Release notes RetailVista update October 2017 version 17.22
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Release notes RetailVista update October 2017 version 17.22

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<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>General / miscellaneous

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 17228 - Show only open projects by default in the Projects screen

From now on, only the open projects will be shown by default in the 'Projects' screen. Additionally, the customer name and customer number of a project have been made visible as columns.

(Version 17.19.6484.23030) Task 16976 - Determine new branch number based on existing branches

When creating a new branch, the system no longer uses a numbering table. Instead, it calculates the actual highest used branch number and increments it by 1 as the number for the next branch to be created.

(Version 17.19.6484.23030) Task 16674 - Ability to specify different delivery days for each purchase item compared to the supplier's default

For each purchase item, it is now possible to indicate the number of delivery days, which may differ from the supplier's default delivery days.

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 15872 - Create generic setup for opening the result of a task from (iko maintenance/reservation maintenance/vko maintenance)

From various modules where reports are generated via the task scheduler, it is now possible to view the executed tasks through the 'Export' tab. In that tab, each task can be clicked on, and from that detail screen, the generated PDF report and processing report can also be requested.

Product maintenance

(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 17410 - Implement Barcode Application ID table

RetailVista has been expanded with a 'Barcode Application Identifications' table.

With this table, barcodes can be scanned that contain multiple data. In fact, such a barcode consists of 'Fields', with each field preceded by an identifier (AI). An example of a field is, for example, a recommended retail price. RetailVista currently supports a limited number of fields. Through the maintenance screen, a 'Field type' can be modified to indicate the meaning of a field. These types of barcodes are often printed as 2-dimensional barcodes, but in some cases an Ean128 barcode is also used in combination with 'Application identifiers'.

In the next release of RetailVista, 2-dimensional barcodes can be printed from article maintenance and from received articles. This functionality is a precursor to the introduction of coding for live goods for the garden center season 2018.


(Version 17.19.6484.23030) Task 17447 - Do not mention RFF+CR in purchase order

In the EDI purchase order message, no RFF+CR line will be mentioned from now on. This line should only have been mentioned for purchase orders resulting from consumer orders. But in RetailVista, this mechanism is solved differently and consumer orders are automatically traced upon receipt of goods.

(Version 17.22.6505.28556) Task 17103 - New task: deviating franco order amount for EDI > budget task!!!

In the supplier conditions, it is now possible to choose an 'EDI Franco order amount'. This is an addition to the existing 'Franco order amount'. When ordering via EDI, suppliers sometimes use a deviating franco order amount. RetailVista supports this question through this new data.

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 17079 - Please store a separate (administrative) email address in the supplier card where notifications should be sent

A new field 'Administrative email address' has been added to the supplier card where a different/specific email address can be entered to which administrative email messages will be sent. If this address is empty, the default email address specified in the supplier's relationship will be used. It has not been chosen to also send this information to RetailLink, please keep the administration of RetailLink in one place (x400 and administrative emails). This field is only visible if 'Standard communication type' is selected as 'Email'.

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 17030 - Do not reject message on SMTP error

An outgoing EDI message is no longer immediately rejected if an SMTP error (mail server error) occurs during transmission. Now, a total of 3 attempts are made to send the message. After that, the message will be definitively rejected and an email will be sent back to the sender indicating that the message could not be sent.


(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 17023 - Specify quantity in print queue data

In the print queue lines, a desired quantity can now be specified for each line. In the print screen, it can now be indicated with how many pieces should be worked: the specified quantity in the line, 1 per line, or the number of pieces in stock for the article. If no quantity is specified in a line, the line quantity will always be '1'.

(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 16390 - Printing of article labels for Christmas tree sales

For example, for the sale of Christmas trees, an article list line can now be copied.

By selecting a line in the regular maintenance and choosing 'Copy line', it can be indicated how many copies are desired. Each new line automatically receives its own reference number. Numbering starts automatically from the highest used reference number. By printing the reference number in a label layout, labels can be printed for a whole series of Christmas trees, with each tree receiving its own number.

Exchange Excel import

(Version 17.17.6429.27842) Task 17255 - Column mapping page does not yet take into account the choice 'Use text display from Excel'

In the column mapping page in Exchange, the display of the text of an Excel cell does not yet take into account the value specified for 'Use text display from Excel' in the previous screen. This has now been resolved.

(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 15907 - Enable importing of custom fields in Exchange with Excel import

In the Excel import in Exchange, it is now possible to indicate on the third page that custom fields should also be imported from the Excel sheet. Custom fields always exist per custom table. Therefore, in this screen, it must be indicated which custom table to use. In the screen where the Excel columns are mapped, all custom fields from the previously selected custom table are now shown in a separate section 'Custom fields'. This way, an Excel column can be linked to a custom field. Of course, the necessary checks are carried out to ensure that the provided data fits into the custom fields. This is mainly related to the data type. For example, a 'logical' custom field (Yes/No) cannot be filled with arbitrary texts.

Purchase invoice control

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 16971 - Rearrange total fields at the bottom of the line grid

The total fields at the bottom of the purchase invoice control lines have been revised and now provide a clearer overview of the differences.

