What is the desired preparation for integration with financial software?
  • 01 Jul 2024
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What is the desired preparation for integration with financial software?

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This document provides an introduction to the integration between RetailVista and various financial systems. This document provides an overview of the technical and functional impact and the role distribution between NedFox or reseller, RetailVista user, and the accountant.

What will be integrated?

Currently, RetailVista offers integrations in the areas of cash and invoicing. The cash export is used to integrate the cash register systems. Invoicing is used for invoicing deliveries to debtors, as well as for registration of personal use and waste. Inventory adjustments and corrections are currently not integrated. The integration is one-sided: journal files are provided that can be imported into a financial package. There is no import of, for example, received invoice payments and debtors.


The roadmap for RetailVista includes offering inventory adjustments. These will come from the 'Purchase Invoice Control' module. This module is relatively new and once proven stable and sufficiently applied, the export will be realized.

Furthermore, full integrations are planned with Multivers and Twinfield. These integrations will eliminate the need to manually export and import files. Some data will also be read back, such as debtors and received invoice payments.

Supported financial systems

RetailVista currently offers integrations to Multivers, Exact Globe, Exact Online, AccountView, and King.

There are separate documents available on the exact setup per financial system, which also describe the advantages and disadvantages of such a connection. One financial package sometimes offers more or better possibilities than another, and these implementation documents mention those points of attention.

The above export formats are also supported in many cases by other financial systems not mentioned above. Therefore, RetailVista can often be connected to financial systems that are not mentioned, for example by choosing the AccountView (CSV) or Exact Online (CSV) export format for the setup.


In order to connect RetailVista to a financial system, the 'Financial Export' license is required. This license allows for connections to all mentioned financial applications. Therefore, there is no need to choose in advance which software will be connected when ordering this license.


Connecting a retail environment to a financial administration requires some effort in the setup. New general ledgers may need to be created in the financial administration and/or in RetailVista. And a connection needs to be established between the cash groups and revenue types in RetailVista and the general ledger administration.

Furthermore, certain settings need to be configured in RetailVista, such as which system to connect to, whether the revenue should be presented including or excluding VAT, etc. For this purpose, a quickscan document has been developed that needs to be filled in by the accountant. With that information, NedFox or a reseller can efficiently set up and start the integration.

Role Distribution

The overview below shows the different tasks involved in the process of connecting RetailVista to a financial administration.

Handing over configuration document to accountant

NedFox or reseller

Filling out configuration document and returning it to NedFox or reseller


Creating general ledgers

NedFox or reseller

Creating general ledger links

NedFox or reseller

Configuring RetailVista financial export

NedFox or reseller

Configuring cash reconciliation

NedFox or reseller

Creating test export for cash reconciliation

NedFox or reseller

Creating test export for invoicing

NedFox or reseller

Importing test export for cash reconciliation into financial administration


Importing test export for invoicing


Daily use of cash reconciliation

RetailVista user

Daily use of cash accountability journals

RetailVista user


In order to perform the configuration of RetailVista quickly and effectively, the following information is required. This information will need to be provided by the accountant. The desired configuration items depend on the financial administration that is being linked and will be mentioned in the accompanying document.


The financial links in RetailVista currently provide a link for cash transactions and a link for invoicing. Cash transactions refer to cash sales through the cash register. Inventory transactions and purchase invoices, for example, are not yet part of a financial link. Please indicate below which of the available links need to be activated.

Desired links

O Cash transactions

O Invoicing

How is the cash register setup done, is it per user (cashier) or per POS terminal/workstation. In case of setup per user, each user has their own cash drawer.

Cash register setup

O Per user

O Per POS terminal

Which financial application is being used. We support the following standard applications, but some exports are also suitable for other financial administrations.


O Multivers

O Exact Globe

O Exact Online

O AccountView

O King

O Twinfield

RetailVista exports sales journals with revenue excluding VAT per cash group and the VAT component totaled per VAT rate. Some financial products want to receive revenue per cash group including VAT and then split the VAT themselves. How should the revenue per cash group be provided in a journal, including or excluding VAT?

Sales revenue delivery in journal

O Including VAT

O Excluding VAT (default)

If the revenue per cash group is provided excluding VAT, can the VAT be provided in one general ledger per VAT rate, or must the VAT be provided in a VAT general ledger per cash group. The latter requires considerably more time in setting up the cash accountability export.

Ability to set VAT general ledger per cash group

O Yes

O No (Default)

If 'Yes' is chosen here, report xxx must be printed and completed.

Not all financial administrations and not all imports work with a general ledger for VAT. Sometimes VAT must be imported using a code. Specify below the codes used for VAT as they occur in the financial package (as far as applicable VAT rate).


VAT Medium

VAT High

VAT None/0%

When using Exact, turnover per branch must be booked on a relationship number. What is the relationship number on which the turnover of this branch should be booked (only in case of Exact integration)

Relationship number

Cash differences are the differences that arise between the counted amount in a cash drawer and the amount that should be in the drawer.

