Release notes RetailVista spring 2020 update version 20.5
  • 03 Jul 2024
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Release notes RetailVista spring 2020 update version 20.5

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Article summary

<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>(Version 20.4.7349.26096) Task 18895 - VIES integration in backoffice debtor maintenance

In the RetailVista backoffice, there is now also a VIES integration with the EU. This involves checking if a VAT number is valid. When creating a debtor, it is now possible to specify the VAT number as one of the first fields and whether the debtor is exempt from VAT. When saving the debtor, the VAT number is immediately checked, and the trade name from the VIES register is copied into the debtor's VIES name. This information is used in RetailVista POS every time to check if the VAT number is still valid and if the VIES name matches the debtor's name. This is a legally required check. If they do not match, delivery cannot be made.

General / miscellaneous

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19248 - Process incoming files from WMS from old to new

If there is a WMS integration active in RetailVista, files were processed from new to old, but it should have been from old to new. This has now been adjusted.

(Version 20.3.7342.18108) Task 19211 - Please include status in outgoing messages and be able to search in outgoing messages by status

From now on, outgoing messages also include a status and can be searched in 'outgoing messages' based on this status.

(Version 20.3.7342.18108) Task 19179 - The login name must be able to be cleared

The login name of a user can now be cleared if a user is permanently blocked / expired. This way, the login name becomes available for assignment to the next employee.

26096) Task 19145 - Also add filter template in product search screen

From now on, filter templates can also be used in the product search screen. These templates were already available in the sales order and reservations search screen, but now also exist for products. By correctly filling in these templates in advance, it becomes easier for end users to perform certain search actions.

(Version 20.3.7342.18108) Task 19144 - Display applied price in retail view as a tooltip

Behind the gross selling price of a product in product maintenance, the additional/alternative selling prices of that product are now also shown with a tooltip. This includes, among other things, the store price. This can be specified in the 'availability' tab and may differ from the standard gross selling price. The organization's selling price is also shown here as a tooltip for information purposes.

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 18974 - Implement purchase price group

From now on, it is possible to work with purchase price groups in purchase data. These groups can be linked to certain purchase data. The use of purchase price groups makes it possible to create 'separate' purchase data that is ignored by RetailVista by default. An example of this is purchase data for container purchases. Such purchase data should not be used by default. In the product order screen, a purchase price group can now be indicated. If this is done, the purchase data linked to that purchase price group will be used at that time. From that moment on, a search will also be made for an outstanding purchase order from that purchase price group, and the product to be ordered will be added to it.

Product lists

28794) Task 19243 - Product list filter does not work properly

The search on product lists with multiple pages and filters did not work well in combination. The cursor keys could not be used properly on page 2 and subsequent pages. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19101 - Convert product list to invoice delivery

The conversion of a product list to an invoice delivery has been improved in terms of user interface. Now only the selected lines can be transferred and the transfer screen has been redesigned.


(Version 19.18.7223.19053) Task 18876 - Indicate successful and failed processing of Clockt messages when processing

From now on, after importing Ekt / Clockt auction messages into an EDI packing slip, it will be indicated how many messages were processed successfully and unsuccessfully. 


(Version 20.2.7328.19137) Task 19130 - Only show printers of the active location when printing thermal labels

When printing thermal labels, only the printers of the active location will be shown from now on. This prevents labels from being printed on a printer that is not located at the active location at all.

Exchange general

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19229 - Exchange mutations can still be scheduled when booking

When booking an Exchange set of mutations, it is now possible to indicate in the booking screen that the purchase and/or sale prices of all those mutations should take effect on a specific date. This allows for situations where there is one company with multiple locations to give the locations time to provide the store with new price labels.

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19102 - When booking an Exchange product, please empty any existing branch prices

From now on, branch gross selling prices will be emptied when booking an Exchange product. However, it is possible to block a branch price against mutations (as was already possible in the product card itself for gross selling prices). A blocked branch gross selling price will of course not be emptied. As part of the RetailVista update, all filled-in gross branch selling prices will be marked as 'blocked for mutation' so that nothing will be lost in practice.


