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You cannot retrieve the batch before the 9th of a new month.
- Go to the frontoffice folder in Sharepoint.
- Go to the invoices folder.
- Go to the invoices batches folder.
- Create a new folder here with the name of the upcoming Saturday or Sunday's date.
- Now go to eSocrates > Tools > ExportInvoices.- The top checkbox is always checked in this screen.
- Search for your created folder through the folder icon.
- Choose export.
It is correct that there are 0 invoices. These will be created when you click "Yes".- You can choose OK at "Export completed" and close the screen by clicking the cross.
- Now copy the exported xml files to the invoices folder (this way you always keep a copy).
- Now go back to eSocrates > Tools > UploadInvoices
- Pay very close attention to the date now (set the date to the date of your created folder).
- Also choose the correct folder (now it is the first folder "invoices" where you copied to).
- Choose "Upload" (this takes about 25 minutes).
The xml files will be converted to deliveries on account in RetailVista. Now you can start your checking process.