Release notes RetailVista update May 2017 v.17.14
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Release notes RetailVista update May 2017 v.17.14

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Article summary

<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>General / miscellaneous

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 16382 - Check Chrome download, filename not working correctly

When exporting / downloading a file in the Chrome browser, the filename was always 'default'. This issue has been resolved, a correct filename is now suggested.

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16834 - Deleting user roles not working

Deleting user roles gave an error message stating that it was still in use, even though it wasn't. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 17.11.6334.29108) Task 16795 - Behavior of sales orders can be influenced by specifying properties in sales order classifications

In the sales order classification, various settings can now be made on how the processing of a sales order should take place. These settings were previously located under Extra -> Settings but have been moved to webshop classifications. The advantage of this is that in practice, there are different methods for handling a delivery or pickup order, but there are also differences between, for instance, webshop orders and fireworks orders. All these types of orders have their own processing methods, and the sales order classifications now better align with them. The current settings have been transferred as part of the update to a new sales order classification.

(Version 17.5.6282.30093) Task 16569 - Specify number of linked users in role grid column

In the user roles screen, a column is now also displayed showing the number of linked users. This allows for quickly identifying which roles can potentially be deleted.37758) Taak 16792 - In product maintenance screen, also display the number of price agreement rules at the bottom

In the 'Prices' tab in product maintenance, the number of active price agreement rules will now be displayed.

(Version 17.6.6298.37758) Task 16941 - Hierarchical label classification setting does not work properly at supplier level

A hierarchical classification set at the supplier level will now also be included in the overall processing.

28516) Task 16786 - Discard scheduled price changes when deleting a purchase

When deleting a purchase, any scheduled purchase price changes will now be automatically deleted.

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16675 - Expand article description and comment fields to c80

Throughout RetailVista, the article description and comment 1/4 fields have been expanded from 60 to 80 characters.

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 16642 - Immediately apply scheduled prices when new data is entered

If a product is newly created from Exchange, any scheduled sales and/or purchase prices will be immediately activated. This prevents a product from potentially existing without a sales price and/or purchase price, with all the unpleasant consequences that entail. There is also little reason to schedule it, as the product is new anyway.

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 16536 - Export article to Word document should also mark article as 'label printed'

When exporting an article to a Word document, the 'Printed' indication is now also saved. Exporting to a Word document is now also considered a print job.

(Version 17.5.6282.30093) Task 16450 - Ability to specify purchase discount % in purchase price scheduling

A discount % can now be specified in purchase price scheduling.This functionality already existed in the purchasing data itself, which is why it was important to also enable it in the scheduling.

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 15812 - Implementing price agreements in RetailVista

From now on, a price agreement can also be linked to a relationship. With price agreements, specific products can have a customized gross selling price in advance. This is in contrast with discount agreements, where certain discounts are determined in advance for groups of products. With price agreements, a group of customers will receive a lower/customized regular selling price. The customized selling price can be an absolute gross price or a discount percentage compared to the standard gross price. It is possible that additional discounts may be applied to price agreement prices, as a price agreement itself is not a discount!

Product Lists

(Version 17.13.6345.29855) Task 16873 - Printing reports from product lists with mention of warehouse location of product

From product lists, a report can now be printed with the possible warehouse location(s) for each product in the product list. If a product is not located in any warehouse, an empty text will be printed as the location.

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 16608 - Product list to inventories does not transfer price correctly

When scanning a traditional Ean13 price barcode in a product list, the sales price part of that barcode is not transferred to the inventory. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 17.13.6345.29855) Task 15965 - Ability to import CSV or Ascii file according to scanner definition

From now on, it is also possible to import a file from a scanner in a product list. This can be a CSV or SDF file. A new scanner can be created via Administration, Scanners, with the type 'Ascii file' or 'Comma-separated file'.

