'Sales order scenarios'
  • 17 Jun 2024
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'Sales order scenarios'

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Article summary

With this table, the behavior of the processing of sales orders can be influenced. The following fields are present:

General tab

CodeUnique code of scenario
ExpiredAn expired scenario will no longer be displayed when creating new sales orders. This assigned scenario will still exist and be supported on existing sales orders until the sales order is mutated and a different scenario is chosen. From that moment on, this scenario will no longer be displayed again when reopening that sales order.

Longtail tab

Automatically order from longtail supplier if sufficient stock>TODO investigate
Directly finalize supplier purchase orders>TODO investigate

Interbranch tab

Directly finalize interbranch orders> TODO Investigate
Include when generating an interbranch purchase order from sales orders> TODO Investigate
Interbranch supplier>TODO Investigate
Split created purchase orders per department>TODO investigate
Automatically ordering from other locations>TODO investigate

Sales order tab

Required field setWhen creating a sales order, the fields in this set are mandatory and must be provided
Delivery typeHere, a choice can be made between delivery and pickup. This setting is used in RetailVista Mobile to make an initial choice for delivery or pickup. After that choice, a list of possible sales order scenarios of the chosen delivery type will appear.
Trial sales order modeIs it not, optional, or mandatory to first create a sales order as a trial and then as a final sales order
Status at 'Ready'What should be the sales order status when it is saved when creating a new sales order. The possible status values are explained in the sales order maintenance article.
Back office status at readyThis is the status that a sales order receives when created from the back office (RetailVista ERP website). If no value is specified here, then the value specified above 'Status at ready' will be applied.
Webshop status at readyThis is the status that a sales order receives when created from a webshop integration. If no value is specified here, then the value specified above 'Status at ready' will be applied.
RetailVista Mobile status when readyThis is the status that a sales order receives when created from RetailVista Mobile. If no value is specified here, then the value 'Status when ready' specified above will be applied.
Automatically add deposit requestBy activating this, a deposit request will be automatically created after creating a sales order.
Lower auto deposit amount for reservations>TODO investigate
Generate purchase order(s) per sales orderIf a sales order results in a reservation, is it desired that each sales order results in separate purchase order(s). By default, purchase orders are set up, they contain articles with totaled quantities as a result of various sales orders and the store's own needs.
Create high priority purchase ordersIf a purchase order needs to be created due to the need for articles from a sales order, should this purchase order be marked as high priority. The advantage of this can be that it is clearly visible which purchase orders contain articles that consumers have specifically requested, and those orders must therefore receive inventory in the ordering process.
Specify packaging details>TODO investigate
Show available stock warning when adding articlesIf the available stock of an article is not sufficient for the quantity of the article that a consumer orders, should a warning be displayed for this.
Use delivery assignment routes>TODO investigate
Secure sales order discounts when reopening via RetailVista MobileWhen a sales order is reopened (status is changed back to 'New' and everything is mutable from that moment), the already assigned discounts should be retained/secured. It is possible that certain discounts are no longer active, for example because the promotion period has ended.
Transport cost VAT calculationThere is support for different ways in which the VAT rate of transport costs is calculated. This is related, among other things, to legislation regarding the country of establishment where RetailVista is used. Transport costs of a sales order are calculated in RetailVista by creating an additional article line with an article of the type 'transport costs'. This setting is about calculating the VAT percentage of that article.
VAT of transport costs productUse the VAT percentage as specified in the product maintenance for that transport costs product
Highest VAT rateUse the highest found VAT percentage of all products in a sales order. For example, if there is 1 product with a VAT percentage of 21% in the sales order, then the VAT percentage of the transport costs product will also be 21%. If all products in a sales order are, for example, 6%, then the VAT percentage of the transport costs product will also be 6%.

Tab reservations

Suggest directly to reserve quantityDuring the addition of a sales order line, there is a possibility to indicate simultaneously how many of the ordered quantity should be reserved immediately. Whether this suggestion is desired can be indicated with this setting.
Direct reserve quantity typeIf direct reservation is active, this setting determines the suggested quantity.
Available stockSuggest the available stock as the quantity, if available and not higher than the sales order quantity
Sales order quantitySuggest the specified sales order quantity as the quantity