(Version 20.4.7349.26096) Task 19155 - When importing a reservation to an invoice, take over VAT type and percentage from the sales order line

When transferring a reservation to an invoice, the VAT rate of the sales order line (to which the reservation line is linked) will now be taken over, instead of the VAT rate of the product itself (from the country of the branch). This will make the statistics for international sales more accurate. There will still be a change/extension so that the fiscal country can be specified in the sales order. That fiscal country can then lead to a different VAT rate choice on each sales order line. But if the VAT rate is chosen correctly there, the further processing will also function correctly.

Purchase invoice control

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19183 - Check uniqueness of delivery note and invoice to prevent duplicate processing

From now on, it is possible to indicate for a supplier which type of system is accepted for delivery note and invoice messages. By default, this is always EDI, but it is possible to choose Abbyy instead of EDI for both types of messages.This setting option has been created to prevent the possibility of receiving a packing slip message both via EDI and Abbyy. The same applies to invoices. If it is set for a supplier that, for example, a packing slip comes in via Abbyy, an EDI packing slip message will be rejected.

Purchase Orders

(Version 20.2.7328.19137) Task 19095 - Ability to specify purchase price group when converting article list to purchase order

RetailVista now supports purchase price groups. When converting an article list to a purchase order, a purchase price group can be specified. In that case, the purchase information from that group will be used to create a purchase order.

(Version 19.22.7279.17714) Task 19011 - Outgoing Edifact ORDER message must support drop shipment correctly

Edifact order messages from RetailVista now also include correct drop shipment codes. This is especially visible in address lines where the delivery address of the drop shipment order is specified.

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 18829 - Support purchase orders per department, include department email address in purchase order report if known

Purchase orders can now also be created per department. This is useful for larger companies where each department creates its own orders and also wants to receive deliveries per department.

Cash Reconciliation

(Version 20.5.7366.27963) Task 19263 - Generating cash reconciliations should also be adjustable with an interval

In the cash reconciliation settings, an interval can now be set. This interval indicates how the task scheduler should handle multiple found cash reconciliations. By default, an interval of one day is used, so that when generating cash reconciliations for multiple days, a cash reconciliation is created for each day.However, an interval of a week and a month is also available, as well as the option for 'batch'. With the latter, the task scheduler will not do anything, as it is intended to manually generate cash accountabilities from RetailVista ERP. In the GUI, an end date can be specified and the task processing will then create one cash accountability for the requested period.

(Version 20.4.7349.26096) Task 19236 - Do not create cash accountability if POS terminal is expired

From now on, RetailVista will no longer create a cash accountability component within a new/next cash accountability if the POS terminal is marked as expired. In order to make this possible, an automatic starting cash will no longer be generated for users who have set up to work with a fixed starting cash.

(Version 20.2.7328.19137) Task 19003 - Generate separate task per day when generating cash accountabilities

When generating cash accountabilities from the task scheduler, from now on, one task per day will be generated. These tasks will be executed one after the other. This will result in neat cash accountabilities from day to day.


(Version 19.20.7250.28060) Task 18468 - Loyalty card mutation report

In the loyalty homepage, a new report 188, Loyalty card transactions, has been added. With this report, an overview of all deposits and withdrawals on one or more loyalty cards can be printed.


(Version 19.21.7265.22118) Task 18975 - Deleting article receipt can give a hard error message if one or more lines from the receipt are linked to an inventory transaction

If one or more inventory transactions are already linked to an article receipt line, it is no longer possible to delete it. From now on, a proper notification will be displayed for this.

It is possible to set the number of that line to 0 from now on, so the receiving line actually does nothing.

Relationship maintenance

(Version 20.1.7313.27767) Task 19062 - New VAT number calculation

From now on, it is possible to enter the new types of VAT numbers from the Netherlands in RetailVista.

(Version 20.1.7313.27767) Task 19040 - Please make email or phone number mandatory

In the settings of sales orders, it is now possible to choose to make the phone number or email address mandatory. This way, a user is required to provide at least one of these details.


(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19290 - Ability to add notes to reservations

Notes can now be added to reservations. For example, it can be noted that a customer has been informed that a reservation is ready for pick-up.

The summary of all customer notes throughout RetailVista is ultimately consolidated in the relationship/customer card itself.

