Installation CCV PAX A35
  • 19 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Installation CCV PAX A35

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Article summary

It is important that you can access the CCV website (if you don't have an account, you can ask Jeline to add you).
If you are logged in to the "personal center" of CCV, click on the squares in the top right corner and click on the computer at CCVSTORE SME.

Go to terminal management and add a terminal using the plus sign.

In your terminal name, mention the customer's name.
Set Activate terminal to immediately.
Set Manufacturer to PAX.
Model A35.
Choose the correct model pin for Merchant.
In the SN number, mention the pin's SN number.
In TID, mention the TMS number.
Leave Terminal Group empty.
In the location, mention the place of residence.

Now connect your pin with the corresponding. Press the circle on your pin.
The password is pax9876@@.
Go to "Network and internet".
Go to "Ethernet".
Go to "Ethernet configuration".
Now change your IP addresses:
- IP address:
- Netmask:
- Gateway:
- Primary DNS:
- Second DNS: 8.8.4.

Choose "Save".
If the IP address is set, you can easily return to your main screen by tapping the circle.
Now go to the CCV store (via the website) on your pin and go to "app & firmware".
Click on "Push firmware" on the right and choose "+ firmware".
Now choose the latest available version and click OK.
In the next screen, click on "activate" and then on "OK".
This will take about 10 minutes.
Now you will first enter the "Kiosk mode".
If you are in kiosk mode, tap 5 times in the top bar of the display below the camera. The exit kiosk mode is activated and tap again on the exit kiosk mode icon.

Then go to the "CCVStore" app using the pin (see also Translate the following text from nl-NL to en-US and use product instead of article and keep the html content: page 36 of the installation manual).
Install the "Service App" and open this app.
Select "Terminal" and then "automatic search". If your pin is found, click on the pin and select "Add selected terminal" and then "Save".
Now go to the "Menu" and then to "Service menu" and enter the service password. This password is calculated by this tool password.EXE
Go to "Functions".
Go to "Terminal".
Go to "Hw installation".
Go to "Term installation".
Now enter your TMS number 2.
IP address and port number are always correct (so 1931.173.53.101 and port is 15000).
You will receive a download warning with the pax, which you can ignore and then continue. 

After installation, exit the service app and go to the "Paygear app".
Now start the cash register to perform a test transaction.
After your test, set the customer's IP address.
You will then need to exit "kiosk mode" again.

If you now go to "settings", the password is 000000. This remains the same because you have completed the installation.
Now you will see "exit" at the very bottom of the settings. Choose this and your password will be 000000 again.
Then go to the settings icon.The password is PAX9876@@

Go to "Network and internet"
Go to "Ethernet"
Go to "ethernet configuration"
Now enter the customer's IP information

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.