login credentials are no longer mandatory in WMS maintenance when a WMS integration is activated.

Cash accountability

(Version 19.8.7009.29837) Taak 18517 - Add branch cost center to lines of Afas cash accountability journal export

From now on, the cost center will also be exported in the Afas export. A cost center can be specified for the branch (general tab). In Afas, cost centers are referred to as 'Specifications'.

There is a Q&A for setting up and testing journals to Afas.


(Version 19.2.6956.25591) Taak 18249 - Sometimes wrong email address when sending purchase order to suppliers

If the shipping type on a purchase order was changed (for example, from RetailLink to email), the order would still be sent to RetailLink. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.4.6974.31233) Taak 16137 - Please highlight in red if no order is sent via EDI

If sending a purchase order (or orders) fails in the 'Send purchase orders' screen, it will no longer be displayed in green text that the sending has failed. The text will now appear more clearly in red.


(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Taak 18401 - FTP credentials are mandatory in WMS maintenance for FTP, please make them optional

From now on, the WMS FTP login credentials are no longer mandatory in WMS maintenance when a WMS integration is activated.

Cash accountability

(Version 19.8.7009.29837) Taak 18517 - Add branch cost center to lines of Afas cash accountability journal export

From now on, the cost center will also be exported in the Afas export. A cost center can be specified for the branch (general tab). In Afas, cost centers are referred to as 'Specifications'.

There is a Q&A for setting up and testing journals to Afas.


(Version 19.2.6956.25591) Taak 18249 - Sometimes wrong email address when sending purchase order to suppliers

If the shipping type on a purchase order was changed (for example, from RetailLink to email), the order would still be sent to RetailLink. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.4.6974.31233) Taak 16137 - Please highlight in red if no order is sent via EDI

If sending a purchase order (or orders) fails in the 'Send purchase orders' screen, it will no longer be displayed in green text that the sending has failed. The text will now appear more clearly in red.


(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Taak 18401 - FTP credentials are mandatory in WMS maintenance for FTP, please make them optional

From now on, the WMS FTP login credentials are no longer mandatory in WMS maintenance when a WMS integration is activated.

Cash accountability

(Version 19.8.7009.29837) Taak 18517 - Add branch cost center to lines of Afas cash accountability journal export

From now on, the cost center will also be exported in the Afas export. A cost center can be specified for the branch (general tab). In Afas, cost centers are referred to as 'Specifications'.

There is a Q&A for setting up and testing journals to Afas.


(Version 19.2.6956.25591) Taak 18249 - Sometimes wrong email address when sending purchase order to suppliers

If the shipping type on a purchase

29014) Task 18431 - Place alias loyalty card code table behind loyalty cards

For each loyalty card, one or more 'Alias' loyalty card codes can now be specified. This is mainly built for conversions where the previous system used alphanumeric loyalty card codes. RetailVista only supports 'Numeric' loyalty cards, but with this change, it can also handle alphanumeric loyalty card codes. After scanning an alphanumeric loyalty card code, RetailVista will try to find it as an 'Alias' and then display the final loyalty card number. Even if multiple alphanumeric loyalty card codes are specified, the linked single numeric loyalty card will still be used.


(Version 19.2.6956.29014) Task 18405 - Stock messages are exported for WMS

In store maintenance, you can now set whether stock messages should be exported to WMS in the WMS tab. Apart from that, it will only happen if RetailVista is the leading stock application; otherwise, no stock will be exported.


(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18612 - Pre-barcode can be imported from Excel sheet in receipt line

When importing an Excel document in article receipt, a column can now be selected for importing a pre-printed barcode. This column will record the pre-printed barcode in the article receipt, and then you can choose to display receipt lines with or without a pre-printed barcode. This will make it possible to print labels for articles that are not pre-printed with a barcode.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18604 - Scenario support and adding number of price fields to product receipt

In the receipt line, the following fields have been added in the 'Extra' tab for a number of base prices:

- Sales price from packing slip message (EDI)

- Calculated sales price (based on calculations from purchase price)

- Last sales price (based on previous delivery of the same product from receipt)

In the product receipt itself, a scenario can now be chosen, which determines how the sales price from the receipt line should be calculated. This can be based on the packing slip sales price, the calculated sales price from purchase, the last sales price, or not calculated at all. Up to 5 price determination choices can be made per scenario. If the first price determination does not yield any result, the second price determination will be executed. If that also does not result in a result, the third price determination will be executed, and so on.