A product file contains barcode, price, and quantity at fixed positions. In the scanner definition, it is indicated for each of these 3 fields where the field starts and how long it is. In a comma-separated file, these data are located in different columns, separated by a comma. In the scanner definition, it can be indicated in which columns these 3 data are located. Then go to Product Lists -> Import product list from file or choose an existing product list and select 'Import tasks' in the left menu. Then choose 'Import text file'. In the screen that appears, specify the file to be imported and select the scanner that contains the correct file definition. The file will then be imported and a report will be made available after the process is completed. Authorization (Version 17.7.6305.36930) Task 16863 - TREVEN: Right to override blocked debtor A new permission 'PosAssignBlockedDebtor' has been added to the group 'Cash register special functions'. With this right, a cashier can still make sales to a blocked debtor. (Version 17.2.6249.37758) Task 15512 - Enter security schema (authorization middleware) From now on, it is possible to link users to one security role. Previously, each new user had to be linked to one or more user groups. This was quite a lot of work and there was a high risk that certain users who perform the same role would have different rights in practice. By now working with security roles, for example, a role 'store employee' can be created. The user groups must be linked to that role once. After that, it is only necessary to link a new user to the 'store employee' role, after which the user has the correct rights.28516) Task 16860 - Implement test indicator in UNB rule correctly

Only if it is indicated in the settings that RetailLink is running in 'test' mode, outgoing EDI messages will be provided with the test indication. Suppliers can then choose not to process test messages. However, it has been found that not all suppliers pay attention to this test indication, so caution is advised!

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 16551 - Negative quantities in delivery on account become positive in packing slip message EDI v2

This error has been resolved.

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 16499 - Report unexpected element in log

Unexpected rules from an EDI message are now neatly logged in the processing log of an EDI message as a warning. Of course, these rules are still ignored.

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 16498 - Please include the supplier's packing list number in the header of a receipt in the 'Supplier Reference' field

In the article receipt, a supplier reference / shipment reference is now also stored and displayed in the 'general' tab. The value of this is derived from the EDI packing slip BGM rule.

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 16469 - Remove EDI v1 from RetailVista

The old EDI processing in RetailVista is no longer present from this version onwards. A completely new EDI environment has been written with the knowledge gained from EDI in recent years. The new EDI version 2 processing can handle incorrectly formatted EDI messages much better and provides much better logging of any problem rules.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16860 - Implement test indicator in UNB rule correctly

28516) Task 16433 - Reading an EDI message where a line cannot be processed, must reject the entire message

An EDI message where one or more product lines could not be processed is now indicated as a rejected message. This functionality only works if no fallback product is set. In that case, an unfound barcode will be converted to a product specified in the settings.


(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16937 - Additional active discounts can be printed on label, for example price per 2, 5, and 10 pieces

There are now fields like ActiveQpb* in the label layout definition. The first active discount found will be displayed in those fields. This makes it possible to display the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th active discount.

This makes it possible to print on a label:

5.95 per 2 pieces

5.75 per 5 pieces

5.50 per 10 pieces

The sorting of active discounts is based on quantity from low to high

See QA303 for new fields, ActiveQpb1* to ActiveQpb5*.

(Version 16.31.6186.18292) Task 16466 - Show stock column of the branch in the printer queue

In the print queue, the stock can now be chosen as a grid column. This column displays the stock of the branch of the print line.

(Version 17.2.6249.37758) Task 16365 - Ability to specify order when printing thermal labels

From various print screens for thermal labels, the sorting can now be indicated.

(Version 16.31.6186.18292) Task 16156 - Printing thermal labels empty label(s) for next product

If a label consists of multiple lanes (for example, 2 stickers side by side or slot labels with 4 lanes), it may be useful to place a new product on a new/next line instead of continuing on the same line. Tearing off labels per product will then be easier. This behavior can now be achieved through the 'New product on new line' setting in the Labeling section, General tab.

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 16004 - Automatically delete print jobs older than x days from print queue

In the settings, Labeling section, 'Queue' tab, the 'Empty queue rules after days' setting can be used to indicate after how many days RetailVista will automatically delete the queue rules. Customers who let the queue fill up but never process it will thus have a queue that never contains data older than this number of days.

Exchange Excel import

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16830 - 3rd and 4th decimal lost when importing M3/CBM per unit

Importing M3 per purchase unit now also preserves the 3rd and 4th decimal. Previously, this information was lost.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16628 - Importing negative quantities in a credit purchase order

When importing negative quantities in the case of a credit purchase order, no purchase data was searched/found. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 17.10.6330.37619) Task 16455 - Letting purchase data expire that has not been imported via Excel

During the Excel import, it is now possible to indicate that purchase data that has not been provided may be automatically declared expired. This concerns the checkbox 'Cancel supplier purchase data that has not been provided'. It should only be used if the imported file is the complete article offering from the supplier and not just a part of it. In the case of a partial delivery, all purchase data for articles from that supplier that are not included in that file would be automatically marked as expired.