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 16930 - Purchase invoice line can be linked to another product receipt line

A purchase invoice line is automatically linked to a receipt line as much as possible. However, if multiple receipts (documents) are linked to the same purchase invoice, it is possible that the same product exists in multiple receipts. In that case, it may be desired to manually indicate to which receipt line the purchase invoice line should be linked. From now on, this is possible in the detail screen of the purchase invoice line. An additional receipt can now also be linked to the purchase invoice using the '+' button next to the listbox.

Purchase Orders

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 16875 - Create new type of purchase condition 'EDI discount'

A new condition 'EDI discount' can be created in the supplier conditions. This discount is only added to a purchase order if the order is an EDI order.

(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 16054 - Task Custom purchase order reports without purchase prices

From now on, custom reports created at the organization level will also be visible to underlying companies. By connecting with the report designer at the organization level, the custom reports will automatically be visible to underlying companies. An additional indication is mentioned in the description of the report to indicate that it is a report from the organization.

Cash Accountability

(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 17387 - The currency date of the cash and vault transactions is incorrect in the journal file

From now on, the date of the last cash accountability included in the journal file will be mentioned in the cash accountability journal files. Previously, the specified up to/including date was always used when generating the journal file.

23791) Taak 17213 - Creating Loyalty Providers

From now on, there are 'Loyalty card providers'. This can best be explained as parties that provide loyalty card functionality as a service to RetailVista. The first (and currently only) loyalty card provider is 'eLoyalty'. This concerns the central loyalty card solution of NedFox. In the future, RetailVista will also be added as a loyalty card provider, and possibly third parties as well. Settings can be specified for each loyalty card provider, such as the web URL, username, password, and a RegEx expression for recognizing loyalty cards associated with that provider.

(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 15101 - Linking previously unlinked customer to loyalty card, retrospectively linking previous transactions

If a relationship is linked to a loyalty card, from now on all historical sales made on that loyalty card will also be associated with a customer. This also provides a much better insight into the sales history at the customer level.

Note: From this version of RetailVista, specifying a relationship with a loyalty card will result in a 'Timestamp' on the cash and on-account sales line. This may cause that line to be re-exported, as an actual change has occurred. This can have an impact on BI environments that use this data in a data warehouse. If the software is well developed, the export will be seen as a re-offering of data. This will then result in updating it, for example with the relationship in a sale (provided that field is implemented in BI).


(Version 17.17.6429.23791) Task 17213 - Creating Loyalty Providers

27842) Task 17146 - Setting up basic communication between RetailVista and Wics

From now on, there is an integration between RetailVista and Wics. This is a Warehouse Management System (WMS) application that automates warehouses. The integration between RetailVista and Wics is a consultancy project.

Promotions, discounts

(Version 17.19.6484.23030) Task 17443 - Adding external code to product discounts

From now on, there is an 'External code' field for product discounts. This can be used when importing product discounts to identify which discount it refers to. Previously, this was difficult as there was no direct link to a product discount.

Relationship maintenance

(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 17430 - Ability to set default values for debtor's preferred payment method in settings, Relationships tab

In the settings, Relationships section, 'Default values' tab, it is now possible to set the value for 'default payment method' when creating a new debtor. This value determines whether the debtor will be delivered on account by default in the POS system. Even if, for example, 'cash' is selected as the payment method, the delivery will still be made on account.

(Version 17.17.6429.27842) Task 17153 - Integration between a newsletter application and RetailVista

RetailVista now also has an integration with newsletter providers. The first provider that has been integrated is 'Clang'. A provider can be created and activated via 'Newsletter providers'.

In the settings -> Relationships section -> 'Newsletter' tab, the newsletter integration can be activated and the preferred newsletter provider must be specified.
(Version 17.18.6467.23030) Task 16646 - Deduplicating relationships

In the relationship maintenance, you can now choose to deduplicate a relationship in the left taskbar. You will be asked for a relationship number to be removed. All data from that relationship will be transferred to the current relationship, including sales history. Then that relationship will be deleted. In the future, a suggestion screen will follow for all relationships to be deduplicated, so that deduplication can be done at once for essentially the entire relationship file.


(Version 17.17.6429.27842) Task 17250 - Including reservation note in report 100 and 137

In reports 100 and 137, the note for a reservation is now available as a field in the dataset. With this new field, the field can be added to a desired location in the actual report using the report designer.

Task Scheduler

27600) Task 17282 - Able to view tasks outside of task planner

In the 'Extras' menu, you can now also choose 'Tasks'. This shows an overview of all tasks that have been executed by different task planners. With this new screen, it is clear which tasks have been executed and what the status of all those tasks was. Previously, each planning had to be opened via the task planner in order to see the tasks of that specific planning.

Sales orders

(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 17381 - Expand sales order with parcel service properties

From now on, parcel properties can also be included in a webshop order message. This is an addition to the chosen transport method. The parcel properties is a text field and its functionality depends entirely on the underlying parcel service being used. For example, with Post NL, the parcel service properties are used to indicate that a delivery can only be made in the evening or should not be delivered to neighbors, etc. See QA340 for more information about the parcel properties in a webshop order.