The advantage of these separate fields is that the different price fields can be displayed side by side, so that, for example, the last sales price, the calculated sales price, and the current sales price can be visible. All this functionality revolves around 2D barcodes, where the sales price is part of the 2D barcode and is used by the cash register.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18602 - Number of new fields in product receipt line

The following additional fields have been added to the product receipt line and can be found in the 'Extra' tab.

- Preprinted barcode > This indicates whether the product has already been barcoded or whether labels still need to be printed. This field is initially always filled with 'Yes', it is assumed that products are already barcoded by default. This will usually be the case in practice.The only way to fill in this field meaningfully is when an EDI packing slip message indicates whether an article is already equipped with a barcode or not. This seems to be technically possible, especially with auction EKT messages. Some plants come with pre-printed barcodes, others do not.

- Free info: In this field, a free text / comment can be placed. This can, for example, be done after a packing slip has been read in, to indicate that promotion is desired for certain lines. In the search filter screen of the receipt lines, it can now be indicated that only the lines containing free text should be shown. Also, in the lines grid, a column 'Free text y/n' can be displayed, indicating only 'Yes' or 'No' if free text is present. The actual text can then, for example, be displayed as a tooltip at the end of the grid line.

- Container designation: A container code/number can be indicated for each article receipt line. This allows plants to be linked to, for example, a CC cart, so that after scanning the container (CC cart) barcode, it is known which plants are on that cart. Stickers can then be printed for only that cart. Efforts are being made to ensure that the EKT message includes a container (CC cart) code for each line.

In the received article maintenance screen in the lines search screen (advanced search above the receipt lines grid), it is now also possible to search on the following fields:

- Pre-printed barcode: This allows filtering of which lines labels need to be printed for

- Cash group, article category: This allows selecting by cash group and/or article category, so that, for example, indoor plants are printed first, then garden plants, etc.

- Container: This allows printing labels only for a specific container (CC cart)

(Version 19.13.7079.Task 18555 - Do not update the gross sales price of the product in case of standby product

An option can be set in the product receipt to indicate that the sales price from the product receipt line should also be transferred to the product itself. From now on, this is ignored for 'Standby' products, as it does not make sense to adjust the sales price of the product itself. Standby products (plants) do not have a base price. Therefore, this setting will be ignored for standby products from now on.

(Version 19.10.7030.30320) Task 18551 - Recalculate sales prices when importing delivery note messages

If a user has the calculation license, the sales price will be calculated from the purchase prices of a delivery note message. This calculation always takes place, and the result is stored in a separate field 'calculated sales price', visible in the 'Extra' tab in the product receipt line. The product receipt scenario determines what will be done with that price.

If a calculation factor is known for the product category of the product and the supplier of the product receipt, the specified VAT% will be used. If that combination does not exist, it will be checked if there is a calculation factor for the supplier of the product receipt only. If that also does not exist, the specified VAT% for the product category will be used. If that percentage does not exist either, the sales price cannot be calculated and will remain unchanged. If a VAT% is found, the theoretical sales price will be calculated. Then, the VAT% will be added, and finally, the calculated price will be rounded according to the rounding table from the calculation module.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18520 - Ability to specify a different article description in received product line

Especially when importing delivery notes with VBN codes, there are 'Collective' VBN codes where the plant description is not very informative. From now on, it is possible to specify a different description in the article receipt line. This description will be printed on labels when printing. This description is also used in the cash register on the screen and receipt.

(Version 19.8.7009.29837) Task 18518 - Ability to import delivery note messages from Abbyy

From now on, delivery note messages from Abbyy can also be imported and processed in RetailVista.

(Version 19.3.6970.25591) Task 18180 - Changing a receipt line retrieves the purchase price again

When changing an existing article receipt line, the purchase price of that line was overwritten/re-determined. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 17551 - Booking EDI on delivery note date

When booking an EDI delivery note, a customized receipt date can now be specified. By default, the system date is suggested. By adjusting this date, the inventory will be recorded on that adjusted date.

(Version 19.3.6970.25591) Task 17509 - Create search screen for received product lines

Through the homepage 'Received products', it is now possible to choose a new screen 'Received product lines'. This screen provides an overview of all received product lines. The advantage of this is that, for example, it is possible to search for all receipt lines of a specific product. Or, for example, all receipt lines of a specific ViridiCode barcode. This shows at which moments such a receipt line has occurred over time.