Furthermore, it depends on the setting 'Automatically cancel product' in the Articles section, General tab, whether the product can also be canceled. This will only happen if the product no longer contains any non-expired purchase data.

(Version 17.7.6305.36930) Task 4079 - Multiple purchase data can be imported

When importing Excel sheets, multiple purchase lines can now be imported for a product. It is inevitable that the 'sales' product information will be repeated multiple times. However, the last sales line contains the active data. So if a sales price is 4.95 on 2 product lines and 5.95 on the last line, the sales price will be 5.95.


(Version 17.13.6345.29855) Task 16730 - Expand print invoices screen with new filters

When printing invoices, more criteria can now be filtered to determine which invoices should be printed.

(Version 17.5.6282.30093) Task 16728 - Expand billing search screen with additional filters

The billing search screen contains additional search fields.

(Version 17.12.6339.27871) Task 16727 - Expand invoice generation with additional filters

When generating invoices (from deliveries on account), more criteria can now be filtered to determine which deliveries on account should be converted to invoices.

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16725 - Expand delivery approval screen

The delivery approval screen has been expanded with additional fields to search by date and by delivery on account number from/to.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16724 - Ability to call approval from left taskbar in delivery on account

From a delivery on account, the approval screen can now also be started via the left taskbar.

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 16556 - CC email address of debtor is not used for digital invoicing

In digital invoicing, a CC and/or BCC email address can be specified for a debtor. These addresses will now actually be used when sending emails.

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 16546 - VAT exempt indication is lost when converting reservation to invoice on account

This issue has been resolved, the VAT exemption indication is now maintained when converting a reservation to an invoice on account.

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 15504 - Ability to digitally invoice from RetailVista

From now on, it is possible to digitally invoice from RetailVista. To enable this, it must be indicated for a debtor that they want to receive the invoice digitally. This can be done in the 'Digital' tab under the 'Digital invoice' option. The email address to which the invoice should be sent must be specified in the field below. For debtors who prefer not to receive a digital invoice, a surcharge can be automatically added to an invoice. The specification of the surcharge product is also possible in the same tab. However, the implementation of this surcharge will only be added to RetailVista in 2017. When creating an invoice, it will now be set in 'digital processing' that the invoice should be sent by email.

Now print a test invoice for this debtor, and choose to send invoices. Invoices that need to be sent via EDI and/or email will now be automatically sent by the task scheduler of RetailVista. The invoice layout to be used can be specified in Settings -> General section -> 'Reporting tasks' tab. If necessary, a different invoice layout can be specified for the debtor in the 'Layout' tab.29855) Taak 16971 - Verbetering inkoopfactuur controle

Er zijn verbeteringen doorgevoerd in de controle van inkoopfacturen om mogelijke fouten te verminderen.

Invoice control

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16973 - Reject message if total invoice ex VAT does not match total of lines ex VAT

If the total sum of the amounts of the lines does not match the total amount ex. VAT indicated in the EDI message, the entire message will now be rejected.

(Version 17.13.6345.29855) Task 16972 - Show more payment discount info

For a purchase invoice, in addition to the payment discount percentage, the information related to that percentage is now displayed, such as the number of days within which payment must be made and the amount resulting from that percentage.

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16970 - MOA surcharge amount is rounded to whole numbers, decimal part is omitted

From now on, the decimal part of the invoice surcharge amount is also correctly taken into account.

(Version 17.13.6345.29855) Task 16971 - Improvement in invoice control

Improvements have been made in the control of purchase invoices to reduce possible errors.

36930) Task 16969 - Add total discounts/surcharges and total net invoice amount to main screen

In the 'General' tab, these two fields are now also displayed as new fields.

(Version 17.7.6305.36930) Task 16935 - Jump/click from purchase invoice line grid column to receipt using document number

If the 'Document' column is selected in the purchase invoice lines, clicking on this document number will directly jump to the receipt. From the receipt, you can jump back to the purchase invoice using the arrow in the top left corner.

(Version 17.9.6324.21095) Task 16934 - Make 'product' field editable in purchase invoice line

The product can now be modified in a purchase invoice line.