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 17279 - Transport method choice no longer on first screen of sales order

In the preliminary screen when creating a new sales order, the sales order classification can now be specified. Previously, the transport method could be specified in the preliminary screen, but it has become part of the sales order classification. The choice of a certain classification automatically determines the transport method, which can then be found in the 'general' tab.

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 17246 - Order approvals are also sent when the sales order is already closed

If a sales order has the status 'Closed', no more approvals will be sent from now on, if they were not sent earlier.

(Version 17.17.6429.27842) Task 17226 - Allocating Store Inventory for Webshop Orders

From now on, it is possible to automatically check if there is inventory in another store (within the same company!) upon receiving a webshop order. This will only happen if the store where the order arrives does not have enough inventory to fulfill it. The other stores can choose to participate in this automated request by enabling or disabling it. There may be stores that are geographically too far away to effectively participate. In the settings, under the 'Inventory' section, a store-level setting can be made for 'Available for interbranch deliveries'.

When checking if a store has inventory for a specific sales order line, it is sorted by the quantity of items in free inventory, from high to low. The store with the most free inventory will be considered first for delivery. If a store is eligible, an automatic purchase order will be created for the webshop order at that store. This order will be immediately finalized and sent to RetailLink. With default settings, this purchase order will automatically generate a sales order at that store within 5 minutes.

It is then up to the store to fulfill the sales order for the store where the webshop order originated.

From now on, the calculation of free inventory can also be configured in the settings, under the 'Inventory' section, 'Free inventory calculation'. It can now be indicated whether the inventory is reduced when a sales order exists or only when it is actually reserved. In this new scenario, it is recommended to calculate the free inventory based on the sales orders. If, for example, a sales order is created at a branch during the night, the available stock will automatically decrease as a result. If the available stock is then displayed on the webshop, it will be visible that the branch has less available stock due to this interbranch order.

(Version 17.17.6429.27842) Task 17159 - Request to recognize customers from webshop orders based solely on email address

In Extra -> Settings -> Webshop section -> 'Webshop relationship match' can now also be selected as 'Email'. A customer in RetailVista will then be recognized based solely on the email address from the webshop order. Previously, this was only possible based on email address and postal code or customer number.

(Version 17.22.6505.28556) Task 17084 - Send message to customer/consumer and supplier(s) when a sales order is canceled

When declaring a sales order as canceled, an email can now also be automatically sent to the supplier and/or consumer. This only works if it is indicated in the settings, Sales Orders section, that approval by the supplier and/or customer is mandatory. In that case, a canceled message is also sent when declaring the sales order as canceled. In the email template for a canceled sales order supplier message and/or canceled sales order reservation message, it can be specified textually what should be included in the email.

(Version 17.22.6505.28556) Task 17083 - If you add a product to the sales order later, the supplier of this line must approve it again

If a line of a sales order is modified or a line is added to the sales order, a new approval will now be sent to the supplier (and then to the customer). This only happens if supplier approval for sales orders is active.

Through this functionality, a supplier is asked to approve a sales order again if changes occur after the previous approval.

(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 17082 - Expand approval status options

In the sales order search screen in the 'Advanced' tab, suppliers can now search more extensively based on the approval status. Previously, it was only possible to search for 'Approved, rejected, or in progress'. This has been replaced by a series of status choices, allowing for example, searching for 'Approved with changed quantity', etc.

(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 17080 - Choice of display settings for article number, barcode, or external code on supplier approval web page

If suppliers approve sales orders, they will be directed to an approval page in RetailVista. Previously, the article number was always displayed as a column in that screen. From now on, it is possible to specify in the settings which column should be displayed as the article code indicator. This can be done through Settings, Sales Orders section, GUI tab. The possible choices are article number, external code, or barcode.


(Version 17.15.6400.23791) Task 17138 - Prepare basic communication with SlimStock

From now on, there is an integration between RetailVista and SlimStock. This is an application for optimal inventory management in a retail chain. The integration between RetailVista and Wics is a consultancy process.


(Version 17.18.6467.27600) Task 17380 - Expand webshop message with planned delivery date

From now on, a desired delivery date can also be specified in a webshop order message. This information will then be included in the sales order message. See QA340 for more information about this new field in the webshop order message.

(Version 17.20.6488.29268) Task 17078 - Basket does not include webshop-related offers.

In the 'Promotions' homepage, you can choose to process a shopping basket. This screen is built to test what RetailVista would do with a shopping basket containing products. Since this release, a bug has been fixed so that the shopping basket can also correctly take into account offers specifically for webshop products. In this screen, you can indicate with a checkbox that it is a webshop shopping basket.

External parties that use the shopping basket to calculate promotions can now also indicate that the calculation is intended for a webshop. Certain products that would not otherwise be on offer (webshop-specific offers) are then correctly included in the calculation.

(Version 17.17.6429.27842) Task 17077 - Ability to set status of received webshop orders

In the sales order classification, a status can now be indicated for when a sales order is considered 'Ready'. From now on, webshop orders will take into account this same setting. 

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