(Version 19.5.6985.28728) Task 16692 - Would like to be able to delete a line directly from a product receipt without having to open the line first

In the product receipt, there is now an 'x' symbol next to each line to delete that line directly in one go. This is faster than double-clicking the line first and then choosing delete.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 16066 - Export product receipt to product list

From now on, it is possible to export a product receipt to a product list.

(Version 19.13.7079.22634) Task 8022 - Make purchase invoice immediately payable, even before final check

Once a purchase invoice has a status of 'Input complete' or 'Input checked', a journal is already created for this purchase invoice. This allows the invoice to be paid through the financial administration. The control process (and any credit invoices that result from it) can then take place at a later time and will no longer affect the previously created journal.

Promotions, discounts

(Version 18.20.6890.17274) Task 17878 - Able to specify fixed selling price and discount % together in price agreement group line

Previously, in a price agreement group, only a selling price or a discount % could be specified. From now on, it is possible to specify both, where the behavior is that the specified selling price is used as the base price, and then the specified percentage is deducted from that price. The end result of this calculation is the price that we will show as the 'gross' selling price. By checking net/net in the price agreement group line, it can be indicated that the price agreement is the final price and that no further discounts may be applied.Attention: The price resulting from the price agreement is the price that will be applied! There is no comparison made with the normal gross sales price or whether it may be lower than the price from the price agreement.


(Version 19.6.6997.22634) Task 17096 - Report with outstanding items from a debtor

Two reports (183 and 184) have been added to the invoicing. Report 183 can be used to print a total overview of outstanding invoices, while report 184 can be used to print an overview per debtor (one debtor per page).

Relationship maintenance

(Version 19.13.7079.22634) Task 17413 - Error when exporting many relationships in mailing export

When a large number of relationships were exported as a mailing export, an error message could occur. An adjustment has been made so that the number of relationships is no longer a problem for the export.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 17292 - Expand email validation according to SMTP specs

When entering email addresses, RetailVista performs a number of checks on the validity of that address. These checks have been further updated as some valid email addresses were marked as invalid.


(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18591 - Ability to click through from reservation to invoice delivery (if applicable)

It was already possible to click through from a sales order to a reservation. From the reservation, it is now possible to click through to the invoice delivery, provided that the reservation has been delivered on account. Unfortunately, it is not (yet) possible to easily return to the reservation from the invoice delivery. The click-through functionality to deliveries can be found by clicking on the invoice delivery number in the reservation screen.

(Version 19.12.7058.24328) Task 18588 - When converting a reservation to a delivery on account, the deposit amount transferred is too high

When converting a reservation to a delivery on account (provided that a deposit has been made on the sales order), a contra entry is made on that deposit. This contra entry was always for the full deposit amount, which should have been the amount for which products were delivered in the delivery on account. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.11.7037.24328) Task 18569 - Please add more logging when automatic conversion of reservations to deliveries on account is not allowed via WMS processing

The entire logging during the processing of messages from the WMS has been greatly improved. The task logging now provides much more information about the decisions made during the processing of a message.


(Version 19.11.7037.24328) Task 18574 - SlsRpt (sales) sending should also consider supplier receipt in certain cases

When sending a sales message (slsrpt) via EDI, the supplier receipt is now also taken into account for the sale of ViridiCode plants. The article itself does not have a preferred supplier (there is no purchase for a plant), so the supplier is determined from the receipt line. The sales message informs suppliers about the assortment sold on their behalf.

Task Scheduler

(Version 19.11.7037.24328) Task 18573 - Also allow automatic generation of cash reconciliations

It is now possible to automatically generate cash reconciliations at a specified time using the task scheduler.

(Version 19.11.7037.24328)Task 18570 - Generating cash and invoice journals move from housekeeping to task planner

Generating cash accountability and invoice journals can now also be automated through the task planner. This component was previously located in 'Housekeeping', a component that functioned invisibly and was not adjustable or trackable for end users. For now, housekeeping still works, but it takes into account a new setting 'Task Planner application' under Extras -> Settings -> Financial section. This allows existing clients to gradually transition from housekeeping to the task planner, where the entire process is much easier to track.

Due to backward compatibility, this setting is set to 'Housekeeping (Obsolete)' by default. Therefore, a manual choice must be made to switch to the task planner, and a check can be performed to ensure everything continues to work properly.