(Version 17.7.6305.36930) Task 16933 - Show additional column 'Difference value' in purchase invoice lines

An additional column can now be selected to display the absolute price difference between the invoice line amount and the amount from the receipt line.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16932 - Do not match purchase invoice line quantity with warehouse count, but always with packing slip quantity

The match of the quantity of a purchase invoice line is no longer based on the warehouse check, but on the original packing slip quantity.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16931 - Please display result of RFF+ON and RFF+AAK in purchase invoice header

In the purchase invoice, the values of the EDI fields RFF+AAK, RFF+ON, and BGM document number are now displayed in the 'General' tab.

(Version 17.7.6305.28516) Task 16925 - When starting the search screen for documents from the purchase invoice, suggest and disable links to the supplier (not editable)

When searching for a document from a purchase invoice in the links tab, the supplier is already suggested as the initial search filter in that screen. The supplier is also not editable and is the supplier of the purchase invoice.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16924 - Expand linking purchase invoice to receipt based on RFF+AAK element

From now on, a purchase invoice is initially linked based on the RFF+AAK value from the EDI invoice message. This value contains the shipping reference number from the supplier, which was also previously included in the BGM line of an EDI delivery note. If no receipt is found based on the RFF+AAK, a search is still performed in the article receipts based on the RFF+ON value, the order number of the supplier.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16917 - Do not perform fallback when linking

From now on, linking a purchase invoice to receipts will only be done based on the RFF+AAK and RFF+ON fields. There is no longer a fallback based on the supplier and receipts from that supplier. If the RFF information is incorrect, no linkage with receipt(s) will be made. This can still be manually done by adding a specific receipt to the links.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16914 - Do not process and reject EDI message part not intended for recipient

An EDI message that is not intended for the recipient (based on NAD+BY line) will no longer be processed, and a clear message will be displayed stating that the message is not intended for the recipient.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516)28516) Task 16910 - Success message can be removed

There was a fairly useless 'completed' message in the purchase invoice control wizard. This has been removed.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16909 - Write back supplier to received EDI message when processing message

If a supplier is found during the processing of an EDI packing slip message, even though it could not initially be found in the message, that supplier will now be written back to the received message. This makes it possible to see which suppliers sent which messages afterwards.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16908 - Fill difference % column with 100% when no purchase order line can be found for purchase invoice line

In the percentage difference columns in the purchase invoice lines, 100% is now shown as the deviation when no corresponding article receipt line can be found. Previously, a difference of 0% was shown, but that was incorrect.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16907 - Still try to find supplier when rejecting EDI message

If an EDI packing slip or invoice message had an incorrect structure, the message was not read at all. However, no further attempts were made to link the supplier to the message. This has been resolved, there will now always be an attempt to link a supplier to the message. This makes it easier to see where a rejected message came from.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16906 - Field x of segment y (5482) contains invalid data ('3.5'), data should be of type numeric

According to the specifications, a number of fields in the purchase invoice were also allowed to be provided with decimals, but RetailVista incorrectly rejected this data. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 17.7.6305.36930) Task 16905 - Perform settings check when starting purchase invoice control

When starting the purchase invoice control, a test will now be performed to check if a number of mandatory settings are correctly specified. If this is not the case, a notification will be displayed indicating that the administration settings are incomplete.

(Version 17.7.6305.36930) Task 16904 - Accept negative quantities (including -1)

In the purchase invoice control, -1 can now be used as a quantity. RetailVista will no longer reject this data.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16902 - Searching for purchase invoices is not very fast, seems to be related to the fact that message content is also sent to the browser

The search for purchase orders has been significantly accelerated.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16897 - Handling of barcode in purchase invoice line processing

When processing a purchase invoice message, lines with an unknown barcode are now replaced by the specified product in the EDI settings. This concerns the setting 'Product unknown invoice barcode' in the 'EDI' section, 'General' tab. However, this product must be different from the product for an unknown barcode in an EDI packing slip message. The reason for this is that if the same product were used for both settings, these purchase invoice lines would also be automatically linked to the receipt lines, as RetailVista would then see that the product is the same.

The original barcode from the EDI line can still be requested as a column or in the purchase invoice line detail screen.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16895 - Message display is not correct

EDI v2 purchase invoice messages were displayed corruptly, this display issue has now been resolved.