(Version 20.4.7349.26096) Task 19234 - Please consider assigned department at article category level when generating reservation messages

When generating reservations from sales orders, it is possible to set in the sales order classification that reservations are made based on the department of articles from the sales order. From now on, RetailVista also takes into account the department assigned to the category of an article. Of course, an article's store location always takes precedence, but if it is not assigned, then the department linked to the article category applies.

(Version 20.3.7342.18108) Task 19191 - Assign departments to reservations

From now on, a department can be linked to a reservation.

It is now possible to take into account the department of products when generating reservations, so that reservations are created per department. In the reservation search screen, it is possible to search by department, and in the reservation search results screen, the department can be displayed as a column.

(Version 19.21.7265.22118) Task 18994 - Click-through link of package service always goes to Post NL, no matter what is specified in package service maintenance

From now on, it is possible to specify the click-through URL in package service maintenance. This URL is used in the packages grid in the reservation maintenance screen to automatically click through from the track and trace code to the website of the package service.

The parameters {ZipCode} and {Barcode} can be used in the URL. RetailVista will fill in the postcode and track and trace barcode in those places.

Example URL for PostNL:{Barcode}&postalcode={ZipCode}&Foreign=false#

(Version 19.21.7265.22118) Task 18916 - Generating reservations based on specific receipt

It is now possible to generate reservations based on a specified article receipt. This allows you to immediately see which items are reservable from that receipt after receiving goods. However, it is important to realize that only the articles from that receipt are used, not the received quantity of items from that receipt. The available quantity of items is based on the free stock of the articles from that receipt. This forms the basis for creating reservations.

(Version 20.5.7366.27963) Task 18907 - Exporting reservation collection list to Excel

With this function, it is possible to create an Excel document based on location, purchase order, relationship, and reservation.

A list of products is being compiled, including product number, barcode, description, order code, number of SKUs, and total number of available packages or units (*).

Reservations for each product are written horizontally. This allows you to see for which reservation, the quantity needs to be picked.

(Version 19.21.7265.22118) Task 18828 - When processing a reservation, loyalty points should be credited based on the sales order loyalty card number

When converting a reservation to a delivery on account, RetailVista will now also calculate the loyalty points. Of course, a loyalty card must be specified for the sales order of the reservation.

(Version 20.1.7313.27767) Task 18827 - Generate reservations and execute rules via task scheduler

Generating reservations is now also possible via the task scheduler. For example, it is possible to automatically create reservations once a day based on the available free stock.


(Version 19.19.7235.37853) Task 18915 - Statistics per cash register group and preferred supplier desired

A new statistic 'Turnover per cash register group and supplier' has been added to 'Extended Statistics'.

(Version 19.19.7235.37853) Task 18606 - Article receipt statistics missing tab with product receipts

From now on, in the product statistics card, it is also possible to choose a new tab 'Receipts'. This tab will only show all product receipt lines of the selected product. Previously, there was a 'Stock mutations' tab available, but it also included sales, stock corrections, etc. With this new tab, only receipt data is shown, and all associated columns can be selected as display columns.

Sales Orders

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19244 - Creating an audit on sales order classification

Changes in the sales order classification file will now also be recorded in the audit history. This allows you to see later on who changed what and when.

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19221 - Creating uniqueness check on sales order reference

RetailVista creates sales orders from EDI order messages. It is now possible to indicate through settings that the sales order reference must be unique. This check only applies to sales orders that are created by an external/incoming message. By default, the uniqueness check is not active.

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19220 - Deposit balance of sales orders

In certain circumstances, an incorrect deposit balance was calculated for sales orders. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 20.3.7342.18108) Task 19213 - When ordering a set product and suggesting immediate reservation, the suggestion is made incorrectly based on available stock

When ordering a set product in sales orders, the stock suggestion should be based on the available free set stock, not on the free stock of the set product itself. After all, the set product itself does not have any stock. This issue has now been fixed.

(Version 20.5.7356.28794) Task 19195 - Do not export sales orders with outstanding deposit to WMS

From now on, sales orders with open deposit request line(s) will no longer be exported to the WMS.

(Version 20.3.7342.18108) Task 19133 - Add advanced search when closing sales order

An 'Advanced Search' component has been added to the screen for closing sales orders. This allows you to apply certain filters so that only sales orders that meet those criteria are displayed.

