RetailVista ERP v23.10 - Release notes spring 2023 update
  • 02 Jul 2024
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RetailVista ERP v23.10 - Release notes spring 2023 update

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(Version 23.6.8475.25195) Task 21115 - Packing application can now work without carriers or with a combination of carriers and no carriers

The packing application could only handle reservations that were picked in carriers until now. From now on, it is also possible to work without carriers or with a combination of carriers and no carriers. The latter is intended for situations where part of a reservation has been picked and placed in a carrier (for example, for items transported from the store to the central warehouse) versus items that have been picked without a carrier in the central warehouse. A setting has been added to the RetailVista ERP settings that makes this behavior adjustable.

(Version 23.6.8475.25195) Task 21111 - Control on number of webshop cals

When creating a new webshop, the license check did not properly verify if there were enough cals available to add the new webshop. This issue has been resolved.

(Version 23.6.8475.25195) Task 21038 - Add 2FA (Two-factor authentication) to login procedure

From now on, it is possible to use 2FA in RetailVista. 2FA requires a user to provide an activation code in addition to a correct login name and password when logging in. This activation code must be generated by an authenticator app on a mobile phone. There are different authenticator apps available, and RetailVista has been tested with the Apple, Microsoft, and Google authenticator apps. These apps are all free of charge. 2FA can be activated during company maintenance. Every user who logs in afterwards will be asked to scan a QR barcode displayed by RetailVista.The QR code ensures that RetailVista is added to the authenticator app and from that moment on, the authenticator app displays a unique code that changes every 30 seconds. A user who does not have the authenticator app cannot log in with an account, even if the login name and password are known. The application administrator can exclude certain user accounts from requiring 2FA. A license is required to use 2FA in RetailVista.

Product Maintenance

(Version 23.3.8433.29764) Task 21100 - Improved support for duplicate barcodes

RetailVista ERP now has better support for duplicate barcodes. To use duplicate barcodes, it is necessary to activate this in the RetailVista settings. Once that is done, the same barcode can be assigned to multiple products. However, only one of the same barcodes can be active, the rest are passive. A new field 'passive' has been added to the barcode maintenance screen for this purpose. From now on, only one active barcode can exist for the same barcode, the rest are all 'passive'. This functionality allows, among other things, to receive EDI messages referring to a barcode that was not previously unique. From this update, in such cases, the only active barcode will be found and the other passive variants will be ignored. In essence, with duplicate barcodes, the barcode that should be applied to the product should be marked as not passive (i.e., active).

(Version 23.3.8433.29764) Task 21002 - Search on combination of description and remark 1

The search worked as an 'OR' filter, resulting in too many results being displayed. All search screens and all fields specified in RetailVista are always considered as an 'AND' combination.So the found data must meet all specified criteria. From now on, this is also the case with the combination of description and remark 1.

(Version 23.2.8419.28448) Task 20842 - Make a readonly variant of the product code field without punctuation, so only A-Z and 0-9.

With this adjustment, searching for product codes has been greatly improved. This 'read-only' variant is not visible but is used for searching. It now only searches for A-Z and 0-9, even if a product code contains other characters and/or special punctuation marks are used in the search. This greatly improves findability.

(Version 23.8.8483.27307) Task 20841 - Product code unique within the same product

An option has been added to RetailVista to enforce uniqueness of product codes within the same product. If there are multiple purchase data, a product code can only appear in one of those purchase data. This adjustment ensures that when searching for a product code, the correct (and only one) purchase data can always be found, without multiple results.

(Version 22.23.8377.26019) Task 20526 - Ability to click on product number in related products

In the product card for related products, it is now possible to click through to the corresponding related products, and back. The stock, free stock, and forecast stock of the related products are now also displayed as grid columns.

(Version 22.18.8315.27996) Task 20421 - Show cost price from recommended price in product maintenance

If a recommended price changes, the date since when that price has been modified is now also displayed.

(Version 23.3.8433.29764) Task 20158 - Ability to set permission for deleting products

A new permission 'MarkProductsDeleted' has been introduced to grant certain users the right to delete products.

Thermal labelling

(Version 23.2.8419.28448) Task 20924 - Discount amount on product label

There was already a field netPcePrice on a product label, but this field did not contain all the discounts that RetailVista knows. The calculation of this field has been improved so that the field matches the price in the cash register. It should be noted, however, that, for example, customer-specific discounts do not affect this field on a label. If this label is scanned in the cash register for one item without specifying a customer, loyalty card, and the like, the price displayed by the cash register is the same as the one on the label. If a discount is only active for a certain period, it may also be the case that this period has passed at a certain point, making the discount no longer valid.