(Version 17.4.6275.30173) Task 16848 - Add supplier order number and customer order number to purchase invoice table

In the purchase invoice screen, the supplier order number and customer order number will now be displayed, if that information was present in the EDI message.

Purchase Orders

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16912 - Close purchase orders through background process

Closing a large number of purchase orders may take longer, so closing purchase orders has now become a background process. This allows the closing of purchase orders to be postponed after starting it.

(Version 17.7.6305.36930) Task 16877 - Specify the type of purchase discount given by the supplier

In the 'Conditions' tab of a supplier, the discount calculation method of the supplier can now be specified. The options are 'Calculate discounts separately' and 'Add up discount percentages and calculate total discount'. By default, all individual discounts are calculated separately. This means that a discount amount is calculated for each discount percentage, and these individual discount amounts are added up. Alternatively, discount percentages can be added up. In this case, all percentages are added together, and a total discount amount is calculated. The order of calculating discounts must also be specified when calculating discounts separately.

Example of adding up discounts:

2% EDI, 5% performance, 1% order discount on 100 euros of purchase value. The total added up discount is 2 + 5 + 1 = 8%. The discount on 100 euros is 8 euros.

Example of calculating discounts separately (with default order):

1% Order discount, 2% EDI, 5% performance on 100 euros of purchase value. The discount is 100 euros - 1% = 99 euros. Then 2% on 99 euros = 1.98. The remaining amount is 99 - 1.98 = 97.02 euros. Then 5% on 97.02 euros = 4.85 euros. The remaining amount is 97.02 - 4.85 = 92.17 euros.

From these examples, it becomes visible what the difference is in discount calculation as applied by suppliers.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16856 - Purchase order type is not correctly transferred during excel import

After an Excel purchase order import, the order type was always 'Purchase Order' regardless of what was indicated in the Excel import screen. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 16567 - Purchase order PDF sent by email is not yet visible in the purchase order itself

A purchase order that is sent by email to a supplier (not via EDI) will now also be visible in the 'Export' tab.

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16257 - When reopening a signed purchase order, ask if linked sales orders should also be reopened (=status New)

When reopening a purchase order, the question is now also asked whether any linked sales orders should be automatically reopened. If chosen, those sales orders will be given the status 'New'.

(Version 17.13.6345.29855) Task 16072 - Unable to order product if it is not orderable according to the purchase status

In the settings, Purchase Orders section, 'General' tab, it is now possible to set that only products that are orderable according to the purchase information can be ordered. Previously, non-orderable products could also be ordered. There would be a note about it, but it was still possible to ignore that warning/note.

(Version 17.12.6339.27871) Task 16054 - Task Custom purchase order reports without purchase prices

From now on, custom reports created at the organization level will also be visible for underlying companies. By connecting with the reporting designer at the organization level, the custom reports will automatically become visible for underlying companies.

28516) Taak 16836 - Artikellijst naar offerte, zoekscherm lijkt verkooporder zoekscherm

When converting a quote to a sales order, the quote search functionality did not work properly. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 17.10.6330.37619) Task 16561 - Expand quote line with note1, note2 and transfer from quotes to sales orders

For a quote line, it is now possible to add a note 1 and 2.

(Version 17.1.6239.28516) Task 16868 - Search for settings from RetailVista section does not work

Since the previous RetailVista update, it is now possible to search in the settings. However, everything from the 'RetailVista' section was being skipped. This issue has been resolved.


(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16329 - Setting 'loyalty card inclusion only for relations' does not work with eLoyalty

The setting that loyalty card inclusions are only possible for loyalty cards with relations now also works well in combination with eLoyalty users.


(Version 17.13.6345.29855) Task 16871 - Place 'barcode' in warehouse info column in grid

In the warehouse browsing screen, 'Barcode' can now also be chosen as a column for warehouse rules.


(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 15510 - Implementation of quote module

From now on, a quote module is available as a new license within RetailVista. With this module, quotes can be created, which do not affect inventory and/or sales. A sales order can easily be created from a quote.

37199) Task 16548 - Add links to corresponding data in quotes and sales orders

From sales orders and quotes, clickable links show the interconnection. By clicking on the link, you can jump to the sales order and quote and back.

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 16449 - When converting a quote to a sales order, all prices, discounts, etc. are now retained.