For file exports, an FTP authorization choice can now also be made in the settings (Financial section, Application tab). This only works when automatic exports of a journal type are activated, and only when the export produces a file. There are also 'Integration' exports, in which case the data is directly placed in the financial application. FTP is not used in this case, so the FTP setting is not applicable.

(Version 19.6.6997.22634) Task 18502 - In task planner, please create a filter to display active/inactive task plans

In the task planner search screen, you can now choose to only show task plans marked as 'Active'. The term 'Active' is somewhat misleading, as it means the task can be executed (and is not expired). From now on, only active task plans will be displayed by default.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18501 - Also show tasks that have no assigned location

In RetailVista, only data linked to the active location is shown by default. This does not work correctly for tasks because there are tasks that are not linked to a specific location. Therefore, please create a filter to also show tasks that are not linked to a location by default, even if a location is selected in the search screen.

Sales orders

(Version 19.13.7079.22634) Task 18590 - Ability to link delivery on account to a down payment

If the reservation of a sales order is written off on account and an original down payment was made on the sales order, the delivery on account will create a contra entry. By making the column 'Delivery on account number' visible in the down payments grid, the number of that delivery on account will appear in the contra entry of the down payment. This number can be clicked on to immediately jump to that delivery on account.

(Version 19.1.6943.26418) Task 18419 - Propagate changes in courier service to reservations

If the courier service of a sales order is changed, from now on that courier service mutation will also be propagated to the linked reservations. This only applies to reservations that are not yet 'closed'.

(Version 19.3.6970.25591) Task 18293 - User wants to be able to modify the location of a sales order

From now on, it is possible to choose to modify the location of a sales order in the left task menu. This field cannot be modified in the order itself.

(Version 19.12.7058.30032) Task 18128 - Do not show expired sales order classifications

When adding a new sales order, expired sales order classifications will no longer be shown.

(Version 18.20.6890.Task 17849 - Products that do not appear in product maintenance should still be able to be ordered for customers

A product can now be set as a 'Collective product' in the 'product type' field. This indicates that this product can be used to order products that do not appear in the product file from suppliers. It is recommended to create such a product for each supplier. The reason for this is that purchase orders are created from sales orders, and this is done per supplier. A freely orderable product is not 'Merged' into a purchase order, but the supplier of the product is still taken into account to determine in which purchase order the product should be placed. In the sales order maintenance screen, the 'Rules' tab now allows you to add a collective product. This will display a slightly different dialog box where much less information can be provided than when ordering a known product. However, this screen does display a multi-line text field where a description of the product to be ordered can be entered.

When converting a sales order to a purchase order, this product will therefore remain as a separate line, and the full free text will be transferred to the purchase order.

In the report layouts for both sales orders and purchase orders, an additional field 'MiscInfo' must be added for a collective product. This is a multi-line field.


(Version 19.1.6943.26418) Task 18409 - Inventory date from INVRPT message header is not transferred

When reading the INVRPT message (inventory message), the inventory date from the lines was not transferred as the mutation/correction date of the inventory in RetailVista. This has been fixed.

(Version 19.7.7002.30087) Task 18319 - From stock transactions maintenance and from stock transactions rules, it should be possible to directly retrieve product statistics.

The product statistics dashboard can now be accessed directly from stock transactions.

(Version 19.5.6985.28728) Task 18303 - Checking calculation methods for quantities and inventory value regarding inventory list, product card, and detailed statistics, inventory journals

A small inconsistency could exist on some inventory-related reports between the historical inventory as of today and the actual inventory as of today. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 19.7.7002.30087) Task 18252 - Completing correct inventory journal entries based on SKU Inventory Value (based on Fif or LBI)

RetailVista has been expanded with a new module 'Stock transactions'. With this module, all inventory mutations are centralized, and a financial inventory journal can be created from there. The implementation of stock transactions can be carried out in consultation with NedFox.

(Version 18.21.6901.27299) Task 18251 - Journal entry 'To be received purchase invoices' can be specified per supplier

In supplier maintenance, different general ledger codes can now be specified for purchase invoices to be received as a result of received products and credit invoices to be received as a result of packing slip checks on received products. By default, RetailVista has general ledger codes for these 2 types of purchase invoices in its settings, but in certain situations, it may be desired to deviate per supplier. This functionality is part of the new 'Stock transactions' module.

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