Structure METO labels
  • 09 Jul 2024
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Structure METO labels

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Article summary

<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>Start printing

Here the general data for the label is specified, such as the label size and contrast. Below is an example of a label:

<[Cd "-01:1"]<crlf>

[Cl "0390:1000:0370"]<crlf>

[Cp "+010" "+000" "+00"]<crlf>

Cd: print contrast (page 7-21 of the manual)

Cl: label size in units of 0.1 mm (page 7-5 of the manual)

Cp: fine adjustment position (page 7-10 of the manual)

Start label


Cc: clear images in the buffer (page 7-2 of the manual)


A METO SP40 label is slightly different in structure compared to a SATO/Zebra label.

In a SATO/Zebra label layout, everything is mentioned on one line, position, font, and the data to be printed.

In a METO layout, this is divided into 2 parts.

The first part basically contains everything except the position of the data on the label.

[Fs "0030:0040" "01" "00" "B:B"   "0020:0040"]<crlf> <note:description receipt>     <-- 1st part.

The second part only contains the data with the maximum number of characters, in this case 30 pieces (,30).

[Ds "01"  "<data:description_receipt,30>"]<crlf> <-- 2nd part.

The Fs/Ds command (page 7-43 of the manual) is used to print text. To print a barcode, the Fb/Db command (page 7-43 of the manual) must be used.

Structure first part

(Manual SP40I_ProgrammingManual.pdf page 7-33)

[Fs "aaaa:bbbb" "cc" "dd" "e:f" "gggg:hhhh"]>crlf> <note:own note>

aaaa: horizontal position

bbbb: vertical position

cc: string number (this connects the 1st part with the 2nd part)

dd: rotation of the text. 00: 0 degrees

11: 90 degrees

22: 180 degrees

33: 270 degrees

e: font type

A: Helvetica bold

B: Helvetica bold proportional

f: black character (B) or reverse (W)

gggg: font width

hhhh: font height

To keep the layout clear, notes can be added to the layout <note:own note>

Structure second part

[Ds "cc"  "<data:description_receipt,30>"]<crlf>

cc: string number (this connects the 1st part with the 2nd part)

<data:datafield,30> data fields that are also used for other types of layouts.

The ,30 indicates the maximum number of characters that need to be printed.

This is to prevent texts from being printed on the label. 

NOTE: the string number (cc) in the 1st part must be the same as in the 2nd part.

Of course, there are many more possibilities, but this is the basic structure used by us.


Stop label

[Pi "<number_of_prints,4>" "000" "2:C:6:2:0" "1"]<crlf>

Pi: number of labels to be printed (page 7-76 of the manual)

"000" Cut interval, when using 000 no cutting will be done.

2: Sensor type

6: print speed

2: printing with or without ribbon

0: rotation

"1" indicate status when printing, 0: NO, 1: YES 

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