(Version 20.2.7328.19137) Task 19043 - Create supplier search function for product dropdown listbox in order collection screen

In the sales order line screen, it is now possible to search for a supplier when ordering a product. Especially for products from multiple suppliers, it is desirable to filter the results based on a specific supplier.

(Version 20.2.7328.19137) Task 19034 - Ability to set sales order classification when receiving webshop and standard order messages and ability to set status when delivering on account from reservation

In the sales order settings of RetailVista, it is now possible to indicate which sales order classification should be applied when receiving a webshop order and a standard EDI order. This allows different types of messages to result in different types of processing.

It is also now possible to set the status of a delivery on account in the sales order classification when converting a reservation to a delivery on account.

(Version 20.5.7366.27963) Task 19026 - Expand webshop NedFox XML message with loyalty card number indication

In an xml webshop order message, it is now also possible to include a loyalty card, indicating which card should be used for accumulating points when delivering that order.

(Version 19.18.7223.19053) Task 18917 - Ability to indicate whether partial deliveries are desired in sales order

From now on, it is possible to indicate whether partial deliveries are allowed in a sales order. In the sales order search screen, it is possible to search for sales orders that may or may not be delivered in parts. Currently, nothing is done with this indication. If RetailVisa Mobile is equipped with the logistics picking and delivery functionality, this setting will be applied to indicate whether a reservation can be delivered.

(Version 19.21.7265.22118) Task 18859 - Improve support for collecting products

Several improvements have been made to enhance working with collecting products. 

- When ordering a collecting product in a sales order, a different product description can now be specified.

- In the grid with sales order lines in the sales order, the different product description is now displayed if it has been specified. If not, the standard product description is shown.

- Collecting products in sales orders are no longer added to EDI orders but to separate non-EDI purchase orders.

- Collecting products from each sales order result in separate purchase order(s) per sales order. 

- Thermal labels can now be printed for sales orders and reservations. A separate label type has been implemented, so a new label layout needs to be created to use this feature.

(Version 20.4.7349.26096) Task 18846 - Enable dropshipment in RetailVista

From now on, RetailVista supports dropshipments through a new dropshipment license. Dropshipment means that suppliers receive an order from a store, where the store indicates that the goods should be shipped directly to the consumer. With dropshipments, it is possible to create orders for customers where certain (or all) lines can be marked as dropshipment lines. Separate dropshipment purchase orders are created for dropshipment lines. A separate implementation is required to use dropshipments. 

(Version 19.22.7279.17714) Task 18822 - Link a loyalty card to a sales order

From now on, a loyalty card can be linked to a sales order. This card is then used to automatically accumulate points when delivering reservations resulting from that sales order. 

(Version 20.1.7313.27767) Task 18755 - Implement dropshipment support in RetailVista (phase 1)

Starting from the spring 2020 update of RetailVista, dropshipment functionality will be available. In anticipation of this, several applications have already been built-in: 

- It is now possible to indicate that a sales order line is a dropshipment line.

- In the sales order scenario (currently classified as such), it can be indicated whether the dropshipment line indication should be suggested and whether it is mutable.

- It is now possible to mark a purchase order as a 'Dropshipment order'. This could not be done through the purchase order type because some types can also be dropshipments. 

- When converting sales orders to purchase orders, the sales order lines marked as dropshipments are taken into account. These are placed in separate purchase orders, with a 'hard' link back to the sales order. Each customer dropshipment order will therefore become a separate purchase order.

- In the sales order line tab, it is possible to filter and display all dropshipment lines 

- It is now possible to indicate that an article is a default dropshipment article. Certain articles, for example, are so voluminous that it is known that they will always be sent directly to the customer/consumer and will not first arrive at the store.

This functionality is not yet available, it will only be available from the spring 2020 update. It will be part of a 'Dropshipment' license.


(Version 19.20.7250.28060) Task 18715 - Add new report 'Stock Age Analysis' to inventory homepage

A new 'Inventory analysis' report has been added to the inventory homepage of RetailVista. This report prints articles with inventory and counts how many of each article have been received per year, going back in time.So it is quickly visible that a product, for example, has not been purchased for years while there is still inventory available. These are potential store daughters.

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