'Webshops' translates to 'Online stores' in en-US.
  • 17 Jun 2024
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'Webshops' translates to 'Online stores' in en-US.

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Article summary

General tab

LocationThe location under which the webshop falls. This is mainly related to licensing.
CodeUnique code of the webshop
Webshop typeSpecify the type of the webshop. Based on this type, RetailVista can maintain communication with a webshop.
Revenue typeTODO
Price increase %TODO
Price increase valueTODO
Do not send data to BISales based on this webshop will not be sent to a BI environment. It depends on the BI implementation whether this is taken into account.

Order scraping tab

This tab is about scraping orders in a simple way. It means that when a sales order is received, RetailVista ERP can automatically print one or more picking list reports. This way, an order picker knows that an order needs to be collected. The order can still be collected digitally (guided), but can also be done completely manually or through simple order picking.

Order picking list printerPrint picking list of reservations originating from orders from this webshop to this printer.
Secondary picking list printerPrint picking list of reservations originating from orders from this webshop to this secondary printer. In fact, this printer functions as a copy printer.
Order picking list article receipt printerThis works the same as 'order picking list printer' but for reservations generated from article receipts.
Picking list reportUse this report layout when printing a picking list.
Picking list report for article receiptsUse this report layout when printing a picking list for reservations originating from receipts.

Tab integration

This tab is about the integration between RetailVista ERP and a specified type of webshop.

API urlThe URL to the API website to communicate with this webshop. Whether the field is applicable and what the value should be depends on the type of webshop and the implementation. There are separate documents with the configuration description for each type of webshop.
UsernameThe username for the API website.
PasswordThe password for the API website.
Product fallbackArticles in order messages are by default linked to RetailVista using the barcode. It is possible to indicate with this field that a search is also performed on this data if a search via the barcode does not yield any results.

Tab orders

This tab is about retrieving orders from the webshop and processing them towards sales orders.

Retrieve orders from webshopIf this field is checked, RetailVista ERP will retrieve orders from this webshop.
Sales order scenarioThe sales order scenario to be used for orders originating from this webshop.
Reload from dateReload all orders from the webshop from this date. The orders are received as 'incoming messages'. Depending on the setting of how the check on existing webshop orders takes place, only non-existing webshop orders will be converted to sales orders by default. The remaining webshop orders will be stored as rejected incoming messages.
Last order syncThe date and time at which the last order synchronization took place.
Shipping cost productIn a webshop order message, a shipping cost amount can be specified. If that is the case, RetailVista ERP will add an additional line to the order with this product number and the shipping cost amount from the webshop order. Whether this field is supported depends on the type of webshop and implementation.
Fallback debtor for paid deliveriesA fully (100%) pre-paid webshop order can be automatically processed into a delivery on account. In that case, the relationship of the order is taken over, but the value specified here is applied as the debtor. This only applies if the sales order does not already have a debtor assigned.
Payment providerSpecify the payment provider configuration used for payments on webshop orders originating from this webshop. This is used to perform automatic refunds.
Allow VAT exemption without VAT numberIs it allowed to accept webshop orders marked as VAT exempt while no VAT number is provided. By allowing this, it may not comply with proper tax administration, as it is normally required to know to which debtor VAT exempt deliveries are made.
Ignore email MX validationBy activating this setting, RetailVista ERP will no longer perform (MX) validation on the received email address of an order. If this setting is not active, it is highly recommended that email address validation has been performed in the webshop itself.
Convert payment shortfall to discountIf this setting is active, a payment surplus can result in a product discount. Example: If in a webshop order, due to rounding, a number of products together cost 4.91 and a payment of 4.92 has been made, a discount of 1 cent will be given on the product price.

Pack & Ship Tab

The settings in this tab are all applicable to the Pack & Ship application. With this application, reservations are prepared and registered for shipping or pickup.

Invoice deliveries reportSpecify the layout to be used for printing an invoice deliveries report from the pack & ship application. If this setting is not specified, no invoice delivery will be printed.
Invoice deliveries VAT exempt reportSpecify the layout to be used for printing an invoice deliveries report from the pack & ship application for VAT exempt sales orders. If this setting is not specified, the standard invoice deliveries report will be used for VAT exempt sales orders.
Invoice reportingSpecify the layout to be used for printing an invoice report from the pack & ship application. If this setting is active, the Pack & Ship application will generate an invoice for direct account deliveries. If this setting is not active, an invoice must be generated at a later time (possibly via the task scheduler). The advantage of this is that multiple account deliveries are combined into one invoice, instead of each account delivery having its own invoice.
Invoice VAT exempt reportingThis has the same functionality as 'invoice reporting', but for VAT exempt invoices. If this setting is not specified, it will fall back to the default invoice reporting.

The printer used for account deliveries and/or printing is determined by the selected environment in the pack & ship application.

Tab export

This tab is about sending product data from RetailVista ERP to the webshop.

Webshop is passive, part of another webshopThis is a setting that only applies to webshops of the 'ShopServer' type. With the phasing out of ShopServer in 2024, this setting will eventually disappear.
Send package info to webshopTrack & trace numbers of packages for reservations are sent to the webshop through this setting. Not every webshop integration supports this.
Send product data to webshopSend product master data to webshop such as description, price, barcode, etc.
Send inventory to webshopSend product (free) inventory to webshop
Send alternative inventory to webshopSend inventory from other locations to webshop. Note that not every webshop integration supports this.
Resend from dateResend all data selected above, unless a data has been modified since this date.
Last product syncDate and time of the last successful synchronization.

Package service tab

CustomerThe name, address, city, and contact information of this customer will be used as sender information for package services.
Contact personThe contact person at the specified customer. This information will also be used as sender information for package services.
Email addressThe email address associated with the specified customer. This information is also used as sender information for shipping services. 
Shipping address for relationshipIf this address is provided, it will be used as the shipping address for sender information in shipping services, instead of the address of the customer specified above. Not all shipping services support this additional information.
Collection address relationshipIf this address is specified, it will be used as the collection address for pickup information with package services. The collection address is an address where a customer can pick up an order. This is different from a pickup location, a collection address is a fixed address that cannot be chosen by the consumer and where every shipment ends up. This setting is very rarely used. Not every package service supports this additional information.
Return address relationshipIf this address is specified, it will be used as the return address for return information with package services, instead of the address of the customer specified above. Not every package service supports this additional information. 
Package service printerReservations that are registered via RetailVista POS with a package service are automatically printed on this package service printer.
This information is also used as a last fallback if no package service printer is specified in the pack & ship application for an environment.

Advanced tab

Advanced settingsFor most webshop integrations, there are one or more special and specific settings that can be specified here. Refer to the webshop configuration documentation for more information.

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