Generate reservation lines at statusAt which sales order status can the reservation lines be generated. Whether reservation lines will be generated depends on various criteria, including the specified direct quantity to reserve.
Logistic status for new reservationsWhen a reservation is generated for sales orders of this scenario type, what logistic status should be assigned to a new reservation.
Logistic status for new reservations from receiptWhen instructed to generate reservations while specifying a specific receipt number, what logistic status should be assigned to these reservations.
Forced issue locationIf this setting is specified, the fixed issue location will be assigned to created reservations for sales orders of this scenario type. If this setting is not specified, only the issue location per product/location will be considered.
Whether the issue location functionality is active is determined by the setting 'Split reservations per issue location'.
Dynamic issue locationIf a forced fixed issue location is not used, it is possible to calculate the issue location. With this setting, it can be indicated which set of calculations should be applied to determine the issue location.
Whether the issue location functionality is active is determined by the setting 'Split reservations per issue location'.
Set logistic status to 'Waiting for picking' when selling a reservationIf a reservation is sold (cash or on account), this can be set to change the logistic status to 'Waiting for picking' at that time.
Split reservations per departmentIt is possible to create separate reservations per department when generating reservations. The department where an article is located is determined by the article category. Articles without a department result in a separate reservation without a department.
Split reservations per issuance locationIt is possible to create separate reservations per issuance location when generating reservations. If this split setting is not active, issuance locations are completely ignored. If this split setting is active, the forced or dynamic issuance location is applied, and the article/location combination is also checked to see if a fixed issuance location is set. If the latter is the case, that issuance location always takes precedence over the dynamic issuance location.
Mandatory order picking controlIf this setting is active, it is mandatory in the pack & ship application to perform a check to ensure that the correct articles and quantities have been picked. Until that check is performed, preparation for issuance of the reservation cannot be started.
Mandatory issuance controlIf this setting is active, it is mandatory to work with the issuance functionality of RetailVista Mobile. Within the issuance functionality, various routine checks are performed, such as whether the reservation has not already been issued, whether a cash on delivery payment still needs to be made, etc.
> TODO Check what happens if this is not active
Support order picking on closed reservationsIf this setting is active, picking instructions will also be generated for closed reservations.
>TODO Check to what extent this is still applicable

Tab deliveries on account

Status The status to be assigned to a delivery on account when a reservation is converted to it.
Automatically create deliveries on account when generating reservationsCan a delivery on account also be automatically created when generating reservations. By activating this setting, a reservation is immediately sold, revenue is generated, and inventory is reduced.
Generate digital gift cards during fulfillmentIf this setting is active, digital gift cards will be automatically created when creating reservations. This is checked in the sales order lines to see if there are any digital gift card lines. These are articles of the type 'gift card' and where a digital gift card is selected for the set gift card type on that article. A separate reservation is made for these sales order lines, which is also immediately 'sold'. This allows a consumer to receive their ordered digital gift cards almost immediately after placing an online shop order.
TODO Is such a reservation then also immediately handled/sold?
Digital gift card definitionIf there are digital gift card sales order rules found and reservations can be generated directly from this setting, gift cards with this type of definition will be created.

Tab drop shipment

Suggest drop shipment rule indicationCan the drop shipment indication be marked when creating a sales order rule if RetailVista determines that the rule qualifies for drop shipment
Drop shipment decisionWith the selected setting, it is determined whether a rule becomes a drop shipment rule. The following settings are possible and may or may not result in a drop shipment rule indication:
Drop shipment articleIf the article is marked as a drop shipment article in article maintenance
Drop shipment article and no free stockSame as above, but only if there is no free stock available
Drop shipment article and no alternative free stockSame as above, but only if there is no alternative stock available *1
Drop shipment article and no free and no alternative free stock
No available stockIf there is no available stock for the product, it will be marked as a dropshipment rule
No alternative available stockIf there is no alternative available stock for the product, it will be marked as a dropshipment rule *1
No available stock and no alternative available stock

Allow modifying suggested dropshipment indicationIs it allowed to modify the dropshipment indication as calculated (as explained above).
SupplierIf a sales order line is marked as a dropshipment rule, it will eventually lead to a purchase order. With this setting, it can be indicated whether that purchase order should be created for a fixed supplier. By default, the preferred supplier of a product is used. A fixed supplier, as shown here, is often used in situations where a central location (DC/Warehouse) is present.
Dropshipment fallback debtor

*1 - The alternative available stock is the stock of the alternative specified location. In location maintenance, an alternative location can be specified on the 'Advanced' tab. The available stock at that alternative location is then checked. An example of an alternative location is usually a DC/warehouse location.

Tab approval

Require supplier approvalIf this setting is active, an email will be sent to each supplier of the sales order lines. The supplier must then approve the ordered products/lines. Products/lines that are not approved by a supplier will not be further processed into reservations and/or purchase orders.
Require customer approvalIf this setting is active, an email will be sent to the customer of the sales order. The customer must then approve the ordered products/lines. If a customer does not approve the sales order, the order will not be processed. If both customer approval and supplier approval are active, customer approval will be done first, followed by supplier approval.
Approval recipientsTODO investigate
Status when partially approvedTODO investigate