(Version 22.18.8315.27996) Task 20420 - Enable automatic transfer of suggested prices from Exchange

It is now possible to create a separate task schedule so that suggested prices from Exchange are always transferred separately from the other data.

Exchange Excel import

(Version 23.7.8479.37464) Task 21047 - Reject and skip duplicate barcode line

If support for non-unique barcodes is enabled in RetailVista and 2 products are found with a certain supplied barcode in the Exchange Excel import, that Excel line will now be rejected.

Gift card / Giftcards

(Version 23.6.8475.25195) Task 21101 - Unknown if a digital gift card is being sold

In the gift card type table, it is now possible to indicate that a certain type of gift card is 'digital' (and therefore not 'physical'). This adjustment will be used in a future update of RetailVista to determine which cards need to be manually added to a (webshop) order and which gift cards can be automatically sent to a consumer via email.

Receipts / Goods-in

(Version 23.2.8419.28448) Task 20898 - Able to provide status 'Final' for receipt

This is a new status on the receipt that essentially indicates that it is no longer mutable, but still open. This is particularly desired for the purchase invoice control because the corresponding invoice may not have been checked yet, so the receipt cannot be definitively closed. However, mutations are prevented in this way.

(Version 23.5.8461.18802) Task 20897 - Permission to reopen closed product receipts

A new permission 'ReOpenClosedReceivedProductHeaders' is now available, allowing certain users to have the right to reopen closed product receipts.

(Version 22.24.8389.27630) Task 20896 - Permission available to reopen final product receipts

A new permission 'ReOpenReceivedProductHeaders' can be used to authorize certain users to reopen a product receipt that has reached the 'Final' or higher status. Previously, there was no permission to reopen receipts, but this has now been made possible.

(Version 22.18.8315.27996) Task 20537 - Receipts receive their own number instead of document allocation

The product receipt worked differently compared to all other modules because it used a so-called 'document' number. This caused various unpleasant side effects, while other modules simply use a number. This system has been adjusted in the product receipt so that it now also works with its own number. Of course, there is still support available to add an additional identifier, such as the supplier's packing slip number, alongside the number.

Order picking

(Version 23.4.8447.30207) Task 20998 - Generating and printing carriers

Two screens have been added under warehouse administration in RetailVista 2. It is now possible to print stickers of created carriers.In the product maintenance screen, there is an option in the left taskbar to generate products. The print screen has ended up on the warehouse homepage.

(Version 23.4.8447.30207) Task 20997 - Virtual product lowest number

In the settings of RetailVista, a lowest number can now be specified that is used when creating a virtual product.

This number is set to 2500 by default, which means that the first virtual product will be assigned the number 2500. This allows physical products to be created in a range from 1 to 2499 by default.

(Version 23.6.8475.25195) Task 20989 - Improve maintenance of contaminated warehouse locations

The maintenance screen of contaminated warehouse locations has received various improvements, including the ability to click on the product and start product statistics.


(Version 23.2.8419.28448) Task 20935 - Ability to create shipping label even if reservation has already been sold

This was not possible before, if a reservation was sold, you could no longer add package(s). From now on, this is possible. From reservation maintenance, you can create a package and print it directly on a specified (bridge) printer.

(Version 23.8.8483.27307) Task 20688 - Implement packing application

RetailVista now includes a packing application. This is a separate website that is fully designed to handle order fulfillment very quickly and efficiently. In practice, it often involves handling webshop orders. The packing application takes over the role of RetailVista POS, which was a temporary solution for handling webshop orders. An important difference with RetailVista POS is that the packing application books the revenue from webshop orders 'on account'. For this, a collective debtor can be specified per webshop. The packing application ensures a series of routine checks, especially whether a reservation has already been fully picked and fully paid. With the packing application, shipments can be registered with SendCloud and ultimately revenue is generated.

In a future update of this application, VIES check support will also be added to verify whether VAT-exempt orders may be collected. And a control scan will be added for the picked products. This control is done in combination with the package registration, so that it is known which package contains which products. Finally, support will also be added for gift card handling. Digital gift cards are processed directly by RetailVista, physical cards must be scanned in the packing process and then activated.

(Version 23.2.8419.28448) Task 21174 - Ability to scan products without a carrier

In the settings of RetailVista under 'Logistics', it can now be indicated whether it is necessary to check products that are not collected via a carrier within the packing application.

After all, it is still uncertain whether these products have been picked correctly, as they do not always have to be picked via order picking. But this control scan also applies to products that have been picked via order picking but without using a carrier. In that situation, it may also be desired to make sure that the correct products are being packed. 

