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Working with Sale Orders with Prepayment
This article describes the procedure how to work with prepayment in sale orders.
Please see also the guide: Making a Sale Order to be able to make a sale order. This guide only deals with prepayments.
It is not possible to make a purchase order out of a sale order when the prepayment has not been paid or the payment has not been processed through the till or the backoffice.
Prepayment settings
In saleorder classes you are able to set that prepayment request will be added automatically.
->RetailVista -> Administration -> Saleorder classes
Double click on the saleorder class you want to edit.
On tab “Saleorders” you can change the setting “Auto add prepayment request” to “Yes” by editing and clicking on the empty box.
When this is set and the sale order has status “EntryCompleted”, a prepayment request will be automatically added to your sale order.
The prepayment amount in the order will automatically populate the amount of the sale order. You can change the prepayment amount manually.
Prepayment request manually in the sale order
->RetailVista -> Sale orders
In the sale order on tab “Prepayments” you can add a ‘Prepayment request”, by clicking on the text “Add prepayment request”.
Here you can fill in the amount of the prepayment.
In sale orders you can search for the orders with prepayment requests, so it will be more easy to find these orders.
->RetailVista -> Sale orders -> Saleorder maintenance
Click on “Yes” after “Pending prepayment requests” and click on “Search”.
Now you see all the sale orders with a pending prepayment request. To be able to finish the prepayment on the till, we will print the barcode for the prepayment.
->RetailVista -> Sale orders
Print reservations report “137 – Reservations customer with open prepayments”.
Select the reservation and click on “Print selected reservations”.
The barcode for the prepayment is printed. This barcode can be scanned on the till.
Now you can finish the payment.
The prepayment can be found in the sale order on tab “Prepayments”.
Prepayment request manually on the till
Go to the till -> Administration -> Add prepayment
Use Prepayment type "requested".
Use the request number / barcode and finish the payment on the till.
Now you see the prepayment in the sale order.
Normally you use requested prepayments, but you can also use spontaneous prepayments through the till. Only, in that case you need to link the prepayment to the sale order afterwards. That is less convenient. If you don’t link the prepayment to the sale order, then you have individual payments of which you don’t know where they belong.
Use Prepayment type “Spontaneous”.
Finish the prepayment on the till.
Now you can add the prepayment to the sale order. On tab “Prepayments” you can click on the text “Assign existing prepayment”.
If you do not know the Prepayment number, you can look it up here.
Click on the “Search” button.
Here you will find the prepayment without a prepayment request.Select the Prepayment and click on the button “Assign existing prepayment”.
In the sale order, this prepayment has been added.
Add (non cash) prepayment
These prepayments are paid through another way than the till. For example through your bank or Paypal. In this case you need to add “prepayment type” in order to know the source of the payment. To be able to connect the payment to the prepayment from the right sale order, you need to select the “Prepayment Request”.
Final payment
The final payment can be done by just importing the reservation in to the till. See also the guide Reservations.
Now you can finish the payment of GBP 38.13.