Tab order picking

Use for order pickingIf this setting is active, order picking instructions will be automatically generated for reservation lines of sales orders in this scenario. Whether instructions are actually created depends on additional criteria, such as whether there is sufficient pickable inventory available.
Reservations fromIf order picking is active, instructions will only be generated for reservations created on or after this date. This setting is mainly intended to prevent instructions from being generated for various old reservations that are still open when starting guided order picking.
Generate instructions for the store only if there is sufficient stockBy default, picking instructions are initially created for the warehouse, provided that the warehouse has sufficient available pickable stock. With this setting, it can be indicated that the store takes priority if it also has sufficient stock.
Number of picking list reportsIt is possible to automatically print a picking list report when a reservation needs to be picked. This setting indicates the number of copies to be printed. The printer(s) on which to print must be set up once. There is a separate article available on this, see the linked articles in this article.
Picking list report layoutThe picking list report to be printed. If no report is specified, no report will be printed.
Also print on secondary printerIf this setting is active and a picking list is printed, the picking list report will also be printed on the specified secondary printer.
Stop printing at timeIt is possible to stop printing pick list reports after this time. This is also known as the cutoff time. This allows offering consumers the option to have orders shipped on the same day until a certain time. However, it requires commitment from the order picking team to complete all remaining instructions on the same day. This setting applies not only to printing but also to generating order picking instructions for guided order picking.
TODO Verify if this actually works!
Restart printing after x hoursIf a cutoff time is used, at some point the printing of reports and the generation of order picking instructions will need to be resumed. The specified number of hours here must have elapsed since the cutoff/stop printing time, after which the printing and/or guided order picking process will resume.
Only print if pickup/delivery date is plannedThis setting ensures that only a picking report is printed and/or picking instructions are created if a pickup/delivery date is planned for the sales order. This condition applies only if it is indicated that the sales order works with the delivery administration. With this setting, it becomes possible, for example, to only pick items shortly before the delivery or pickup moment. Especially for sales orders that are created well in advance, it is sometimes desired that reservations that have already been collected and are ready for pickup do not take up space for a long time when they are not yet needed. The disadvantage of this setting is that there is a possibility that an item is no longer in stock by the time it needs to be picked.
TODO Verify if this works as intended (especially regarding instruction generation)
Wait number of days before planned dateWith this setting, it is possible to specify the number of days before the pickup/delivery date so that a reservation is picked slightly earlier and is ready on the specified date. If this is not specified, printing and/or instruction generation will only be performed on the pickup/delivery date.

Tab pack & ship

Number of items to scan during picking controlIf a picking control is required, each individual item must be scanned. If the quantity of the same item is greater than the value specified here, it is allowed to manually enter the picked quantity instead of scanning each item.
Specify products in reservation packagesIf this setting is active, the pack & ship application must specify which products are in which packages (boxes). Some external parties (such as bol.com and SendCloud) want to know which products belong to which track & trace codes. The advantage of this is that in case a certain box (shipment, track & trace number) gets lost, it is known which products have been lost.
Create package when processing reservation in pack&shipWhen a reservation is read in the pack & ship app, can a package be automatically created instead of having to manually create one or more packages.
Only allow processing reservations from fully completed order picking runsWith this setting, it can be prevented that reservations are already being processed in the pack & ship application while an order picking run is still in progress.
Allow cash on delivery for deliveriesIf a reservation has not been sufficiently paid in the sales order, can the pack & ship application offer the possibility to mark the remaining amount as a cash on delivery amount. If this setting is used, it is essential to also use the issuance application.

Tab layouts

Number of trial sales ordersNumber of trial sales order reports to be printed.
Number of final sales ordersNumber of final sales order reports to be printed.
Number of copy sales ordersNumber of copy sales order reports to be printed.
Trial sales order reportWhen completing a sales order entry in RetailVista Mobile, it may be set that a trial sales order is mandatory. In that case, this report will be automatically printed.  If this layout is not specified, no trial sales order report will be printed.  The number of copies to be printed is specified in a previous setting above.
Final sales order reportingWhen completing a sales order entry in RetailVista Mobile, a sales order will eventually reach the final status. In that case, this report will be printed automatically. The number of units to be printed has been specified in a previous setting. If this layout has not been specified, no final sales order report will be printed. The number of units to be printed has been specified in a previous setting.
Copy sales order reportingWhen reaching the final status of a sales order in RetailVista Mobile, this copy report will be automatically printed. The number of copies to be printed has been specified in a previous setting. If this layout is not specified, no copy sales order report will be printed. The number of copies to be printed has been specified in a previous setting.
Transport declaration reportingIn the pack & ship application, for VAT exempt shipments (reservations) to foreign countries where a transport type 'pickup' is chosen in the sales order, a transport declaration report can be automatically printed. This allows a customer to confirm that the items are indeed being transported abroad.
TODO Verify if this works as intended

Customer service tab

Order confirmation typeTODO Investigate
Order cancellation typeTODO Investigate
Partial delivery typeTODO Investigate

Advanced tab

Apply full payment when importing reservation into POS

TODO investigate

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