When converting a quote to a sales order, discounts are now saved/protected.

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16447 - Implement new 'close quotes' screen

A new 'Close Quotes' screen has been created. In this screen, multiple quotes can be closed quickly. The status of the quotes will then be changed to 'Closed'.


(Version 17.7.6305.36930) Task 16920 - In received article line grid, filter can be applied to display linked purchase invoice lines

In the article receipt lines, the option to display only lines linked to a purchase invoice line can now be selected using 'Apply Filters'. The number of the linked purchase invoice(s) is displayed in the line detail screen.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16888 - Add several display fields to the received articles screen

In the article receipt, more data from the received EDI message, which may be the basis for the article receipt, is now displayed. Important fields include the RFF reference fields, which contain the EDI order number and packing slip reference number. These new fields are displayed in the general tab.

(Version 17.12.6339.27871) Task 16887 - Ability to indicate which quantities are used in the pre-screen for reports 51, 79, 122, 178

When printing these reports, the quantities from the warehouse control were always used.Sometimes it turned out to be desired to print a report based on the packing slip quantities. From now on, it is possible to choose in the print screen with which quantities should be calculated.

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16886 - Convert display quantity between packing slip and warehouse quantity

In the product receipt screen, it is now possible to choose the display of quantities based on the packing slip or the warehouse control.

(Version 17.11.6334.29108) Task 16884 - Please include total gross and total discount % and value at the bottom

At the bottom of the line tab of received products, total gross, net, and granted discount are now displayed. This makes it easier to perform an invoice check via received products.

(Version 17.8.6312.29522) Task 16883 - Calculated discount amount and calculated discount % between gross and net

In the product lines of a product receipt, it is now possible to choose the display of the columns 'Calculated discount amount' and 'Calculated discount %'. These columns show the difference between the gross and net price, both as an absolute value and as a percentage.

(Version 17.11.6334.29108) Task 16880 - Automatically open purchase order screen when closing receipt

When closing a product receipt, all linked purchase orders are shown, so they can optionally be closed as well.

(Version 17.11.6334.29108) Task 16879 - Automatically close all linked purchase orders when closing receipt, if 100% delivered

If a product receipt is closed (status Closed), all linked purchase orders will now also be automatically closed, provided that everything from a purchase order has been fully delivered. RetailVista reports the number of closed purchase orders afterwards.

(Version 17.7.6305.36930) Task 16857 - A new line on a product receipt should default to the discount condition 'Current document'

When adding a line to a product receipt, the discount condition can be chosen using a listbox. From now on, the discount condition of the product receipt itself will be used by default when adding a new line. Alternatively, the condition of the linked purchase order can still be chosen.

(Version 17.11.6334.29108) Task 16840 - Do not include expired purchase data/items when receiving a display

When importing a product receipt packing slip message, display items are 'exploded' into the underlying individual set of items. Previously, expired purchase data in that set was not taken into account. From now on, expired purchase data will not be added to the packing slip processing.

(Version 17.9.6324.21095) Task 16782 - Collections that have been written off still count double on the input report

This issue has been resolved.

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 16681 - Location filter is not applied when displaying open purchase order lines in receipts

When the filter on the open purchase order lines was removed in the product receipt, all open purchase order lines from all locations were displayed instead of only the lines from purchase orders of the logged-in user's location. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 17.4.6275.30173) Task 16605 - Generate reservation messages when closing (or higher value) product receipt

From now on, reservation messages will be automatically generated when closing a product receipt. This is useful because there may have been notifications about open sales orders during the receipt booking process. Reservation rules may have been created for those open sales order lines.When generating the messages at the close of the receipt, the reservations are truly ready for printing and processing.

(Version 16.32.6211.28109) Task 16514 - EDI product receipts with negative quantities cannot be processed

EDI product receipts with negative quantities are now also processed correctly by the EDI V2 environment.

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 16461 - Searching for matching purchase unit when booking receipts without purchase order

If a product receipt line is booked without a purchase order, the purchase price is now determined based on the purchase information of the supplier of the receipt and the preferred purchase line within it. However, if there is, for example, a purchase unit per piece and a purchase unit per box, this is ignored. RetailVista only looks at the preferred line.

From now on, this is no longer the case: The packaging that comes closest to the number of pieces being booked is now considered, not just the preferred line.

