Which article export fields are available in the Word document export?
  • 28 Jun 2024
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Which article export fields are available in the Word document export?

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Article summary

<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span><span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="false" style="display: none; line-height: 0;"></span>This document describes the product field names of fields that are available for export from product maintenance & product lists to a Word document. With the available Word field, a price tag can be easily composed.The following fields are currently available:

ProductNumber - Product number
Barcode - Main barcode of product
Plu - PLU number of product
Description - Product description
Note1 - Note 1 for product
Note2 - Note 2 for product
Note3 - Note 3 for product
Note4 - Note 4 for product
FormattedDescription - Composite product description
BrandDescription - Brand description
SubBrandDescription - Sub-brand description
ColorDescription - Color description
NetContent - Net contentGrossPcePrice - Gross unit price
AdvicePrice - Suggested retail price
GrossWeight - Gross weight
NetWeight - Net weight
SaleUnitDescription - Sales unit description
SizeDescription - Size description
OrderCode - Order codeDiscountPrice - Discount price
FreeText - Free text as specified in document export screen
GrossPcePriceDecimalPart - Decimal part of gross unit price
IntegerGrossPcePrice - Integer part of gross unit price before the decimal point
IntegerGrossPcePriceWithDecimalChar - Integer part of gross unit price including decimal point
DiscountPriceDecimalPart - Decimal part of discount price
IntegerDiscountPrice - Integer part of discount price
IntegerDiscountPriceWithDecimalChar - Integer part of discount price including decimal point

A separate video explains how to create a template in Word that is used as a basis by RetailVista for exporting an
article to a document

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