SQL licensing
  • 05 Jul 2024
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SQL licensing

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<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>This document contains a brief summary of license terms regarding SQL Server. No rights can be derived from this document. We recommend consulting your IT supplier and seeking advice on the correct required licenses if you have any doubts.

The information in this document applies to customers with their own server on which RetailVista is installed. This document does not apply to customers using RetailVista 'online' (hosted by NedFox).

In order to use SQL Server, it must be purchased. When purchasing SQL Server, Microsoft's license terms must be taken into account. These are very extensive but contain an important paragraph regarding accessing SQL Server from the internet. In short, if the web application (in this case RetailVista) is accessible from the public internet, a SPLA license (Service Provider License Agreement) must be obtained. 'Standard' SQL licenses cannot be connected to the internet.

The consequence of this license requirement is that without a SPLA license, no ports may be opened on the router to make RetailVista or parts of it accessible from outside. A simple gift card integration to consult the balance in RetailVista from the internet is not allowed without a SPLA license!

The question often asked in this context is whether webshop integrations are allowed. Fortunately, the answer is simple: as long as no ports on the router are opened to allow external access, no SPLA license is required. A standard webshop integration works with RetailVista via the ShopServer and does not require any incoming port adjustments on the router.

The ShopServer is hosted at NedFox and falls under our SPLA license.

An SPLA license is a particularly expensive license and, considering its price, only interesting for service providers. They can share the costs with a larger group of users. NedFox has entered into an SPLA license with Microsoft for RetailVista. If you, as a RetailVista user with your own server, want to make information from RetailVista accessible from the Internet, the most cost-effective option is to host RetailVista with NedFox. You will then operate under our SPLA license.

If you have any further questions regarding this QA, please feel free to contact our sales department or your own IT supplier.

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