General ledger cash differences

Safe differences are the differences that arise between the counted amount in the (sometimes fictitious) safe and the amount that should be in the safe.

General ledger safe differences

Cash transactions are the increases or decreases in outstanding cash. If a cash drawer starts with 100 euros in the morning and contains, for example, 500 euros at the end of the day (without being skimmed), a cash transaction of 400 euros occurs.

General ledger cash transaction

Safe transactions are the increases or decreases in outstanding safe money. If there is an amount of 1000 euros in the safe in the morning and due to skimming the safe contains an amount of 1800 euros at the end of the day, a safe transaction of 800 euros occurs.

General ledger safe transaction

If customers pay invoices in cash, it is a balance entry. These payments are offered by RetailVista on the specified general ledger account.

General ledger paid invoices in cash

If customers make down payments in cash, it is a balance entry. These payments are offered by RetailVista on the specified general ledger account. When items are later picked up, a corresponding negative entry is made on this general ledger.

General ledger down payments

The money that is deposited from the safe to the bank, or vice versa, the deposit of, for example, change in the safe, is recorded in the ledger below.

Ledger safe to bank

If money is taken out of the cash register during the day, for example, for payment of lunch, it is recorded as a payment from the cash register. This payment is recorded in the ledger below.

Ledger cash withdrawal

RetailVista can create a journal file per day, week, month, or on request. For example, if a journal is requested on March 25th while the month is not yet over, no journal is created. Only when a specified period is over, the journal is created. By choosing 'On request', a journal can be created at any time.

Journal per period

O Day

O Week

O Month

O On request

The turnover and VAT rules can be compressed to the end journal date of the period. The individual daily sales are effectively eliminated.

Compress turnover and VAT to end journal date

O Yes

O No (Default)

The sum of all journal lines in the journal file results in the cash mutation. Some financial applications calculate this journal mutation themselves, while others want to receive this cash mutation as an additional line in the journal file. In the first situation, the journal will not be balanced by itself, while in the latter situation, a journal is always balanced.

Add cash mutation line to journal

Yes (Default)


Non-cash payments (EFT payments) can be compressed per POS terminal. Different card types such as Maestro, Visa, etc. can then be combined into 1 EFT payment line per POS terminal.

Compress non-cash payments


No (Default)

Some financial applications determine the + or - sign for a general ledger mutation themselves, depending on the debit or credit setting of the general ledger. In that case, RetailVista must provide the mutations without a sign.

Include debit/credit sign in cash journal

Yes (Default)


Include debit/credit sign in invoice journal

Yes (Default)


Financial software sometimes looks at + or - amounts differently. It depends on the perspective, whether it's from the bank or the entrepreneur. Revenue from RetailVista is offered as positive by default, while payments are offered as negative. However, RetailVista can provide the opposite indication.

Reverse debit/credit sign in cash journal


No (Default)

Reverse debit/credit sign in invoice journal


No (Default)

RetailVista links cash and credit sales solely based on the combination of VAT rate and cash register group revenue/no revenue. If further breakdown is desired, it is possible. Further breakdowns work on revenue types. For example, all landscaping work can be separately provided to the financial administration. We do not prefer such breakdowns, as detailed reports can also be requested from RetailVista itself. Moreover, the integration becomes significantly more complex and expensive because linking by revenue type is labor-intensive.

Breakdown by revenue types desired


No (Default)

If 'Yes' is chosen, general ledgers must be indicated per revenue type.

Sold gift cards are registered by default per type of gift card on a separate ledger code. It is possible to create multiple variants of the same type of gift card, for example, the 'Fleurop' gift card in a 10 and 25 euro product variant. In RetailVista, there are then 2 products. Is it desired to register the sale of gift cards per individual product instead of per type of gift card?

Registration of sold gift cards per product


No (Default)

If 'Yes' is chosen, a ledger code must be indicated for each gift card product.

In addition to the above settings, it is important that the ledger numbers for cash register groups, VAT rates, payment methods, and any gift cards are aligned. For this, it is necessary to print the following reports from RetailVista. Specify the ledger code to be used for each line in each report.

Revenue and VAT ledgers per cash register group, VAT rate. If 'Yes' was chosen for the previous question 'Can set VAT ledger per cash register group', print the following report:

Ledgers per revenue type, VAT rate, and cash register group

Print report 165

If 'No' was chosen for the previous question 'Can set VAT ledger per cash register group', print the following report:

Cash register group maintenance

Print report 164

Maintenance VAT rates

Print report 163

Every non-cash payment method must be assigned to an account, except for payment methods of the type 'On account'.

Maintenance payment methods

Print report 162

The sales of gift cards are not considered as revenue but as a balance sheet item. Each type of gift card can be booked to a separate general ledger account. Specify the general ledger account to be used for each type of gift card.

Maintenance gift card types

Print report 166

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