(Version 17.2.6249.37758) Task 16064 - General ledger reporting needed for receipt document

A general ledger report can now be printed from a product receipt.


(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16832 - Remaining points for fiscal integration in Czech Republic

Several technical adjustments have been made to ensure the correct processing of cash register transactions in the Czech Republic. An important change is that it is now possible to search for a specific fiscal integration transaction ID in statistics. This allows certain receipts to be retrieved, for example, during tax authority inspections.

(Version 17.7.6305.Task 36930 - Separate authorization required for higher return amounts

In Extra -> Settings -> Point of Sale section -> 'Returns' tab, it is now possible to set at which return amount / value additional authorization is required. The authorization used for this is 'AuthorizationRequiredAboveReturnValue'. For example, if an amount of 100 euros is specified, additional authorization will be requested for a return value of 100 euros or more. Of course, the authorization must be activated in POS and the user must not be an 'administrator', as an administrator has full rights.

(Version 17.4.6275.30173) Task 15336 - When processing POS transaction, please include any note1-4 in CashSaleRows and InvoiceSaleRows

When processing a POS transaction, any filled in article note 1-4 fields are now also included in the sales history.

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 15066 - Ability to indicate per terminal whether starting a transaction requires specifying a relationship and debtor

It is now possible to indicate per POS terminal whether specifying a relationship/debtor is mandatory. This is especially the case in cash and carry situations where you are not allowed to make purchases without a customer card.

Relationship maintenance

(Version 17.13.6345.29855) Task 17006 - If a digital delivery method 'eMail' or 'EDI and eMail' is chosen, test if the email address is specified, otherwise it will lead to significant issues in delivery

If an invoice is now chosen to be sent via email for a debtor, the email address is made mandatory. This also applies to the choice 'EDI and email'.

(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16778 - Company name changed to c80

The company name of relationships has been changed to c80.

(Version 17.9.6324.Task 16747 - Show and be able to add and modify all linked loyalty cards in a new tab from relationship maintenance

In relationship maintenance, a new tab 'Loyalty' has been added to display the loyalty cards of the relationship. New cards can also be linked to the relationship through 'Assign loyalty card'.

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 16366 - House number should not be mandatory when creating a relationship

When creating an address, a house number is mandatory for the Netherlands and Belgium, while it is now optional for all other countries.

(Version 17.2.6249.37758) Task 15014 - Remove giro account field from RetailVista

The 'Giro' field has been removed from the debtor card in debtor maintenance.


(Version 17.5.6282.30093) Task 16606 - Send a different type of email to the consumer when the corresponding sales order has no outstanding lines

From now on, a consumer can receive a different email message when a part of a sales order is ready for pickup or when everything is ready for pickup. In the latter case, the urgency to pick up everything will be higher, as the store no longer needs to wait for items that are yet to arrive. These are email templates of the type 'Partial reservation notification' and 'Full reservation notification'.

Returns administration

(Version 17.11.6334.29108) Task 11587 - Return packing slip reporting

In the returns administration of RetailVista, an A4 proforma packing slip can now be printed. This can be sent to a supplier, for example, via fax to indicate what is ready for pickup.


(Version 17.6.6298.28516) Task 16781 - Searching for discounts using Cash Sales Statistics does not yield results on "Discount given: Yes"

Searching in the cash sales statistics for lines where a discount was given did not yield any results. This issue has been resolved.

Task Scheduler

(Version 17.5.6282.30093) Task 16361 - Task scheduling requires user for execution

When creating a new task schedule, a user must now be specified to perform the task (in terms of permissions and the like).

Sales Orders

(Version 17.1.6239.37199) Task 16566 - Set purchase order status to 'final' immediately when generated 1:1 from sales order

In the 'Sales Orders' tab under 'Settings', in the 'General' tab, the 'Generate Purchase Order' setting can be used to indicate whether multiple sales orders per supplier result in purchase orders, or if each individual sales order results in 1 (or more) purchase orders. The latter will only occur if the sales order contains different suppliers. The default behavior is that sales orders totaled per supplier result in 1 or more purchase orders.

(Version 17.11.6334.29108) Task 15710 - Delivery address cannot be printed in report 105

On report 105, the delivery address can now optionally be included. For this purpose, delivery* fields have been added to the dataset. 

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