Task Scheduler

(Version 23.6.8475.25195) Task 20848 - Eliminating global task scheduling

From now on, there are no more 'Global' task schedules. Each task schedule must be created per company, with some task schedules being automatically created if the configuration and/or license allows it. The great advantage of this adjustment is that the configuration of such task schedules can now be set by themselves.Additional advantage is that then all tasks can be requested at once with their corresponding status.

As part of this update, all global tasks that existed have been converted to company-specific tasks. It is therefore very likely that some data has been added to the task planning. An important task planning is the retrieval and sending of webshop data, which is now visible and adjustable for each company separately.

Sales orders

(Version 23.5.8461.18802) Task 20870 - Make it adjustable that closed sales orders cannot be reopened

There is a new permission 'AllowReopeningClosedSaleOrders' that can prevent closed sales orders from being reopened.

(Version 23.7.8479.37464) Task 20756 - Introduce sales channel in RetailVista

Under a webshop, multiple sales channels can exist. An example of this is a marketplace like 'EffectConnect' that serves sales channels such as Fonq. RetailVista recently integrated with EffectConnect, where EffectConnect is the webshop in RetailVista. In a sales order, it is desired to be able to see that an order originated from, for example, Fonq while the webshop is still 'EffectConnect'. For this reason, sales channels have been introduced in RetailVista. This can be seen, among other things, in the sales order itself. The uniqueness check whether a webshop order has been received before has been expanded from the combination of webshop and order reference to webshop, sales channel, and order reference.

In the fall 2023 update of RetailVista ERP, it will be possible to create revenue reports based on sales channel.

(Version 22.19.8333.24680) Task 20755 - Order picking active on reservations from a certain date

In the sales order classification, it is now adjustable that order picking may only apply to reservations created after a certain date and time. As a result, it is possible to enter order picking at any point in time, with reservations before that moment being ignored.

(Version 22.19.8333.24680) Task 20754 - Create advanced webshop settings to convert based on transport type to a sales order classification

See QA827

(Version 23.5.8461.18802) Task 21178 - Sales order decision tree

From now on, RetailVista ERP includes a decision tree in the webshop sales order processing. Based on various specified criteria, both the transport type and the sales order classification can be influenced. It is also possible to only adjust one of these.

In the sales order decision tree, criteria can be added. Examples of criteria include specific products that appear in an order, as well as factors such as weight, volume (m3), value of an order, postal code, destination country, and many other criteria.

This allows for the possibility that even if a customer has chosen 'Shipping' on the webshop (a very general choice), RetailVista automatically specifies it further to, for example, 'Own transport' or a special form of shipping with Post NL, and so on.

Inventory / Stock control

(Version 23.5.8461.18802) Task 21001 - Virtual stock improvements

The virtual stock is no longer shown separately in article statistics, but is simply the stock and free stock. It is no longer possible to modify the stock of a virtual product.


(Version 23.6.8475.25195) Task 21052 - Add support for pickup points in sales order and webshop order message processing

In the webshop order message, it is now possible to add a pickup point. Based on the received pickup point name, postal code, and house number, RetailVista checks if there is a relationship as a pickup point with that information. If not, that relationship is automatically created.

Eventually, the number of the found relationship will be taken over as the delivery address for the relationship.

(Version 23.8.8483.27307) Task 21042 - ICL (Intracommunity deliveries) support for webshop orders

From now on, RetailVista offers the possibility for ICL deliveries. These are VAT exempt deliveries to debtors abroad. The fiscal condition for ICL deliveries is that a VAT number is known and that the number is valid. The VAT number can now be included as part of the webshop order message. RetailVista will check during the order message processing whether a debtor is already linked to the corresponding relationship. If this is not the case, a search will be performed to see if a debtor exists with the specified VAT number. If this is also not the case, a debtor will be created with that VAT number. During creation, the debtor will be set to require full payment. The indication of whether the debtor receives VAT exempt delivery depends on the delivery address country of the order in relation to the country of the branch where the order is created.

If a debtor is already linked to the relationship, it will be checked whether the VAT number matches the order. If this is not the case, the order message will be rejected. If it turns out that the debtor does not yet have a VAT number at the relationship, this number will be taken over from the order.

It is now assumed that the VIES check has already been performed by the webshop and that the VAT number is valid. In a future update of RetailVista ERP, this check will be performed (again) by RetailVista and must be positive. The VAT number must not only exist, but the name of the debtor must also match the registered VIES name.

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